Chapter 68 [Tonghe] Swallow instead of tolerate? The placer gold plan was completely exposed.

Placer Gold obviously has its own plans.

But the existence of fictional sand gold makes sand gold very unhappy.

“damn it! What the hell are you?”

The fictional placer stopped when he heard this.

“Most people in this world spend their entire lives just to achieve one result…and I am that result.”

“【kakavasia】……I am your future.”

At this moment, the fictional Sand Gold has revealed its identity.

The Sand Gold has been affected by the power of Sunday and will be integrated into the embrace of the big family.

The appearance of the fictional Sand Gold figure is obviously prepared for this moment..

He will become the new Sand Gold after his death.

He will replace the past, present, and future of Sand Gold, and the time of the final system mentioned on Sunday is getting closer.

“First it was auditory hallucinations, now it’s hallucinations”

“Awesome, should I be promoted to the Commander of [Tonghe] next?”

Sha Jin joked to himself.

He came to Croak Film and Television Park alone, but found that there was no one here.

“Why are there no tourists here? What is the wing head doing?”

Sha Jin didn’t quite understand.

He walked towards the front, only to find a child standing there.

“There’s only one Pipixi… No, kid?”

After walking forward to take a closer look, Sha Jin discovered that this person was not from the Pipixi race.

“Remember that minors are not allowed to enter [Golden Moment]”

“Hey, why are you here alone?”

Sha Jin asked curiously.

He was a little curious about everything that happened now.

But just after asking the question, he felt his head hurt more and more.

And the child he was questioning also turned around at this time Come

“What’s wrong? Sir…you look uncomfortable?”

The boy looked back at Sand Jin.

The strangest thing is that this boy has the same hair as Sand Gold, and eyes with the same blue-purple tail tone.

Obviously, this is the unique mark of the Ewe Jin people.

The moment he saw this child , Sha Jin was immediately stunned.

“your eyes?”

“This is impossible, who are you?”

In memory, there should be no survivors among the Ewegin people.

But now, why does this child appear in Pinoconi?

【Funina: This child… is it true?】

【Nacida: It’s an Awegin, the same eyes】

【Kamisato Ayaka: How is it possible? Is this fake? How come there are little Ewegins in Pinocone?】

【March 7: Now I’m starting to wonder if what we saw is real.】

【Xing: Indeed, although this is a dream, it is indeed a bit bizarre.】

【Himeko: A child of the Ewegin people? Could this be another illusion seen by Sha Jin?】

【Heita: There is another possibility. This is the placer gold from childhood. Oh no, it is Kakawafu. ]

As if to confirm this speculation.

The boy with scars on his face responded with a smile

“They’re beautiful, right?”

“My sister said that it was a gift from [Fingo’s mother]. Colored eyes bring good luck”

“Sir, you also have beautiful eyes, so pretty!”

The child said ignorantly, with joy in his words.

Looking at the child in front of him, Sand Jin felt more and more strange.

“Are you…just alone?”

“Where are your parents?”

He vaguely felt something, but he just didn’t want to reveal the truth at this time.

Sometimes the truth cannot be looked at carefully.

After all, some dreams are like that untouchable bubble that will collapse at any time.

“They were all in this amusement park. Mom and dad went in first, and I was about to go find them.”

The boy smiled and waved to the placer gold.

“So I have to go. Goodbye sir, may you have fun too.”

After waving, the boy left quickly.

At this time, the placer gold was still a bit unbelievable.

“Those eyes… and [Fingo’s mother]】……No, this is impossible……”

Sha Jin is reluctant to believe the existence of this matter

“There will be no more Evigins in the universe.……”

But despite saying this, Sha Jin still followed the boy.

If he wants to understand all this, he must also understand what happened here

【March 7: Now it seems that placer gold is really hallucinating on his own, right?】

【Star: Ewejin… If this little boy is the gold dust from his childhood, then that is indeed the case.】

【Black Tower: So is this the power of [Tonghe]? I’m starting to be skeptical】

【Screwgum: Maybe it’s a dream here in Pinoconi, a fabricated existence.】

【Black Tower: We must remain skeptical, and there is also a drop of gold released on Sunday, so that gold and the family can be integrated.……】

【Funina: It feels like everyone’s will has been taken away……】

【Nasida: There is a very evil feeling. [Tonghe] means tolerance… Does this devouring really conform to the concept of [Tonghe]?】

【March 7: Hey! It’s like having a sweet dream, but I still feel that it’s really meaningless for the family to be like this. It’s obviously a deviation and harmony.】

【Xing: I still don’t know what I said before. Heita guessed it might be [Order]】……Could it be that this statement is coming true?】

【Black Tower: I don’t hope this statement can come true. After all, the other star god we know is only order.】

【Screwgum: [Order] has fallen, and there are different voices within the family. I think maybe this is the only way to go.】

【March 7: What if everything was kept in order?】

【Star: The opposite of order is disorder, and disorder means change.……】

【Black Tower: Is it set in stone? If you want to keep things unchanged, what do you think we should do?】

【Screw Gum: Let everyone develop according to the established trajectory. Everyone’s destiny has already been written, and there will not be any deviation.】

【Ruan Mei: If it is placed in Pinoconi, does it mean that it will stay in the dream forever?】

【Doctor Truth: Interesting inference, worthy of being a genius】

【Doctor of Truth: Forever immersed in a sweet dream, everything has already been arranged. Well, it does sound like something an idiot would do.】

【Hanabi:Hehehe! Does that mean that a fool can find the fun he wants here? Always having fun, hahaha!】

【Black Swan: So would you like a story like this?】

【Hanabi: That would be boring, honey. It seems like you don’t understand what Lezishen wants at all.】

【Hanabi: Everyone is in a sweet dream, and everyone has a happy ending, so what fun is there? ]

Sand Jin continued to chase the child.

Before he knew it, he had entered Crocker Film and Television Paradise.

But here he feels no end

“Bottomless, just like Pinoconi, right?”

The voice of fictional placer sounded from behind

“Why are you still here?”

Sha Jin looked back and saw the fictional Sha Jin standing behind him.

He was blue and white, like a soul.

“You have known for a long time that if the family is tolerant to every family member who comes to ask for help, why is there such a high barrier?”

The fictional placer continued.

“But people don’t think so. After all, the taste of Dream Syrup is really tempting.”

“You are alone in Pinoconi and can only bring down the wall by yourself. How is that possible?”

The fictional sand gold keeps attacking sand gold.

It seems to completely destroy sand gold’s will and make him completely surrender to his fate and become a puppet.

“So as soon as you step into the hotel, you take off your tall hat and start asking for help, like a hyena scavenging in the desert.”

“Because you know, opportunities are fleeting.”

The fictional sand gold was mercilessly sarcastic and belittling.

However, this did not have any impact on sand gold.

Those who are lucky enough to come back alive from countless times of death will not be severely hit by such words.

“Compared with what you said, Radio’s [Artini Peacock] sounds very beautiful.”

Sha Jin smiled.

He suddenly felt that the guy who appeared in front of him didn’t understand him at all.

“You know I rarely tell the truth, so I advise you to listen to it.”

Fictional Placer advises

“Just so you mentioned that professor”

“I especially like what you have in common with him, the conspiracy and calculation.……”

“Especially the ending, a gorgeous betrayal!”

“When everyone thinks so, who would doubt that it is another trap carefully set by you?”

The fictional sand gold said without mercy.

And it seemed that he was about to expose his plan.

This made sand gold have to wonder how many things this guy dug out of his head.

And, he clearly knew that he wanted to Why do you want to do whatever you want?

This trip to Croaker Film and Television Park is not just for him, but also a stage carefully prepared for him.

“Am I right?”

“You are such a person, cautious and belittle yourself, you have won so much, but you are still more afraid of losing than anyone else.”

The fictional sand gold continues to strike, intending to evoke the fragile side of the sand gold.

“People just see you spending a lot of money on the poker game, but they don’t know that there is another hand under the poker table, holding the chips tightly and trembling.……”

“Amazing! No wonder the pub would send you an invitation”

“You are born to be a good actor, not only good at deceiving others, but also good at deceiving yourself.”

The fictional Sand Jin teased, as if he had thoroughly seen through the Sand Gold.

However, compared to before, the Sand Gold is much calmer now.

“If you want to prevent yourself from being exposed in front of others, the best way is to deceive yourself first.”

He is no longer so surprised by this guy’s existence.

“Haha, of course I know you too well……”

“But it’s strange, why did you reject that invitation?”

“Obviously you have had the opportunity to embrace joy, isn’t that what you want? But you still chose the company’s card table……”

Fictional placer still feels weird.

Unknowingly, he had exposed the fact that he did not understand placer gold.

He could perfectly reproduce Sha Jin’s memory, get the joy of Sha Jin, and imitate Sha Jin’s character, but there was still one thing missing.

That is the decision of placer gold.

No matter how similar he is, without that judgment, he will lose everything.

“For [preservation]? Huh, I don’t think so”

“Do you have anything to do with [Chunhu]?”

The fictional sand gold was minding its own speculation, which also made sand gold more relaxed.

“I thought you knew. Don’t you understand me very well?”

Sand Jin laughed at

“Okay, either shut up now or disappear from my eyes.”

He is no longer interested in the guy in front of him.

“No problem, but who is going to disappear here?”

Imaginary Sand Gold is threatening.

The [lower head] imposed on him on Sunday has become more and more obvious, and there is not much time left for him to stay.

Watching the fictional Sand Gold disappear, Sand Gold smiled disdainfully

“It’s not me anyway”

【Funina: Look at it this way, all the conjectures I just made are correct. This fictitious placer really doesn’t know anything about placer gold.】

【Nasida: But, from what I hear, Sha Jin will die, and this fictional guy will take his place.】

【Black Tower: If this is the family’s method, then it is indeed remarkable】

【Heita: I can now begin to imagine how big a mark the company will have on the family if placer gold is replaced.】

【Screwgum: It is indeed a good means of coercion.】

【March 7: It’s hard to believe that such a thing could happen】

【Star: There are more and more things that are unbelievable. The entire Pinoconi, because of the existence of memory quality, has a very large space for operation.】

【March 7: Are you trying to say that maybe everything we have experienced is a dream? 】

After the fictional Sha Jin disappeared, Sha Jin continued to pursue the traces of the boy just now.

While walking, he had already seen some words floating in front of his eyes.

【After the crucifixion among the rocks……】

【Screams and wailing……】

【Prison, Palace and Spring Thunder……】

These words seemed to imply something, but Sha Jin couldn’t figure it out yet.

He chased the boy, unknowingly playing hide and seek.

The sound of fictitious placer gold also sounded again.

“Hide and seek…what a sweet childhood memory”

“On the day you say goodbye to your mother, how many Kartikas are chasing you like jackals?”

“I bet you’ll never forget their high-pitched laughter”

“In order to disappear from under the noses of those barbarians, you and your sister can only wallow in blood and destroy the only piece of clothing left by your father.……”

Fictional placer tells what happened in the past.

But there was arrogance, ridicule, and pretentious regret in his words.

It’s like… he was deliberately instructed to do this.

“It wasn’t destroyed, I kept it.”

Sand Jin responded seriously.

And the reaction of fictional Sand Gold was completely different.

“It’s just a rag, you can’t wear it anymore”

“Hum! Now you don’t have to hide, and you even feel disgusted that your delicate outfit is getting wet from the rain… After all, your identity has changed.”

The words of this fictitious sand gold are different from before.

If what he said just now was to destroy sand gold’s will, now it seems like he is deliberately irritating sand gold.

In fact, he has somewhat succeeded.

“I’ve never changed.”

Sha Jin’s voice was a little deep, and he could feel the firmness.

“No, you have changed, you have become the one chasing people now”

“One last hide and seek, enjoy it.”

The fictional sand gold reminds Sand Jin that his life is about to end all the time.

But sand gold doesn’t pay attention to the disappearing fictional sand gold. Instead, he is a little curious about the child.

Because, he can be sure that it is his childhood self.

But his childhood self appears here. , which is unusual

“That child…will be in here?”

Pu Jin chased and slowly approached the front.

As he continued to get closer, the words floating in the space became more and more obvious, seeming to be hinting at all the time.

【What was once alive is now dead……】

【We have lived and now we are dying……】

Placer gold continues to walk.

But soon, he discovered something strange.

The topaz falling on the ground surprised him

“This is…topaz? Why here?”

Sha Jin felt surprised, and soon got a headache again.

Because , the fictional Sha Jin came again.

“Why, her cornerstone makes you heartbroken like this?”

“I’m just curious why it’s here.”

Sha Jin is speechless for this guy.

“Maybe it’s the wing head that was put here intentionally to mock you.”

“So that you can understand that the magic show you put in so much effort is just a dying struggle.”

The existence of the fictional sand gold seems to be just to manipulate the mentality.

It is difficult not to make people doubt that he is actually controlled by others.

Ps: Invincible for seven days off! This must be a direct rebellion! Who can withstand seven days off?”

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