Mikhail was ready to continue on his journey as an unknown guest.

But now, Mikhail was the only unknown guest left in Pinocchio.

Mikhail wanted to stop him.

"Because you are the only one left for us!!"

"Have you forgotten Tiernan?"

"The Galaxy is not the same as before! It's too dangerous!!"

"If I lose you again, what will Pinocchio do?"

Mikael has no idea what to do now.

After all, with all the internal and external troubles, only Mikhail can take charge of the situation.

【Xing: So that's how it is. Mikael used to follow Mikhail. This is his memory when he was young.】

【March 7: It seems that Mikhail's death is not far away】

【Jizi: I saw someone familiar! Time flies by in a blink of an eye.】

【Gallagher: It's really touching, time always flies by so fast】

【Gold Dust: So, Mikhail left after all.】

【Portio: After that, everything changed for Pinocchio.】

【Robin: This memory... always makes me feel a little sad.】


In the exposed picture,

Mikael did not want to lose Mikhail.

However, Mikhail was still so determined at this time.

"If we can't find a way out, what should Pinoconi do?"

He chose to stay in the Asdena system because he felt that the people here were not happy.

So he wanted to stay here to help his people.

Now, if he doesn't help the people here find a way out, then everything will be meaningless.

"How could I forget him?"

""Every sleepless night, I kept asking myself, why didn't I go with him?"

Mikhail seemed to regret it.

He was the one who took Lazarina and Tiernan off the train.

However, he didn't expect that this would be the outcome.

Then, Mikhail quickly realized the reality.

"The footsteps of the nameless guest cannot be stopped……"

"Rest easy, Mikay"

"I'm just going back to my old job. Don't worry, just wait for me to come back."

Mikhail comforted the young Mikael.

"But if, I mean if……"

"If I don't make it out alive, you will be the next watchmaker."

He said this.

Obviously, at this moment Mikhail was ready to not come back.

【Furninda: Is this true...has he already prepared for his funeral?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: It can actually be seen from the time he erected a monument for his companions.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: He probably doesn't want to stay here alone, right?】

【Black Swan: Yes... indeed.】

【Nashida: They all gave their lives for Pinocchio, it's really selfless.】

【Gallagher: Indeed, compared to the family members, they are the purest group of people.】

【Gallagher: Such anonymous guests are worthy of admiration】

【Portio: He's so cute! He's so handsome!】

【Portio: No matter what, there's something fishy about that group of people in the family!】

【Robin: I thought that family should be as selfless as watchmaker Mikhail.……】

【Mockingbird: But now it seems not to be】

【Gold Dust: Oh my! Not bad, not bad, you are worthy of being a nameless guest!】

【Gold Sha: It seems that everyone on the Starry Sky Train is able to have such qualities, and they are all of the same origin!】

【Topa: Well, if there's anything you can trust, it's the SkyTrain.】

【Topa: Compared to other forces, they are probably the most trustworthy.】


In the exposure picture.

At this time, there are new changes in the picture.

And the change of the picture at this moment indicates another thing.

Time is still moving forward.

It has been a long time since Mikhail embarked on the road of pioneering again.

After that, Tongxie has come here.

And the family under this name has also begun to build a beautiful dream.

But as time went by, the truth of this beautiful dream was also known to Mikhail.

So, at the moment when his life was limited.

Mikhail made a decision

"Old man, where are you going?"

The person accompanying Mikhail has been replaced by Gallagher at this time.

Obviously, time flies.

The people accompanying him have been replaced by one group after another.

"Oh, you're here?"

Mikhail realized it belatedly.

"Answer my question, what do you want to do?"

Gallagher was getting anxious at this time.

His tone was urgent.

However, Mikhail could hear a hint of fatigue in his voice.

"Take it easy, Gallagher."

"I just thought of a brilliant idea, would you like to hear it?"

Mikhail asked.

But unlike what he had imagined, Gallagher did not agree with him.

"Come on!"

"Which of your ideas isn't pushing yourself into the fire?"

"Old man, don’t blame me for speaking harshly!"

"You are the only hero left in Pinocchio now!!"

Gallagher said anxiously

"If you die, the secret of the star core……"

"There will never be a day when they will see the light of day again."

Gallagher is now obviously thinking about Mikhail.

【March 7: Senior Mikhail, even before his death, he was still thinking about Pinocchio!】

【Star: Gallagher said that every decision Mikhail made was pushing himself into the fire pit. What does this mean?】

【Gallagher: It's very simple. He doesn't care about his own life or death.】

【Gallagher: He was undeniably successful.��Yes, he had many chances to die.】

【Funina: It’s really touching.】

【Nashida: That's really admirable.】

【Portio: He's got a treasure! So, Mikhail's idea is the legacy this time, right?】

【Gold Dust: Yes, this should be the watchmaker's last dance】

【Gold Dust: All the forces gathered together, all gathered here】

【Gold Dust: Now it seems that Mikhail's plan was successful.】

【Black Swan: Many people came to Pinocchio this time】

【Huang Quan: So that's how it is... No wonder... Only they can communicate with each other.】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! The family must be in a state of panic right now.】

【Sambo: I don’t know if I am worried or not. However, one thing is certain, that is, the family obviously wants to take this opportunity to do something.】

【Xing: That's right! The family doesn't seem to be good people.】

【Liuying: I hope that in the end, everyone can reach the ending they want.】


In the exposure screen.

Listening to Gallagher's rebuttal,

Mikhail also sighed


"I'm afraid we have nowhere to go in Pinocchio."

The watchmaker, one of the spiritual symbols of Pinocchio, has now been kicked out of the family.

"Therefore, we can only look beyond Asder.

Mikhail said with emotion.

"We're going to have a big event"

"The reason is to use the watchmaker's legacy.

Mikhail obviously has planned everything.


"Send an invitation to the whole galaxy, and gather people here."

He said so.

At this moment, he decided to put on a grand show.

"Are you planning to break the jar with your family?"

Gallagher didn't understand, but he became more anxious.

"Don't you still have me? My friend."

Mikhail seemed very calm.

He had already thought of the difficulties.

But this was not a reason for him to back down.

"Haha, this is very difficult."

"But what has not been difficult along the way?"

Mikhail said this.

He was not afraid of difficulties, and he did not want Gallagher to be afraid.

"Oh, right!"

"No matter what method you use……"

"Remember... you must send the invitation letter to the Star Train!!"

His voice became incomparably firm at this moment.

【Gallagher: Yes! This is the old man's plan. I can't understand his trust in you.】

【Gallagher: It feels like I don't understand him either.】

【Jizi: I didn’t expect to see the senior’s plan. It really makes me feel a little emotional.】

【Gold Dust: Wonderful! Finally handed over to the descendants of the nameless guest】

【Gold Dust: The unknown guests who came to Pinocchio are all dead, so the next ones to come are the descendants. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Robin: I hope it will succeed】


In the exposure screen, the movie-like screen also changed again at this time.[]

"Misha, where are you going?"

At this moment, the voice of the clock boy sounded.

Hearing this voice, Mikhail also said deeply


"Clock Kid……"

"Take me to Liumeng Reef……"

He said this.

At this moment, Mikhail was ready to end his life.

His voice was older than before.

From that voice, one could also feel his fatigue.

Short-lived species are not long-lived species, and they do not have such a long life.

So, he was finally going to end it.

An old man was about to finish his life.

At this time, he was going to finish his life.

"Last night, I had a very long dream"

"Dreaming about the day we met"

"I want to record that dream."

Mikhail said slowly.

He met the Clock Boy in his childhood.

And childhood is the beginning of the story.

Mikhail, who is about to grow old, has only one dream he wants to record.

That is the dream bubble that he will keep in his arms until his death.

"record it……"

"What are you going to do?"

The Clock Boy didn't understand at this time.

He didn't quite understand

"To make sure I don't forget something"

【March 7: This... what was recorded is the dream, right?】

【Xing: This is what he left us.】

【Ji Zi: Whether we move towards development or refuse is entirely up to our own will.】

【Gold Dust: Yeah! It's like watching a person's life.】

【Gold Dust: But... it's really short.……】

【Walter: When people are about to die, they will be lost in memories. But what they recall are only fleeting moments.】

【Huang Quan: I agree with this. Memories are always there, but they disappear quickly. What connects everything together are those moments in life.】

【Firefly: Perhaps, a person only needs to live for a moment. 】

In the exposure screen.

Mikhail responded.

Obviously, compared to death.

He was more afraid that some things could not be conveyed.

For example, the secret of the star core, the legacy of the watchmaker, and the future of Pinocchio.

With such thoughts in mind, Mikhail asked the watch boy

"Clock Kid……"

""Do you remember how your name came about?" he asked.

When the clock boy heard this, he immediately became excited.

"of course I remember!!"

"You told me that when you were a kid you lived in the clock room"

"Those wall clocks and pocket watches grew up with you"

"They are all your best friends!!"

The Clock Boy responded to his friend's words.

Mikhail couldn't help laughing when he heard the story.

"Hahaha! Yeah"

"But I didn't tell you the story behind this……"

"There was also a wonderful misunderstanding.

Mikhail smiled, as if he wanted to explain something.

Then, Mikhail fell into deep memories.

"��When I was young"

"In my memory, there is a special pocket watch"

"It always accompanies grandpa."

"Follow him to the sea"

"In every adventure story, he pointed the way for him."

Recalling his grandfather's story, Mikhail also recalled his childhood


"I also want to have such a pocket watch!"

Mikhail sighed

"Then, you appeared in my dream.

This is the story of the Clock Boy. It is also the story of Mikhail's childhood.


"Every night, we will board the Compass and sail together!"

The Clock Boy was also jumping for joy at this time.

Obviously, he was also very happy about this.

After all, he had been with Mikhail for a long time.

And Mikhail smiled even happier.


"But do you know?"

"It wasn't until the day my grandfather gave it to me that I suddenly realized it!"

"That's not actually a pocket watch.……"

"It's a compass."

Mikhail recalled the previous misunderstanding.

"So, your name should be Compass Boy……"

"And the watchmaker... is the nameless guest.……"

He was so emotional

【Furninna: This is a beautiful misunderstanding. There is a big difference between a clock and a compass.】

【Nashida: One is for timing, the other is for indicating direction.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: It feels so profound!】

【March 7: Yeah……】

【March 7: A watchmaker is an unknown person... What does this sentence mean? Is it just talking about yourself?】

【Xing: It seems a little different, right?】

【Liuying: Maybe, he meant that the Nameless Guest is the spiritual symbol of Pinocchio?】

【Black Swan: Hmm... this interpretation is quite interesting.】

【Qingque: The compass needle indicates the direction, and the only way to open up a new path is to move forward.】

【Qingque: Therefore, the future of Pinocchio is also moving forward.】

【Fu Xuan: Pinocchio's dream looks like the hands of a clock.】

【Fu Xuan: Although in the dream, it seems that we are moving forward, in fact, we are spinning in place】

【Robin: So! We should jump out of our sweet dreams. The pointer of our pocket watch always points to the future.】

【Star: Is it like the pioneering journey never ends?】

【Jizi: Yeah! Maybe this is the true meaning of compass boy】


In the exposure picture.

Mikhail has also arrived at Liumeng Reef at this time.

He should return to Liumeng Reef.

But now, he is still using Misha's appearance.

"We have arrived at Liumeng Reef"

"Then, where to go?"

The Clock Boy asked excitedly.

He was eager to continue traveling with Mikhail.

However, Mikhail knew where his limit was.

"Clock Kid"

"I should... not go anywhere else."

Mikhail walked forward.

He stepped up the stairs one by one.���He walked all the way up.

He walked slowly, but he had only one goal.

The empty recliner.

At this moment, it was there.

Mikhail walked, he wanted to take a nap under the moonlight.

Looking into the distance.

Mikhail seemed to be sighing at this time.

"I've come far enough"

"It's time to take a break.……"

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