Chapter 79 Sunday & Mockingbird [If you and I are never lonely, how can we drift apart?……】

Sunday wants to create a truly beautiful world in Pinoconi.

This is a Utopia-like world, the vision envisioned by Sunday.

It is not difficult to tell just from Sunday’s words.

He wanted to create a world where the weak could survive.

In that world, there is order.

And he will also transform into the sun in that world.

The announcements were deafening and shocking enough.

The hope in one’s heart and the embrace of ideals are so evident at this moment.

His appearance on Sunday was shocking enough.

And at this time.

On the exposed screen, a new figure appeared again.

She has the same uniform as Sunday, but she prefers a dress.

The similar feather hair accessories and flowing long hair are full of lightness and gentleness.

She is none other than Mockingbird.

Sunday’s sister is also the person whom Sunday cherishes the most.

The appearance of this scene has already made people deeply moved.

【March 7: It’s coming, it’s coming! The robin is really here!!】

【Star: I didn’t expect that there were even robins this time?】

【Fonina: I’m starting to wonder what’s in store for the robin this time. Her brother wanted to create a paradise in Pinocchio】

【Nacida: Compared to her brother, she should be more inclined to”Tonghe”, right?】

【Black Tower: After returning to Pinoconi, she already faced the loss of her voice. It was the power of [Tonghe] that was affected.】

【Screwgum: In the end, it was discovered that it was because her brother had betrayed [Tonghe] and flowed into the arms of [Order] that she lost her voice.】

【Esta: She had guessed before that that person might be in a high position. She even guessed that he might be one of the four masters, but she never thought that he would be her brother.】

【March 7: This is really… I feel like the relationship between the two siblings should be quite good.】

【Sha Jin: The relationship between the two people is indeed good, but it’s a pity that time will erase many things.】

【Robin: What happened during this time………】

【Black Swan: I believe it will be a better memory. I have already begun to have a premonition that the ending this time will be a grand performance.】

【Hanabi:Hehehe! The mutual guarantee button hasn’t been triggered yet! Let’s blow up the whole Pinoconi at the Harmony Ceremony!】

【Fonina: I am looking forward to what role Robin will play in the future. ]

And as he said this, there was already a new voice on the screen.

It was among the ruins amid the war.

The robin no longer appears as an idol, but as a teacher.

She spread her hands, and under the light, the shadow turned into a little bird.

Even in the midst of war, she was still gentle and comforted the children.

“Let me tell you a little secret, the bird is a good friend of the robin”

“it knows everything”

“At the time of that disaster, the robin could hear nothing but a loud bang in his ears.”

“But she knew that her mother must be singing”

“She could see her mother’s lips moving, and he could feel the rise and fall of her mother’s chest.”

“【You will be safe and sound】”

“She can hear the silent wish”

“She wants to use singing to convey [wishes] and then weave more [wishes]】”

“The self that is being protected, the self that wants to protect others……”

“The self that is tolerated, the self that wants to tolerate others……”

“The self who wants to realize wishes, the self who wants to realize wishes for others……”

“She doesn’t want to give up on every one of herself and every wish.”

The sound and picture of the robin has been heard from inside.

【Robin – if it has a pair of wings, it will lead people to fly. 】

It was at this moment that more and more people learned about the story of the robin

【Nacida: Was that during the war? Have robins been involved in war before?】

【Funina: She seems to be helping those children as a teacher】

【Kamisato Ayaka: This is more like the robin of the past, she had a beautiful wish】

【Walter: According to past records, robins have indeed gone to some places to sing peace.】

【Himeko: In this way, it is not difficult to understand why the robin has such a firm belief in”Tonghe”】

【Ji Zi: [Tonghe] tolerates everything, and within this tolerance, there are thousands of faces. Everyone seems to be in one big family, which is a beautiful vision】

【March 7: But her brother seems to have some different ideas from hers】

【Heita: Yes, his brother also wants to create a perfect world, but in that perfect world, there is an [order]】

【Black Tower: Although [Order] is still swallowed up by [Tongharmony], it is also a part of [Tongharmony]】

【Xing: It’s really touching that the two of them finally reached this point.】

【Funina: In other words, after learning the truth, will there be an inevitable battle between the brothers and sisters?】

【Nasida: Looking at it now, it seems very possible. There seems to be some discrepancy between the two people’s conception of the paradise.】

【Keqing: This also corresponds to what was said at the beginning, that is, in the beginning, Sunday said that the Harmony Ceremony was prepared for robins.】

【Keqing: But at that time, the robin said this, if she can’t sing, what’s the point?】

【Xing: So was everything foreshadowed from the beginning?】

【March 7: It’s over, it’s over, my scalp feels a little numb.】

【Placer gold: Harmful! I really didn’t expect it to be such a drama?】

【Doctor Truth: My focus now is on another issue. Since I already knew that you were going to send a letter to the company on Sunday, why should you be allowed to do so?】

【Sha Jin: Indeed, this is very suspicious. If the company intervenes, his dream should not be so simple and successful.】

【Doctor of Truth: There are two possibilities in this situation】

【Sand Gold: One way is that he has a way to deal with it, and this is part of his plan. The other way is that the news cannot be spread at all.】

【Xing: But judging from what happened just now, the news has obviously spread, right?】

【Sand Gold: So obviously, Sunday is not afraid of being spread, on the contrary, this is still in his plan】

【Black Tower: Everything is intertwined. If he really wants to resurrect the [Order] Star God, maybe all of this is planned.】

【Sunday: Brother……】

【Xing: It’s really hard to deal with something like this.】

【Hanabi:Hehehe! There’s going to be a fight! It’s really exciting! So what happens next?】

【March 7: Speaking of which, isn’t it a little strange that we haven’t seen a star core in Pinoconi yet?】

【star:……Am I not?】

【March 7: Uh…it seems……】

【Xing: I understand what you mean, but I think it’s better not to say this kind of thing from your mouth.】

【March 7: Bah bah bah! I didn’t say anything just now!】

【March 7: But Robin and Sunday are indeed a bit… I don’t know what to say. 】

While saying this, there were already two figures on the screen.

The robin appears on the screen with Sunday.

The two brothers and sisters appeared together, as if they were trying to explain something at the same time.

Just like the previous exposures, it seems that the story about two people has begun to have new exposures at this moment.

Walter’s previous voice sounded again at this moment, but it was accompanied by a robin under thousands of spotlights.

Amidst the successive flashes of light, the robin continues to perform its duties

“mentioned in an interview with robin……


“Her most cherished performance was the concert she held with her brother when they were playing house when she was a child.”

This was the sound when Walter and Huang Quan discovered the light cone.

Immediately afterwards, the concert of Robin Bird when he was a child also appeared on the screen. The audience applauded on Sunday, with a look of joy on their faces.

“We want to set up a stage in it and invite everyone to come and see our show. said the little robin.

Little Sunday also responded.

“OK, then we have an appointment.”

The pictures of the brother and sister when they were young flashed one after another, and what sounded was Huang Quan’s voice.

“This light cone has been carefully kept. He should care about this memory.”

“I don’t know how their relationship is now……”

Huang Quan’s voice was filled with helplessness and sighs

“In the process of growing up, you will always gain a lot, but you will also lose a lot.”

Walter said helplessly, but his voice was extremely calm.

“Time will heal everything”

“The sweet dreams of youth will eventually wake up……”

Those words were spoken before, but at this moment they have a different kind of proportion.

【Funina: Ahhh! Don’t kill me at this time!】

【Nasida: So was all this predicted? Sunday and Mockingbird have gone completely opposite directions】

【Kamisato Ayaka: But the relationship between the two brothers and sisters is really good, and it can be seen even now】

【Kamisato Ayaka: After Mockingbird realized that he had lost his voice, he never doubted his brother. After learning about the death of the robin on Sunday, he became extremely angry and could no longer maintain his elegance.】

【Hutao: The relationship between the brother and sister is really good, and they seem to have gone through a ordeal when they were young.】

【Himeko: Maybe it was the hardships of childhood that gave the two of them different ideas. Although their relationship is still very good, they have differences in their future paths.】

【March 7: I feel an inexplicable sadness. Is this really okay?】

【Star: I want to believe that Sunday’s idea is good, but at the moment, it seems that his method is a little wrong】

【March 7: Method? Does it mean incarnation as the sun? I also think it’s a bit too bad to sacrifice yourself?】

【Himeko: Maybe for him, this is the best way】

【Himeko: In this universe, there are people who are practicing their own destiny, and they all have their own persistence and beliefs.】

【Walter: From the perspective of a destiny walker, Sunday is a devout and determined destiny walker】

【Huang Quan: I just hope that the leading ending can go to the waking world. 】

As for the brother and sister Robin and Sunday, the exposure of the two of them is not over yet.

In other words, now is the real beginning.

A slightly hoarse old man’s voice sounded, seeming to be making some kind of announcement.

“You are born twins of [Order], and one of you is destined to embark on this path!”

“Reach the ending you deserve!!”

This voice seemed to be announcing.

And Sunday’s voice also responded at this moment.

“As his brother, I know that singing for [Order] is not her original wish, and having me here is enough.”

Obviously, this time Sunday is preparing to do something on behalf of his sister.

“You have been extremely wise since you were a child, and you must understand the price you have to pay for what you are doing now.”

The old voice continued.

Faced with such a price, Sunday also had his own persistence.

“If you think this is a betrayal】……”

“There is no sun in the sky, if necessary, I will shoot down the sun!!”

Sunday is not prepared to make any concessions.

It can even be said that if someone really wants to threaten his sister, he will use the craziest means.

From these few words, we can already understand some things

【Black Tower: The Twins of Order, that is to say, was this all planned?】

【Fonina: Sunday really loves his sister. It seems like the price the robin has to pay, and Sunday does it for the robin.】

【Nacida: So the path of [order] is that Sunday replaces the robin?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Sunday is so gentle! I can really feel that Sunday really loves his sister, and he really doesn’t want Robin to be hurt.】

【Ying: As an older brother, has he really done what he can do?】

【Black Tower: But this just shows that there is a bigger secret hidden behind it】

【Screwgum: Maybe it’s the dream master who came to Pinoconi for the sake of [Order]】

【Xing: Brother!! You must not die! I am beginning to believe that Sunday has its own difficulties】

【March 7: There seems to be a lot involved here. 】

And on that screen, the voices of two people when they were children were heard again.

“Brother, you said… will the stars die? asked the little robin

“I guess… stars will die too.”

Little Sunday gave this answer, but soon, he had his own new answer.

“However, in our paradise, there will also be such a star”

“I believe that the time”she” shines will be eternity.”

Little Sunday made such a promise.

He decided to let the robin become the shining star in the ideal paradise.

The little robin has always had his own ideal.

“If I could become a tuner, I would like to summon [Unison Choir] Dominics!”

“I want to sing with everyone and pass on our wishes so that everyone can feel happiness and joy.”

Listening to my sister’s words, little Sunday also laughed.

“That’s it……”

“Then I would also choose [Qi Xiang Choir].”

Little Sunday echoed, and the little robin was extremely confused.

“Um? Brother, don’t you have your own wishes?”

Hearing this, Little Sunday gave his own answer

“Of course there is!”

“It’s just… that also includes your wish.”

Obviously, Sunday has a great idea.

It has been decided since he was a child.

The voice of his childhood has passed, and as soon as the scene turns, he has arrived when Sunday has grown up.

He seems to be sighing, and it seems that whispering softly

“There is no tragedy here, only happiness”

“Although it is only a prototype, isn’t this exactly what we want paradise to look like?”

“Sorry, Robin!”

“only you……”

“I don’t want you to know all this!!”

Sunday had his own plan.

In this plan, he didn’t want his sister to be hurt, and he didn’t want his sister to know.

“It’s a pity…it backfired……”

This voice is full of sadness

“We are destined to fight each other.……”

“Now that things have come to this, let’s let you and I use our own destiny to show a right path for the universe!”

“If your paradise can save more people, then cut off the way forward for me with your own hands! towel!”

Sunday said, already making final preparations.

This predetermined ending also sounded with the voice of the narrator.

【People say a lot happened in those 48 systems……】

【A sun is about to fall……】

【A paradise is about to collapse……】

【A world is about to change hands……】

【A body is about to decay……】

【A brother and sister…are going to sleep forever……】

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