“Ahem…it’s really embarrassing.”

“Lin Xia! you’re awake.”

Looking at Lin Xia who had woken up, Qin’s worries disappeared. She was a little excited, but very carefully helped Lin Xia lean on the pillow.

“Sorry for worrying you.”

Although she was beaten out of transformation, Lin Xia was still somewhat conscious and could indeed feel Qin’s worry.

“But I’m sorry I lost.……”

“What nonsense are you talking about? Your life is more important than anything else.”

Hug Lin Xia into her arms, Qin interrupted Lin Xia’s words with tears in her eyes. No one understood what Lin Xia had to bear better than Qin.

Being hugged by Qin, Lin Xia’s expression was a little stunned, and she carefully reached out her hand to comfort her. This girl is just…


“Aha, I’ve run out of magic power and am a little hungry.”

I scratched my cheek quite embarrassedly. To be honest, I didn’t eat much all day, and I didn’t have time to replenish my magic power.

“Phew~ You, come and try the donuts I made you want to eat, and see if they suit your appetite.”

Qin burst into tears and laughed. It seemed that only Lin Xia like this was so real and made people feel at ease.

Then Qin handed over a paper bag with several donuts in it.

Qin had heard of Lin Xia more than once in the past. I have described this donut before, and this time I tried to make it according to Lin Xia’s description.

“Are they really donuts?”

Lin Xia seemed very surprised. She took a donut and took a bite immediately.

“How about it?”

“It’s delicious!”

It tastes the same as in the memory!”

“That’s good.”

After getting the answer she wanted, Qin showed a reassuring smile.

【Ke Lai]: It’s kind of beautiful ~ the relationship between Captain Qin and Mr. Lin Xia!

【Paimon]: That donut looks delicious! No wonder Lin Xia has been thinking about her so much

【Mona]: It really looks like a couple!

【Wendy]: I suggest you get married where you are! I’ll be a witness!

【Leader Qin]: Cough cough cough! Ba…Mr. Wendy, please don’t make such a joke, it was just a past life.

But… watching the interaction between myself and Lin Xia in the video is really beautiful, just like the plot in the love novel I have read, and I feel a little yearning for it.

Bah bah bah!!!!

What are you thinking! But Lord Barbatos is also… not reliable at all.

【Dadalia]: Speaking of which, what’s the next plot like? I feel like Mondstadt doesn’t have the combat power to defeat the Phoenix over there?

【Tevalin]: Is this it? If Barbatos and I are both held back, it’s really hopeless. And at that time, I was still in a state of wear and tear, and I was still under the control of the Abyss Order, plus the phantom in the video, ugh~ I was quite popular when I think about it.

【Osel]: Are you sure you are not weak?

【Tevalin]: You!!

【Zhongli]: Wear and tear is indeed a terrible thing, but if even the wind god Barbatos is dragged down, that is indeed a terrible thing.

【General Thunder]: I can do it with one strike

【Kujo Sora]: General!! Heart and heart eyes.jpg, waving little flag.jpg

【Elhaysen]: Not only that, the mysterious man in white robes at the beginning of the video has not yet appeared. The phantom of combat power on the surface has indeed overwhelmed Mondstadt more than once.

【Tinari]: The Phantom is really a very scary race, and it is very hostile to humans, and its intelligence is not low. Such an opponent is very difficult to deal with.

Well, no matter how everyone guesses what will happen next, it is just a guess. If it is confirmed, you still have to continue watching the video to find out.

“It’s okay. Don’t look at me like that. You can go and rest. I’ll get out of bed and move around.”


Qin Yan refused.


Lin Xia sighed silently, looking at Qin’s serious face

“Qin still remembers our original agreement?”

“But…your current body.”

Qin thought of something and pursed her lips, but still didn’t want to let Lin Xia go out.

“Just replenish the magic power.”

I picked up the donuts in the bag and gestured with a smile.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to fight. It’ll be uncomfortable lying down like this all the time. I’m just going for a walk.”

After hearing what Lin Xia said, Qin agreed.

After repeatedly telling her not to run away to fight again, and Lin Xia also agreed, Qin planned to go back to her sleep, after the tense emotions of the day were relieved. She couldn’t stop feeling sleepy, but Qin still had a trick up her sleeve.

“Miss Barbara.”

Looking at the girl at the door, Lin Xia said hello with a smile.

“Mr. Lin Xia! You are irresponsible for your body. How can you get out of bed and move around now?”

Barbara puffed up her mouth and scolded Lin Xia angrily.

“Okay~ I am still very confident in my body.”

As she said this, Lin Xia waved her arm that was in plaster.

“Hiss…it hurts. It hurts.”

“Hey… Really, I told you not to force yourself. If you still show off at this time, you are just a child.”

Barbara shook her head helplessly, obviously speechless by Lin Xia’s childish behavior.

“Let’s go, sister… Captain Qin asked me to watch you and don’t do anything out of the ordinary.”

Just like this, Barbara helped Lin Xia and prepared to go back.

“I don’t quite understand why you call me Captain Qin when you are obviously sisters. Lin

Xia asked curiously. These two people gave Lin Xia a sense of unfamiliarity from the moment they first met. The way sisters get along with each other is like strangers, which is really puzzling.


Barbara lowered her head and chose to refuse to answer the question.

“Well, since you don’t want to talk about it, I won’t mention it.”

Looking at the girl’s appearance, Lin Xia changed the subject. Everyone has their own sufferings. It is impolite to ask too much.

“Yohoo~ The best bard in the world is about to perform. Are you ready?”

Perhaps due to the recent attack by the Wind Demon Dragon, as well as the reports of monster riots, terrifying humanoid monsters and other deeds outside the city from time to time, the square is still quite lively on weekdays.

Now… only two or three people are out and about.

“Hey, I won’t be able to make any money for drinks if this continues.”

Wendy looked at the deserted street and sighed helplessly.

“Eh? Does this guy look familiar? fluorescent! Is it that…that green guy in the forest?”

“Seems to be.”

The more Paimon and Ying looked at them, the more they looked alike. They couldn’t help but step forward and take a closer look.

Before they had time to ask, they saw two acquaintances out of the corner of their eyes.

It was Lin Xia and Miss Barbara!

“Lin Xia! Barbara.”

Little Paimon waved his little hands cutely and greeted the two of them.

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