After this episode, the members of the Fontaine team also opened the treasure chests they had obtained.

This time, Navia obtained a set of battle skirts, called the Rock Armor Battle Skirt.

It can provide defense according to the wearer's rock elemental power, which is considered to be a very good protective gear! What made

Navia even more happy was that the clothing style of the Rock Armor Battle Skirt was very similar to what she was wearing, which was in line with her aesthetics!

So after obtaining the props, Navia decisively wore it outside the original dress!

With the protection of the protective gear, Navia's combat power will undoubtedly be further improved, and she will be safer in battle!

At the same time,

Charlotte also opened the precious treasure chest she had obtained.

She obtained an item——

【Enhanced Sensu Bottle】

【Category: Special props】

【Effect: After use, the user's speed will be greatly increased within five minutes. (Cooling time 30 minutes)】

【Introduction: The Immortal Speed Bottle can only speed up the crafting of furniture for a single time, but the enhanced version of the Immortal Speed Bottle can not only be used permanently, but can also speed up everything you do! 】

After reading the introduction of the props, Charlotte was very satisfied with the reward this time.

The massive increase in speed within five minutes can be of great help to Charlotte, whether it is to save her life or to attack. the other side.

Sigwen also opened the precious treasure chest.

What she got this time was finally not some weird props, but a weapon.——

【Secret Codex of West Wind (Exquisite Level 10)】

【Category: Weapons】

【Effect: Strengthens elemental power, and when an elemental attack hits, a large number of elemental particles are produced to restore the consumed elemental power to the holder.】

【Introduction: The Secret Book of the West Wind, which has been strengthened by the National Fate Dungeon, contains stronger elemental power and can also produce more elemental particles.

This weapon is undoubtedly very helpful to Sigwen.

The elemental power provided can not only be used for attack, but also help Sigwen strengthen her healing ability.

The effect of restoring a large amount of elemental power can make Sigwen a perpetual motion machine, and can use healing ability frequently and at high speed!

Seeing that everyone has opened such excellent rewards, Funina couldn't hold back her expectations and immediately opened her precious treasure chest.

What surprised Funina was that she also opened the Holy Relic Box this time.

Through the box, Funina harvested a total of three Holy Relics!

【Flowers on the journey (four stars)】

【Category: Flower of Life】

【Effect: Provides a 5% increase in water elemental power. Collecting the five-piece set increases the water elemental power by an additional 25%.】

【Introduction: The story must end and the flowers will eventually wither. But the flowers depicted in dreams will always be full and full of fragrance, right?】

【Bad Wizard's Feather Staff (Four Stars)】

【Category: Feather of Death】

【Effect: Provides a 5% increase in water elemental power. Collecting the five-piece set increases the water elemental power by an additional 25%.】

【Introduction: Originally a decorative bird feather on a top hat. The dark green color must be quite eye-catching.】

【Narcissus all the time】

【Category: Sands of Time】

【Effect: Provides a 5% increase in water elemental power. Collecting the five-piece set increases the water elemental power by an additional 25%.】

【Introduction: The pocket watch that has long stopped working seems to have witnessed many years in its futile rotation. 】

The three holy relics are all from the same series, allowing Funina to directly obtain a 15% increase in water elemental power.

Not only that, if Funina can obtain two more holy relics from the same series, she can also obtain an additional 25% increase!

This is undoubtedly a huge improvement for Funina, who is extremely in need of water elemental power, so after quietly fusing the holy relics, Funina has begun to look forward to obtaining the next two holy relics!

Of course.

While Funina was happy, she did not forget to maintain her status as a water god, and pretended to say:

"Oh, although these holy relics are a bit useless for improving the water god Fukalos, they are still somewhat useful."

"In this case, the water god Fukalos must have reluctantly accepted it."

"Just as decorations, these holy relics are still exquisite, and this water god is interested in wearing them occasionally!"

Xiao Wen ignored Fu Ningna's water god's pretentious quotes.

At this moment, he also opened his Ultimate Treasure Box with anticipation.

As the reward for MVP, the Ultimate Treasure Box often has better rewards than the Precious Treasure Box, which makes Xiao Wen a little curious about what kind of reward he will get this time!

After a flash of golden light, five holy relics appeared in front of him!

【Echoes of Breaking Ice and Snow (Five Stars)】

【Category: Crown of Reason】

【Effect: Increase the power of ice attribute moves by 10%. Collecting the five-piece set increases the power of ice attribute moves by an additional 25%.】

【Introduction: The crown of an ancient hero who dreamed of conquering ice and snow is a testament to the courage that drove its former owner to face the bitter winter.】

【Gladiator's Nostalgia (Five Stars)】

【Category: Flower of Life】

【Effect: Increases strength by 10%, and collecting all five pieces will increase strength by an additional 25%.】

【Introduction: No one knows why the legendary fighter always wears this little flower on his chest. It is the only weakness of the cruel warrior.】

【The Fate of the Gladiator (Five Stars)】

【Category: Feather of Death】

【Effect: Increases strength by 10%, and collecting all five pieces will increase strength by an additional 25%.】

【Introduction: The feather of dreams as free as a falcon. At the end of his legendary career, the unfettered bird covered his heart with this feather.】

【Gladiator's Drunk (five stars)】

【Category: Empty Cup】

【Effect: Increases strength by 10%, and collecting all five pieces will increase strength by an additional 25%.】

【Description: The ancient gladiator drank from the golden cup of victory wine, until the moment he fell, the cup was filled with his own years.】

【When the Witch Destroys (Five Stars)】

【Category: Sands of Time】

【Effect: Increases the power of fire elemental moves by 10%. Gathering all five pieces will increase the power of fire elemental moves by an additional 25%.】

【Introduction: This is a timepiece worn by a witch who once dreamed of burning out all the monsters in the world. What flows in it are the years that the witch dedicated to the flames. 】

The acquisition of the first four holy relics allowed Xiao Wen to supplement the previously missing parts of the holy relics.

In this way, Xiao Wen's ice sets and gladiator sets are all collected!

His ice and snow power and personal strength will be greatly improved!

At the same time, Xiao Wen also obtained a new holy relic component [When the Witch is Destroyed] this time.

As a fire-attribute holy relic set, it can greatly enhance the power of Xiao Wen's fire-attribute moves.

At this stage, Xiao Wen's strongest attack method relies on the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment.

If the power of the Skyfire Holy Judgment can be increased by a percentage, it will undoubtedly increase Xiao Wen's combat power the most significantly!

This made Xiao Wen decide to look for opportunities to complete the set of the Flame Witch in the future, so as to strengthen the Key of Destruction, the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment...

After everyone in the Fengdan team counted the rewards obtained this time, they officially set off for the big city. Japanese Yuyu!

And at the same time.

Other national sports teams also encountered attacks from the apostles of the abyss!

East of Hazama Street.

The Mondstadt team was suddenly attacked by the demonized Abyss Chanter Purple Lightning on a plain!

The good news is that unlike the Fontaine team, there is only one Apostle of the Abyss who attacked the Mondstadt team!

The bad news is that the attack of a demonized abyss chanter, Purple Lightning, has put the Mond team into a bitter battle.

I saw that the demonic chanter of the abyss, Zidian, could rain down thousands of thunders with the wave of his hand.

Once the magic circle is completed, the demonized Abyss Chanter Zidian can shoot thousands of thunder balls.

It’s very difficult for the three men from Mondstadt’s team to just dodge!

What's even more difficult to deal with is that the Demonic Abyss Chanter Zidian's defense is also quite amazing!

Yura managed to get close to the demonized abyss chanter Zidian and slashed his neck with her sword.

However, it was blocked by an elemental barrier transformed from thunder and lightning, and the Demonic Abyss Chanter Purple Lightning was completely unscathed.

This made Ura feel bad, and she knew that a more powerful attack was needed to break through the defense of the Demonic Abyss Chanter Purple Lightning.

Before finding a way, Yula could only dodge while defending with Fischer and Keli from the attack of the Demonic Abyss Chanter Purple Lightning.

The west bank of the Imperial Palace of the Great Sun.

On a broken bridge.

The Inazuma team who wanted to cross the bridge encountered an ambush from the Apostles of the Abyss!

And they encountered two Apostles of the Abyss!

One of them is the Apostle of the Abyss, Shuangluo!

The other one is the Apostle of the Abyss, Riptide!

Facing two demonized apostles of the abyss who possess the power of demon gods, it is undoubtedly very difficult for Kamisato Ayaka and Kuki Shinobi to deal with them.

Fortunately, there is Yae Shenzi in the team.

After being empowered by the [Qingqiu Heavenly Fox Technique], the Eighth Level Divine Son's combat power is much stronger than before!

Just against a demonized apostle of the abyss, Yae Shenzi can even win effortlessly.

But the reason why the demonized apostles of the abyss are difficult to deal with is that their abyss elemental powers can be combined to create various elemental reactions!

The attacks reflected by these elements often burst out with stronger power, which even Yae Shenzi found a little tricky.

In particular, the three members of Inazuma's team were still located on the broken bridge. The geographical location was unfavorable, and Yae Kamiko was also in a difficult battle for a while.

On the south bank of the Sun Palace.

A scorching fireball fell from the sky, creating a huge hole in the ground.

In the center of the hole stood a charred corpse.

It was left behind by An Luoxian from the Nata team.

He had no time to dodge, and was directly turned into ashes by the attack of the Demonized Abyss Chanter·Abyss Fire!

The remaining three people in the alliance of Nata and Zhidong were furious, and launched a counterattack against the Demonized Abyss Chanter·Abyss Fire!

Tartaglia directly activated the Demon God Armor and launched a crazy slash at the Demonized Abyss Chanter·Abyss Fire!

The strongest remaining member of the Nata team, Byrne, also smashed out a fire fist, hitting the Demonized Abyss Chanter·Abyss Fire in the face!

Alechino held the sword blade and slashed across the neck of the Demonized Abyss Chanter·Abyss Fire at an extremely fast speed!

The three of them worked together and barely killed a Demonized Abyss Chanter.

·· ···Asking for flowers··· ·······

But this did not keep the three happy for long.

The leader, Arecino, suddenly turned around and narrowly avoided being pierced by the ice crystal behind him!

Dadalia also quickly stepped down and dodged the falling thunder!

That's right!

The alliance of the two teams directly collided with the three demonized apostles of the abyss!

Even if one of them is finally killed, there are still two beings who are comparable to demon gods!

During the battle with the demonized Abyss Singer Abyss Fire, the three of them had already consumed a lot of energy.

This made the leader Arecino realize that he would have to go through another hard battle next.……

The northern part of the Snake Heart Land.

The Scatterer kept running around in the air, looking extremely panicked.


A pillar of fire rose from the ground, and the Scatterer's head was almost burned off.

Fortunately, he braked in time and pulled back, narrowly avoiding the attack!

But the Scatterer couldn't relax for too long, and then a thunder ball shot from behind him!

This time the Scatterer didn't have time to dodge, and was hit instantly by the thunder ball!


Amidst the lightning and thunder, the Scatterer's hair was blown up by electricity, and his face was extremely burnt black.

Fortunately, his defense was pretty good, and he didn't lose consciousness because of a single blow.

In anger, the Scatterer also fought back, shooting wind blades at the two Abyss Apostles who attacked him!

But what made him feel frustrated was that the two Abyss Apostles actually relied on the elemental barrier to easily block his attack!

This made the Scatterer, who was at a loss, look at Senor and Elhaisen not far away, and roared angrily:

"You two guys! Why���Why don't you help me?! Didn't we agree to form a temporary alliance?! Why don't you help me?!"


"Haha, Mr. Amao, your arrogant attitude is not what you should do when asking for help."

Elhaisen said slowly.

When he saw that Sanbing was almost hit by a thunder ball again, he and Senor laughed out loud.

Fortunately, Sanbing was busy dodging the attacks of the two Abyss Apostles and did not see the smile.

Otherwise, Sanbing would definitely be even more angry, and he might even get a brain congestion.

"manner?! At this time, you are still talking to me about your attitude?! Could it be that you want to break the agreement?!"

After Elhaysen said this, the skirmisher changed a bit.

At least he didn't dare to say bad words anymore. Although his tone was gritty, at least he started to communicate.

Elhaysen also continued:

"Of course not, we are just looking for ways to defeat these Apostles of the Abyss"

"We are also wondering why Mr. A Mao's hatred is so high, and the two Abyss Apostles seem to be more inclined to attack you."

"But it’s also a good thing for our tactics. At least when they are chasing you, we can find their weaknesses and kill them with one blow!"

"So before this goal is achieved, I would like to trouble you, Mr. Hat, to work hard!"

After hearing Elhaysen's plan, the skirmishers couldn't hold back in the end and roared loudly:


But the soldier's words soon stopped.

Because he had to continue to avoid the next wave of attacks from the demonized abyss apostles.……

On the east bank of the Great Sun Carriage, the Liyue team was ambushed by the Demonic Abyss Apostles at the edge of a cliff.

And they encountered four Demonic Abyss Apostles.

The four Demonic Abyss Apostles happened to be four-element, and their combined attack power was terrifying!

Fortunately, Xiao and Ganyu's strength has improved a lot.

Hu Tao, Keqing and Yaoyao can also assist, so that they can compete with the Demonic Abyss Apostles.

However, in a short period of time, even the strongest Xiao has no confidence in killing all the Demonic Abyss Apostles, and it is destined to be a hard battle!

In the National Games live broadcast room.

Audiences from various countries naturally saw the fighting conditions everywhere.

When he saw that the demonized apostles of the abyss who were easily killed by Xiao Wen actually caused the other six countries to fall into a bitter battle, he couldn't help but have complicated expressions.

"Before, I thought that what the Immortals of Liyue said was false and exaggerated the strength of these apostles of the abyss. I thought that these apostles of the abyss had not reached the level of demon gods at all. Now it seems that I have misunderstood."

"That's right, it's not that the Abyss Apostles are too weak, but Mr. Xiao Wen is too strong, so he can easily destroy so many Abyss Apostles"

"In such a comparison, even the powerful Immortal Mandrill would not have an easy time fighting against the Apostles of the Abyss."

"There are also two executives from the Fools, who are already locked in a bitter battle with the three apostles of the abyss."

"If there is no super strong person in the team,���Are you afraid that it will be very difficult to defeat an apostle of the abyss?"

"This made me feel even more how powerful Mr. Xiao Wen was, being able to defeat so many demonized apostles of the abyss so easily."

"Hehe, I am already thankful that we in Fontaine have the existence of God Xiao, so that we can defeat the Apostle of the Abyss so easily!"

"Stop talking! This is what Xiao Shen is like! Greatness needs no further explanation!"

"The status of God Xiao in my heart has even surpassed that of gods!"

"me too! Now I only believe in the inscription of [Salvation]!" on.

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