
The ground beneath everyone's feet suddenly bulged, almost like an explosion, and mud and dirt flew everywhere.

The Gu Masters screamed and fell everywhere.

In the smoke and dust, a giant spider appeared in front of everyone.

The breath of the fifth-level Gu worm made people palpitate.

On the spider that seemed to be made of steel, a young man in a black robe and black hair stood with his head held high.

"Finally reached the ground!" Fang Yuan clenched his fist, his eyes sparkling!

"Hmm?" Then he saw Bai Ningbing slashing at him in midair.

The huge ice blade whistled as it slashed at him.

""Fang Yuan, you are finally here!" Bai Ningbing's face, which had been calm and indifferent, was completely moved after a slight pause, revealing excitement and fighting spirit.

Fang Yuan snorted coldly. Before the ice blade reached his body, the icy wind from the blade made him feel cold and his long black hair flew behind his head.

He raised his hand suddenly, and the serrated golden centipede!


The ice blade and the serrated golden centipede collided fiercely. In the stalemate, the serrations of the golden centipede rotated wildly, and a large amount of ice chips flew. Cracks soon appeared on the surface of the ice blade, and quickly spread all over the body of the ice blade.

""Open!" Fang Yuan shouted. He possessed the strength of two pigs, and his power completely overwhelmed Bai Ningbing.

Bai Ningbing could only let go and fly back. The ice blade broke and ice chips scattered everywhere.

The Thousand Miles Wolf Spider started to go crazy again, and suddenly spread out its six legs to kill Bai Ningbing.

Three pairs of pitch-black spiral steel feet shot like crossbow arrows, stabbing straight at Bai Ningbing's thin body.

Sensing the crisis, a line of snow light suddenly flew out from Bai Ningbing's empty cavity.

The snow light surged, revealing the White Phase Immortal Snake Gu, suspended in the air.

Bai Ningbing laughed loudly, jumped up, rode on the back of the White Phase Immortal Snake, and looked down at Fang Yuan:"Interesting! Interesting! Fang Yuan, you really didn't disappoint me!!"

"Brother, brother……,"Fang Zheng got up from the ground, with a bloody wound on his face from the flying ice blade. His face was covered in blood, and he looked at Fang Yuan with a very complicated expression.

"The other party actually also has a fifth-level Gu?" The head of the Bai family looked gloomy and became nervous.

"Fang Yuan, you really showed up! A fifth-level Gu... Isn't that a thousand-mile wolf spider?" Gu Yuebo's full attention was also drawn to it.


【Arata Ichito: Lord Fang Yuan showed up! He rushed to save his brother. I would say that Lord Fang Yuan still cares about his brother!】

【Jiuqi Ren: Nonsense! How could Fang Yuan have any compassion for his brother? He is the old demon Fang, he must have some ulterior motive by leaving his brother behind.】

【Otto: @久奇忍, just watch. Fang Yuan is pretty good to his brother. At least he never hurt his brother at critical moments. It's just that his brother's behavior disappointed him. He has been working hard since his rebirth and has never rested. Five and a half yuan made him lose consciousness for a long time.】

【Master Jiefeng: This is the fact.】

【Keli: Fang Yuan: My stupid Ou Doudou, my brother is here!】

【Qin:@Keli, speak normally!】


On the battlefield, two young men of similar age were facing each other from a distance.

One was wearing a white robe, silver hair and blue eyes, riding on a white fairy snake, holding an ice blade. Like an ice fairy descending to the mortal world.

The other was wearing a black robe, black hair and black eyes, standing on the back of a thousand-mile wolf spider, holding a serrated golden centipede in his hand, buzzing. Like a demon appearing in the world.

The confrontation between the two attracted countless eyes.

Bai Ningbing had a fanatical look on his face, raised the ice blade, and shouted:"This will be the most exciting battle in my life. Come on, Fang Yuan, let's fight to the death!"

""Hmph!" Fang Yuan stared at Bai Ningbing and observed the surroundings with his peripheral vision.

This was the battlefield of the three tribes' competition!

He didn't expect that the Thousand Miles Wolf Spider would bring him here...

He didn't want to fight with Bai Ningbing and waste time here. No matter which side, Tiexue Leng or Gu Yue Generation, won, they would come to trouble him. But if he didn't repel Bai Ningbing, how could he escape?

He could only fight!


The White Immortal Snake and the Thousand Miles Wolf Spider collided with each other, the white snake entangled, the black spider stabbed, and entangled with each other.

On the backs of the two Gu, two figures moved and flashed, the ice blades drew light and shadows in the air, and the sawtooth golden centipede roared, sometimes contracting, sometimes stretching.

The rocks collapsed, and thunderous explosions continued.

The ice cone hit Fang Yuan in the middle, and was blocked by the white light virtual armor of Tianpeng Gu. The blood blade shot at Bai Ningbing, causing a big wound, but in an instant it was stained with a layer of frost to fill the wound. The frost turned into flesh and blood, and Bai Ningbing recovered as before

"It is indeed the Bei Ming Bing Po Body!"The head of the Xiong family saw this scene and his eyes widened.

The Ten Absolute Bodies are legendary talents. He never thought that he would be able to witness it with his own eyes in this life.

"Hehe, Fang Yuan actually tried to compete with Bai Ningbing, he will definitely lose!" The head of the Bai family laughed grimly.

"This may not be the case..." Tie Ruonan curled his lips

"Ten Absolute Body, must be Ten Absolute Body. In such a fierce battle, if it was a C-level aptitude, the true essence would have been insufficient! Fang Yuan, you really are the Gu Yue Yin Huang Body!" Gu Yuebo secretly clenched his fists, his expression was extremely excited

"Is this my brother's true fighting power? It turns out that my brother really has the Ten Absolute Body, and he has been hiding it all along!" Fang Zheng opened his mouth slightly, with a look of dismay.

The facts were before him, so what was his previous pride?

Every time Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing collided fiercely, his heartstrings trembled fiercely.

He felt that he was getting smaller and smaller, and his brother Fang Yuan's tall figure overshadowed him.

"What kind of battle is this! It is hard to imagine that there are only two rank 3 Gu Masters fighting each other."

"Am I seeing things? Fang Yuan is so fierce? He can fight Bai Ningbing alone and not lose!"

Some of the young Gu Masters who survived were stunned.

The situation on the battlefield suddenly changed.

The White Immortal Snake and the Thousand Miles Wolf Spider fought each other to a draw. It was not refined by Bai Ningbing, but was attracted by the breath of Bei Ming Bing Po. The

White Immortal Snake opened its mouth and spit out a ball of white mist, covering the battlefield. Then it shook its body, shook Bai Ningbing off, turned around and flew away.

"This great immortal……"Seeing this scene, the head of the Bai family was shocked. Looking at the white snake that escaped from the battlefield, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

This fog is a maze fog that can block vision and follow like a shadow. Fang Yuan was covered by the white fog, and his eyes were all white and blank.

But he was not panicked. Although his vision was blocked, he still had the other four senses of taste, hearing, smell, and touch.

The ground is like listening to meat ears.

Fang Yuan's ears were fluttering, and he soon heard the sound and judged the situation within a radius of 300 steps.

Electric Eye Gu!

Bai Ningbing's eyes flashed with lightning, but the Electric Eye Gu was only the third level. Although it could see through the hidden and reveal the shape, it was completely suppressed in the fog of this fifth-level immortal snake.

""Damn it!" He cursed fiercely.

Ice cone Gu!

Dozens of ice cones were sprayed indiscriminately in all directions.

Fang Yuan's ears moved and he heard the sound of ice cones breaking through the air. He quickly turned over to the side of the Thousand Mile Wolf Spider.

Bang bang bang.

The ice cones hit the Thousand Mile Wolf Spider, and the latter was angry and rushed towards the direction where the ice cones came from.

"I won't play with you anymore." Fang Yuan turned over and resolutely abandoned the Thousand Miles Wolf Spider. He relied on the Ground Listening Meat Ear Grass to escape from the battlefield.

The Thousand Miles Wolf Spider had been contaminated by the Blood Madness Gu and would soon turn into a pool of blood. It was better to abandon it.

Bai Ningbing was now a time bomb. Killing him would cause him to explode, so he must not be touched.

The Gu Masters who had been watching the battle saw a small piece suddenly separated from a cloud of fog and flew towards the gap in the battlefield in the southeast.

In this cloud of fog was Fang Yuan. The maze fog followed him like a shadow. Unless it was dispelled, it would cover Fang Yuan's vision until the maze fog dissipated on its own.

Fang Yuan's eyes were still white, but he had the Ground Listening Meat Ear Grass, so he simply listened to the sound to determine the position.

The autumn wind blew the leaves, the mountain water gurgled, the birds chirped, and the beasts breathed, all of which were sounds. Only the rocks were silent, so the bumps and collisions

"Ice Blade Storm!" Bai Ningbing's roar suddenly came from behind. The wind suddenly rose, the cold air spread, the air temperature dropped sharply, and the white ice storm formed in an instant, twice as big as before.

The wolf spider was forced to leave for a while.

"The one in the mist should be Fang Yuan! Stop him quickly!!"Aside, Tie Ruonan shouted

""Fang Yuan, don't leave. Gu Yue Village is your home!" Gu Yuebo got anxious and stood up to chase him, but was stopped by the other two clan leaders.

"Gu Yuebo got anxious and tried to chase after him, but was stopped by the other two clan leaders.

"What? Chief Gu Yue, are you going to break the agreement and go to the battlefield yourself?" Chief Xiong folded his arms and sneered.

"Humph, let's say our Gu Yue clan admits defeat in this battle. If anyone dares to stop me again, I will kill them!" Gu Yuebo watched Fang Yuan walk further and further away, extremely anxious.

"Are you trying to intimidate me? I'm not afraid of you, Gu Yuebo." The head of the Bai family had a gloomy face and threw a look at the Gu Master beside him.

The Gu Master understood and immediately began to deploy the people around him to try to hunt down Fang Yuan.


【Arata Ichito: The snake ran away while we were fighting. How disloyal! The wolf spider is better!】

【Master Jie Feng: Did I guess wrong? Shouldn't the whole clan help Fang Yuan next?】

【Ganyu: Master, although what you said makes sense, I am afraid...……】

【Shen He:+1】

【Keli: Fang Yuan: Lao Deng! Now you know that Guyue Village is my home? What were you doing before?]

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