Opening the system panel, without much hesitation, Yang Chen quickly activated the resonance of the water element.

With a sense of physical fulfillment, Yang Chen truly felt another power filling up his body again, the water element!

In most people's impressions, the water element seems to be a healing element, but this is actually a preconceived notion.

Barbara was able to perform healing through the healing spells she learned, and the water element was just a medium for performing the healing.

Yang Chen, who had experienced modern society, certainly knew how powerful the water element was.

For example, the cutting of high-pressure water flow could even cut through metal plates.

This kind of power was Yang Chen's goal for developing the water element in the future.

In fact, in his mind, there were already many ideas for using elements, thanks to his previous life as an anime fan who had seen all kinds of dazzling moves.

Although the medium was different, there must be something in common between the moves.

In this way, both platinum points were used up.

Although it seemed weak, Yang Chen actually had another plan in mind.

At a low level, activate more element resonances instead of raising a certain resonance to a higher level.

This is also his consideration for the next period of time.

Compared with the damage caused by direct use of elements, the elemental reaction caused by the mixture of multiple elements is the main means for Yang Chen to cause damage.

If you can have these elements at the same time and use them flexibly, it must be that although it is only resonance one, it can also have a strong power.

Thinking of this, Yang Chen suddenly wanted to find a few hill people to try it out.

After all, this kind of monster appeared from the underground world hundreds of years ago, once swept across the continent, and formed clans among each other, which was almost impossible to kill.

However, it was already very dark at this time. Yang Chen thought about it and gave up. After all, his strength was not very clear, and it might not be wise to face the monster rashly.

In a blink of an eye, Yang Chen looked at the 124 singular points he had.

These singular points can upgrade one of his skills to the maximum level.

Swordsmanship: LV4 (13/100)

Archery: LV4 (15/100)

Without too much consideration, Yang Chen quickly selected an object, swordsmanship, and then upgraded it to LV5 level with singular points.

A strange feeling sublimated in Yang Chen's mind.

He took out the sword and moved around. The blade seemed to become a part of his body. With this exquisite swordsmanship, Yang Chen could be said to be in the swordsmanship!

After performing a set of moves, Yang Chen put the sword into the scabbard with great satisfaction.

Then, he looked at the system panel again. He had 37 singular points left. At this time, Yang Chen wanted to add them all to the swordsmanship, but he found that the swordsmanship skill level had reached the upper limit.

"Is level 5 the upper limit, or is it the upper limit under the current system level?"

Yang Chen was very confused. After all, he had a certain understanding of the limit of swordsmanship. In the history of Mondstadt, there was a Lion of Light who was famous for his swordsmanship. He was able to rival the Eye of God with his swordsmanship.

Yang Chen himself could not judge his own strength, but he always felt that he had reached the limit. It was unreal.

"Or is it because of the physical fitness?"

Yang Chen suddenly thought of this. After all, the Lion of Light originally used a double sword style with a greatsword and a long sword. With the weight of the greatsword, it is not surprising that it can have overwhelming strength in certain situations.

And Yang Chen's body is not even an adult at this time. No matter how superb his swordsmanship is, it is understandable that his physical fitness cannot keep up.

After figuring this out, Yang Chen was relieved.

Well, he would never deliberately train himself to use a greatsword.

Not to mention how inefficient it would be to exercise from now on, and Yang Chen himself did not want to become a muscular man.

Moreover, he already has elemental power. Obviously, developing elemental power is a more promising future. Thinking of this, Yang Chen had an idea in his mind.

After figuring it out, he no longer struggled and threw all the remaining singular points into archery.

At this time, his skill panel was like this.

Skills: Sword LV5, Archery LV4 (52/100)

After using up all the singular points and platinum points, today's affairs are finally over.


"I'm leaving!"

A new day starts with training.

After breakfast, Yang Chen said hello to Cripps, then he put on his hunting bow and rode away from the Dawn Winery.

Diluc and Kaeya, as members of the Knights, were very busy and had left long ago.

Yang Chen's life was more leisurely. In addition to training, he wandered around Mondstadt.

Of course, it was during the day, after all, Mondstadt at night was still too dangerous.

Because the swordsmanship had been upgraded to the full level of LV5, Yang Chen didn't need to train swordsmanship today, but the training of archery could not be left behind.

In the past, in order to train archery, he usually went with the hunters in Qingquan Town.

Sometimes, you can see a group of beast-eared girls.

Speaking of which, Mondstadt, the free city, really implements freedom to the end.

In Mondstadt, you can see elves, orcs, and ordinary humans. They live together in harmony, and they are inseparable because of a common belief.

And Mondstadt is also very tolerant of humans of other bloodlines.

For example, Kaeya, an exotic bloodline with black skin and blue hair, can also be in the Knights of Favonius. Become a high-ranking official.

There are actually quite a few Liyue people with black hair and black eyes like Yang Chen in Mondstadt, but Yang Chen rarely talks to them, after all, they don't know each other.

Sometimes, he is worried that he will meet Liyue people who know him, but it turns out that he thinks too much. The population of Liyue is also very large, but there are only a few who dare to travel thousands of miles to Mondstadt.

Of course, no matter what, Yang Chen will eventually have an intersection with Liyue. As for the future, who can tell?

Thinking about these things all the way, Yang Chen is about to reach Qingquan Town.

Qingquan Town is in front of him, but Yang Chen thought about it and turned his horse's head and went in another direction.

Today, in addition to archery, he also has to practice elemental reactions, but he can't bring it to everyone.

Thinking of this, Yang Chen no longer hesitated and went in another direction.

Cangfeng Highlands, this is where hunters hunt.

And deep in it, even the most experienced hunters rarely set foot.

Because it is the territory of the wolf pack, that is the Wolf Territory!

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