Get Stronger By Being Beaten

Chapter 143: I, Zhao Ji, will actively respond to the call

Send Lin Fan away.

Han Tong wiped the sweat off his forehead.

He exhaled heavily.

After the catastrophe, the rest of his life really gave him a feeling of the rest of his life.

When he saw Lin Fan for the first time, he was already frightened. He thought of the knife in his hand. Fortunately, he was very resourceful and put the knife directly into the hands of his disciples.

Young people know a bit of wool, and a group of people who have never experienced social beatings will understand later.


Han Tong thought of something very important.

He hurriedly found a pen and paper.

Write a letter, he wants to write a letter to his good brother.

[Brother Xian, the envoy Lin Xunguo suddenly visited the Kuaisaomen today and surprised my brother, thinking it was the disaster of the annihilation of the family, but I didn't expect it was not, listen to my brother...]


Without noticing, he wrote hundreds of words, mainly when he communicated face-to-face with Lin Fan, and said it without hesitation. I hope that my worthy brother Ma Sanbiao can understand that he is not a big brother.

"Someone..." Han Tong shouted towards the door.

A disciple rushed in.

Han Channel: "Send this letter to the sect master to the Golden Dart Sect, be sure to hurry."

"Yes, Sect Master."

That's all he can do.

Whether it is Kuaisaomen or Jindamen close to Yancheng, the purpose is to be able to recruit apprentices from the group of people, pay tuition fees, live here, study for a few years, and let them out when they have learned, and continue to recruit new ones. disciple.

There used to be the Qingshan faction.

The Qingshan faction is covered by King Ning, but they can't compare.

However, there are so many people in Yancheng that the Qingshan faction can't recruit them. There must be many people who will be accepted by them. This is how people eat meat and drink soup. Although the rich ones are recruited by the Qingshan faction They went, but the rest of the little rich were taken in by them.


A few days later.

Golden Dart Gate.

Lin Fan didn't go directly to the door to meet Ma Sanbiao, the owner of the Golden Dart Gate, as he did at Kuaidaomen, but sneaked outside.

Prepare to check the situation in the dark.

No matter what sect, there will always be some villains.

For example, there are disciples who rely on their cultivation and specialize in robbing money on the road. This kind of thing is easy and simple, and it is very rewarding. Many people are willing to do these things.


His ears moved.

A loud voice came from not far away.

Very suspicious.

Follow the sound.

In the huge open space, at this moment, it was actually full of people, wearing the standard clothes of the Golden Dart Gate, which were golden clothes with a dart embroidered on their chests.

The disciples were holding thick books, shaking their heads, and they were all fascinated and enjoying themselves.

[Those who intimidate and take money from people, plan robbery...]

Lin Fan: ...

If you heard correctly, these guys seem to be reading the law.

He was a little confused.

The head whirring.

What the **** happened to these guys?

Among the many disciples, a middle-aged man was wandering in the crowd with his hands on his back.

A few days ago.

Han Tong sent him a letter. At first, he thought it was because Han Tong couldn't find any disciples. He hoped that he would recommend some of them. This kind of routine is what they often do.

When a disciple came to learn from a teacher, he would tell him that your talent is good, but your talent for using a knife is even better. I recommend you to go to Kuaidaomen...

Both sides helped each other in this way, and only then did Kuaidaomen and Jinduanmen maintain.

When he saw the content of the letter, he was really frightened.

If they were to say who they were most afraid of, it must be the envoy Lin Xun.

The other party has been competing with the rivers and lakes.

Kuaidaomen and Jindaomen are close to Yancheng. If he wants to move the rivers and lakes, he must first kill the two small sects they rely on. Regardless of their large number of sects, they seem to be fierce. In fact, the disciples are all a group. Only the existence of three-legged cat kung fu.

Even they are only real pulse.

If I really want to confront Lin Fan head on, I don't know how to die.

Fortunately, it was said in the letter that the envoy Lin Xunguo didn't do anything to them, but just came to give them some advice, let them be honest and don't do illegal things, seeing this...

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Who is doing illegal things? He only wanted to make money for tuition when he started Golden Dart Gate.

Thinking of the possibility that the Ambassador Lin Xun will come.

He hurriedly prepared the law books, one for each disciple. Don't do anything for me every day, just stay here and recite them. No matter what, there must be a process.

It's just that two days have passed.

The disciples also memorized it for two days.

I was stunned that I didn't see Lin Fanlai. Originally, some disciples were not familiar with the law at all.


Ma Sandar noticed a figure standing on the eaves not far away.

He dared not look.

But he still took a peek at the corner of the corner of his body, good guy, there is absolutely nothing wrong, this cliff is the envoy Lin Xun.

The other party didn't show up.

He certainly can't say that I have found you.

Cough cough.

Ma Sanbiao cleared his throat and said loudly: "I have to think about what I read this morning, and I must keep it in my heart. Although we are a sect, we are all people of Hongwu, and we all have to abide by the law. We must do more good deeds and don’t bully others, if anyone who has done bad things is discovered by the sect master, don’t blame the sect master for cleaning up the door.”

Is this sound loud enough?

Is this a good confession?

I, Ma Sanshu, have no other intentions, I just want the envoy Lin Xun to hear that our Golden Dart Gate is the safest.

When he wanted to secretly look at Lin Fan again.

Surprisingly, he found that there was no figure on the eaves.

Take a deep breath.

so close.

very scary.

The feeling of being noticed is really scary.

Han Tong is really my good brother, let him know in time, otherwise if any disciple who doesn't have long eyes provokes the other party, the consequences will be absolutely terrifying. Whether the Golden Dart Gate can exist or not is a question.

Thinking of this.

He felt that it was necessary to ask Brother Han to do a service in the city, that kind of comfortable service.



"It's weird, it's really weird." Lin Fan came back and sat there, looking at the map, lost in thought, whether it was the Golden Dart Gate or the Quick Knife Gate, they were honestly frightening, completely different from what he thought.

Yang Kun looked at him, "How is the Golden Dart Gate?"

Lin Fan said, "The Golden Dart Gate is even more extreme than the Kuai Dao Gate. As soon as I got there, I heard them reading the law and books. If all sects could have the consciousness of these two sects, the rivers and lakes would have been very stable long ago. "

"Haha." Yang Kun smiled, "I knew you were going, so they scared them not to do it."

Lin Fan said: "Maybe, maybe not, no, these two schools must be used as typical propaganda, so that other schools can learn from them more."

Golden Dart Gate: Please let me go! ! !

Kuaishoumen: Please let it go! ! !

Yang Kun has many question marks, let other schools learn?

Forget it, let him do it from the small sect first. Some things are so simple. For the real big sect, they will definitely ignore it. After all, the sect has existed for a long time and has its own specific trajectory. , where you can change what you want to change.

"Take your time, don't be too anxious, some things can't be rushed." Yang Kun said.

Lin Fan said: "I know, hey, apart from Kuai Dao and Jin Dart, the closest sect to Yan City is Shenquan Sect. It's time to go here and take a look."

"Divine Fist Sect?" Yang Kun pondered, and then thought of something, "The Divine Fist Sect you are talking about, Zhao Ji, the top ten in the innate list, belongs to this sect. I heard that Zhao Ji was defeated by Bai Gongzi some time ago. Ranked eighth."

Lin Fan smiled and said, "It seems that this sect is a bit powerful."

Yang Kun said: "It can't be said that it is powerful, the head is only a master, but the appearance of this supernatural power boxing Zhao Ji has given the supernatural power boxing gate a bit of fame. After all, the disciples in the sect are ranked in the top ten of the innate list, which is very powerful."

Lin Fan thought about it and instantly understood that this is the legend that the sect became rich on the basis of its disciples.

A genius disciple came out.

In one fell swoop, Shenquan became famous in the arena.

"Since that's the case, then it's time to go to Shenquan Gate, have a chat with them, and pass on our inspectorate's idea of ​​maintaining justice in the arena." Lin Fan was full of motivation.

He was full of motivation, and it was Yang Kun who was afraid.

Since Lin Fan killed King Ning, it seemed that he had completely released his courage, and Mingming started to attack Jianghu directly. To be honest, this kind of thing is very dangerous.

The Procuratorate has made little progress for decades.

You have tamed the two sects in just a few days, which is already a very good progress, enough to brag about in the inspectorate.

But he knew.

It's no use telling him.

If you really pay attention to him, you will really be in hell.

"When are you going to go to Shenquan Sect?" Yang Kun felt that it was necessary to ask. Although Shenquan Sect was not one of those scary sects, its overall strength was good and it had a unique sect inheritance.

With a complete sect inheritance, it is not comparable to other small sects.

"Nothing has happened recently. Yancheng has gradually been on the right track. It can be done anytime."

Lin Fan looked at the map. There were so many sects, it was frightening. The key was that there were too many sects, not too small. In terms of personal energy, it was really not enough.

he thought...

Why don't I go to the Heavenly Demon Sacred Sect, the leader of the devil's way, and persuade these devils to put down their slaughtering knives and promote positive energy?

Thinking of the domineering strength of the sect leader Qiu Jiuzhong.

Think for a moment.

never mind.

It's better to take it easy. For the time being, there's no need to take the initiative to attack.

Yang Kun looked at Lin Fan's small eyes.

I was shocked.

There is a bad premonition.

I always feel that this kid is trying to do something big.

Lin Fan didn't say anything.

He didn't ask, just in case he thought too much and said it, he instead reminded the other party, it was really a sad thing.

"Brother Yang, do you have something to tell me?" Lin Fan asked.

Yang Kun shook his head, "No."

It was impossible for him to say.

"There are still a lot of things to do, I won't tell you, go, go."

Yang Kun waved his hand and left in a hurry.

Lin Fan looked at the back of Brother Yang leaving, looked down at the map, touched his chin in thought, and nodded solemnly after a while.

"It starts with Shenquan Gate."

If you think about good things, you will not make any changes.


Boom! Boom!

The two figures sneakily hid in the house and looked towards the sky. It was very dark, but occasionally thunder rolled in the clouds, making the sky much brighter.

"Brother Zhao, why isn't it raining?" Gu Wu asked in a low voice.

He wanted to use Thunder Cultivation Tian Ji's hand.

I had already thought about it, I'm not afraid, I'm really not afraid.

But when he saw the thunder blasting deep in the sky, he was still frightened.

"What's the hurry, thunder first, rain later, Duke Lei likes to fart first and then pee, just wait, it will rain soon, you have to try to hit the thunder, the cultivation day is urgent, do you think I am suitable? "Zhao Duoduo asked curiously.

Gu Wudao: "Brother Zhao, you are definitely not suitable, and you have never practiced my family's Tianji hand."

Zhao Duoduo was hesitant to say anything. He had a lot to say, but he still said it after thinking about it.

"The other day, when you showed me Tianjiu's hands, I took it down. When I was fine, I practiced a few times, and I felt a bit of a way out."

Gu Wu stared: ? ? ?

Zhao Duoduo smiled: ? ? ?

Good guy.

Gu Wu finally understood why Brother Lin gave him the secret book for safekeeping. He said that after memorizing it, he would either hide it or destroy it. He could memorize it after just showing Brother Zhao a few glances, and he secretly practiced a few hands behind his back.

But it's fine.

During this time, Big Brother Zhao accompanied him, and he didn't mind Big Brother Zhao's cultivation.

This also shows that my family's Tianjiu is very good, and everyone who sees it wants to learn it.

Just when the two of them stared at each other.

The raindrops crashed down and landed on the ground, making bursts of water splashes. The thunder in the sky was even denser than before, rumbling loudly.

Gu Wu looked at the sky, took a deep breath, and gathered up his courage.

"Brother Zhao, I'll go first."

After speaking, he ran outside.

The little figure was running in the rain, with agile movements, jumped up, jumped directly to the eaves, stood up straight, raised his fingers, raised his head, pointed to the sky.

Come on, I, Gu Wu, are ready to hack me.

At a young age, his domineering has already been leaked, which is really terrifying.

"He's so brave."

Zhao Duoduo looked at the figure with a worried look on his face. Although he was struck by lightning for cultivation, it was really dangerous. If his thin body was actually struck, would he really survive?

He remembered Tianji's hand-written records.

Thunder enters the body, and it is necessary to use the palm of the hand, but at the end of the content, it is written that thunder is the most masculine and fierce force in the world.

He heard some old man say it.

Being struck by lightning, holding hands, seems to have a higher chance of surviving.

Thinking of this.

Zhao Duoduo ran out in the rain, jumped to the eaves, and stood beside Gu Wu.

"Brother Zhao, what are you doing?"

"Protecting you, holding hands, is more successful."

"Thank you, Big Brother Zhao."

Gu Wu was moved, he was not a fool, he knew that being struck by lightning would kill people, but he didn't want to live like this, he just wanted to learn the secret art of the family, be successful in cultivation, and take revenge.

Now that Big Brother Zhao is with him regardless of his own safety, he is really moved and he doesn't know what to say.

"Silly boy, if you call me eldest brother, how can I ignore you."

Zhao Duoduo pondered that the two of them were struck by lightning together holding hands. In any case, the success should be higher. He also wanted to cultivate into an improved Tianjishou. arrogant enough.

He also has a dream of becoming a master.


Who doesn't want to put one arm around a gentle water beauty and kill a powerful enemy in the palm of the hand, and many images pop up in their minds.

Countless people shouted.

"Zhao Daxia, the magic is unparalleled..."

Even when Duan Rou saw him, she ran all the way over, slid her knees on the ground, hugged his legs, raised her head tenderly and thoughtfully, her face full of admiration.

"Brother Zhao..."


Zhao Duoduo was addicted to the dream and let out a cheap laugh.

"Big Brother Zhao, what's wrong with you?" Gu Wu was afraid that Big Brother Zhao might get sick. It was fine just now, but suddenly it's abnormal.

Zhao Duoduo returned to his senses and wiped his mouth, wondering if it was rain or saliva.

"It's okay, think of something."

He definitely couldn't say... Brother Zhao, I was just dreaming.

The next day, early in the morning.

"It's uncomfortable, it's really uncomfortable."

Inside the house, Zhao Duoduo and Gu Wu were lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, their foreheads were hot, their cheeks were red, their whole body was weak, their heads were confused, and they could faint at any time.

"Duoduo, what the **** are you two doing?"

Lin Fan learned about the situation and came to have a look.

Found both of them lying on the bed.

This made him a little confused.

It's so good, it's still a martial arts practitioner, and he has a fever and such a situation. If you say it, you can laugh to death.

Gu Wu didn't say it, kid, even if you have cultivation, it's not high. It's normal to have a cold and a fever.

But it is possible to cultivate a lot, how could it become like this.

It just rained heavily last night.

Unless the idiot stayed outside and was soaked in the rain all night, and the cold air entered his body, it would be possible to cause such a situation.

Zhao Duoduo looked at Lin Fan, wanted to say something but didn't say anything, he could only sigh.


I didn't expect this to be the case.

Being struck by lightning depends on luck.

Last night, the rain was heavy, and the thunder was fierce. It was truly earth-shattering. Who would have thought that after staying all night, not even a single hair was touched.

He didn't want to say it, he felt ashamed to say it.

Gu Wudao: "Brother Lin, I want to cultivate my hands in a hurry. Last night, the rain was heavy and the thunder was heavy, so I wanted to be struck by lightning. Brother Zhao didn't worry about me, and waited with me in the rain, and it finally became like this. ."

Hear this.

Lin Fan was speechless.

I just want to give them a thumbs up, so awesome, I really want to be struck by lightning.

He really wanted to tell Gu Wu that it was luck that your grandfather survived. Do you know how terrifying the power contained in Thunderbolt? If you are unlucky, you can directly split the two of you into big idiots.

But he didn't say it.

Well child...

The idea of ​​revenge was simmering in my heart, thinking about becoming stronger and then taking revenge, the sense of urgency is understandable.

"I'll dispel the cold for you."

Lin Fan obtained the characteristic [Respiration Qi], and he had long stored the majestic spiritual energy of heaven and earth in his body. This should be similar to the innate energy of a master, but his ability is stronger than true energy.

Two warm currents enveloped the two of them.


Zhao Duoduo let out a comfortable moan.

"Okay, it's really good, eldest brother, your methods are so powerful. If you become a doctor, then there will be nothing for other doctors."

Zhao Duoduo got up from the bed quickly, full of energy, and could not see any problems at all.

Gu Wu also recovered.

"You want to use Thunder Cultivation Tianjiu, right?"

Lin Fan has seen the improved Tianjiu, which is indeed a unique skill, which is similar to his characteristic [Thunder].

"Yeah." Gu Wu nodded, even if he wasn't struck by lightning last night, if he found an opportunity in the future, he might have to try.

"Come on, run your mind, and I'll help you in your practice.

Lin Fan stretched out his hands, and the thunder light wrapped around his five fingers, making a crackling sound.


Zhao Duoduo's eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost, and looked at his elder brother with a bewildered expression. He didn't expect his elder brother to have such a hand.

Gu Wu was also very surprised.

But soon, he was very excited.

In this way, I don't have to be struck by lightning, and I don't have to wait in the rain, and then get hot like today.

"Brother Lin, I'm ready."

He runs the Heavenly Manipulative Technique.

Although it is impossible to cultivate the content of the follow-up Tianjishou, but the memorization of the mind is thoroughly familiar, and it has long been familiar to the heart.

Lin Fan controlled the power of Thunder so that Gu Wu's young age would not be able to support this power.

When the thunder in the palm of his hand slowly enveloped Gu Wu.

He found that the other party was absorbing his lightning power.


This discovery surprised him.

He was able to sense the direction of Thunder, as if he was constantly merging into the acupuncture points in Gu Wu's body, storing the Thunder's power in it.

"It's a very magical ability. I underestimated this unique skill before."

He has not practiced any secret skills, but he can see that the power of this secret skills is not simple. Heaven is a mysterious terrorist force, but even such a mysterious force will not hesitate to improve the sky. Destroy the other party, in order to get this door.

Thinking about the status of the Gu family in the arena, in the absence of improvement, the status is not high. Since Gu Yunjian was struck by lightning, it has soared into the sky.

"Big brother, you see Xiao Wu's face is a little painful, is there something wrong?" Zhao Duoduo observed and hurriedly asked aloud when he found this situation.

Lin Fan said: "It's okay, Lei Ting's power is already very violent, and the experience is very painful. Now is the most critical moment. How he starts depends on now."

Zhao Duoduo understood the meaning.

"Xiao Wu, persevere, perseverance is victory, grit your teeth."

This is the longer the better.

Gu Wu gritted his teeth, turned his mind, didn't say a word, and kept insisting. As the thunder poured into his body, he could feel the power of the thunder, which was continuously integrated into the acupoints.

After a long time.

When Gu Wu's body was covered with thunder, Lin Fan put down his hand.

"Okay, now I'm in a hurry to cultivate, I should be able to succeed." Lin Fan said.

He was thinking about something.

The difficulty of cultivating Tian Jishou cannot be said to be high, but it can only be said that it is extremely difficult to get started, mainly because the power of thunder must be poured into the body.

It's just that in the current situation, how could it be possible to have thunder into the body.

Even if there was, it would have been struck by lightning.

But this thunder is not a good thing. If you are casually slashed hard, if you are unlucky, you may not even know how to die.

He has the characteristic [Thunder]. If he allows the inspector who is recognized by him to practice this unique skill, his strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and he will definitely become his good helper.

Of course, this is only his temporary idea.

When you have time, think about it again.

"Brother Lin, I feel that my body is full of strength now." Gu Wu clenched his fists tightly, his face full of joy, but he needs to practice to stabilize the strength in his body.

Lin Fan smiled, the thunder entered his body, it must be full of power.

This is something you don't even have to think about.

"Brother, what do you think of me? Help me get it too." Zhao Duoduo licked his face, wanting to make Cultivation Tian anxious.


"Well, Xiao Wu showed me the secret book, and I think I can do it too."

Zhao Duoduo was still thinking about his dream last night.

Although I wasn't struck by lightning last night.

But if Big Brother can have this means, then the situation will be very stable.

Lin Fan looked at Duoduo.

Good guy.

This stealing is very good, but I also want to see how Duoduo's cultivation is doing. After all, Duoduo's cultivation is just like that, if he can make great progress.

This shows that this unique skill is indeed worthy of being practiced by inspectors.

Ordinary peculiar studies have higher requirements for cultivation, and without extremely high understanding and talent, it is very difficult to cultivate to a very high level.

But Tian Jishou perfectly avoided this situation.

The requirements for comprehension and talent are not high.

"Okay, okay."

Lin Fan smiled, and then started to inject energy into Duo Duo. It was full, and Duo Duo shouted. It was full, full, and I couldn't continue to do it. I felt like my body was about to explode.


God Fist Gate.

It has a sect that has its own inheritance, and belongs to a good sect. Whether it is the site selection or the scale of the sect's buildings, it is very good.

A figure climbed the steps lightly, and soon reached the gate of Shenquan Gate.

"Who is coming?"

The two disciples guarding the mountain gate are full of vigor and vitality. This is a sign that they have only practiced boxing for a long time. Maybe their cultivation realm is not so high, but the punching is definitely very good.

"Lin Fan, the envoy on the country tour, wants to meet the head of your sect, Chen." Lin Fan reported his identity.

When the disciple guarding the mountain gate heard this identity, his face changed dramatically.

Lin Fan, the national patrol envoy?

He is the guy who has been very domineering recently.

"Please wait."

After speaking, he hurried to the door.

She looked terrified.

How do they know why the other party suddenly appeared in their **** fist gate.

Could it be... Does he want to do something to us?

"Sect Master, it's not good, the inspectorate Lin Xunguo came to kill him."

The two disciples guarding the mountain gate wailed.

Now they are pretending to be calm.

Completely panicked now.

Who doesn't know how fierce Lin Xunguo is, stepping on the Grandmaster, punching the Grandmaster... It seems that there is no Grandmaster, but these are not the point, the point is that the opponent is really fierce.

In the house, Sect Master Chen, who was surreptitiously looking at the slightly colored books, banged, and the book in his hand fell to the ground.

"Envoy Lin Xun?"

He looked at the book cover that fell to the ground.

【Annotation to the Classic of Boxing】

He hurriedly picked up the book and put it in the bookcase full of books.

Push the door out.

He looked very calm.

"What's the panic? As a disciple of the Divine Fist Sect, you panic like this when you encounter something. What's the point of being seen?" Sect Master Chen reprimanded the disciple, then patted his clothes and walked towards the gate of the mountain. .

asked while walking.

"What did that envoy Lin Xun say when he came?"

The disciple said, "He said that Lin Fan, the envoy on the country tour, wants to meet the head of your sect, Chen."

Heard the word 'Your Highness'.

Sect Master Chen knew that he was stable and nothing would happen.

If someone who came to make trouble can say 'Your Highness', it is definitely impossible to say.

"You didn't say anything evil, did you?" Chief Chen asked.

The two disciples guarding the mountain gate hurriedly shook their heads.

Sect Master Chen felt at ease, as long as he didn't offend others, it was fine, seeing his disciple still flustered, he said indifferently: "Why are you panicking, you only know that the envoy Lin Xunguo is very powerful outside, but you don't know that people's righteousness is thin. He is not a villain, but a hero of quite courage."



The two disciples nodded.

Hear what the headmaster said.

A little more at ease.

Walking, walking, Sect Master Chen stopped, pondered for a moment, and turned his head.

"Go and call your eldest brother, and young people should have more contact with young people."

"Sect Master, Senior Brother was defeated by Young Master Bai, and he is in retreat."

"If you want to shout, just go and shout. Where does so much nonsense come from?"

Sect Master Chen felt that these disciples were not very obedient.

"Oh oh……"


Mountain gate.

When he was about to arrive, the head of Chen touched his face, it was still soft, and he couldn't be too rigid. After all, the envoy Lin Xunguo came to the Shenquanmen, which showed that they valued their Shenquanmen.

Otherwise, why only come to Shenquan Sect and not go to other sects.

If you think about it a little, you can understand the reason.

That's what people see as the God Fist Sect. Knowing that the Sacred Fist Sect is quite prestigious in the local area, I came here to say hello.

"Envoy Lin Xun..."

Before anyone arrived, Sect Master Chen's voice had already come.

Hear such a warm voice.

Lin Fan was very puzzled.

The sects I've met recently seem to be very friendly.


He saw Chief Chen.

It doesn't look very good, the ordinary among the ordinary, such a master is still a master. Comparing him with the two immortals of heaven and earth... Well, it's a bit incomparable. To put it simply, the other party is not compelling.

"Master Chen." Lin Fan clasped his fists.

Head Chen's huge palm wrapped Lin Fan's fist, and said excitedly, "I've heard the name of the inspector Lin for a long time. When I see it today, it's really extraordinary. Please, please, please."

This action, this demeanor, is very polite.

walking on the road.

The surrounding disciples watched.

"Our head seems to have a very good relationship with Ambassador Lin Xun."

"Who can not know our Sect Master, or the Sect Master is very powerful."

"He looks younger than us, and he is already an envoy to the country. If he can kill a grandmaster, when will he be as good as him."

"Don't think about it, everything is in your dreams."


"Master Chen is worthy of being the head of the Shenquan Sect. His qi and blood are constantly rolling in his fists, and his palms are very warm." Lin Fan said.

Chief Chen said: "It's okay, it's okay..."

As if thinking of something.

A rosy glow appeared on Chen's face.

Lin Fan felt strange.

Said your hands are hot.

Why are you blushing, this Sect Leader Chen is not serious.

Under the gaze of countless eyes.

Chief Chen finally brought Lin Fan into the hall.

"Envoy Lin Xun, please take a seat."

Sect Master Chen waved his hand and asked Lin Fan to sit on the main seat.

"Master Chen, please."





Lin Fan looked at him, rolled his eyes, something was wrong.

Isn't it just sitting down, is it necessary to be so polite?

This divine fist is definitely not normal.

Under the mutual polite 'please', the two sat down at the same time.

"Here's someone." Just as he sat down, Sect Master Chen shouted loudly, "The distinguished guest is here, go and get some of the finest tea leaves that have been stored for 30 years in this Sect Master."

Thirty years?

Lin Fan hasn't drank tea for thirty years.


Two cups of hot tea came.

"Lin Xunguo Envoy, try it and see how it tastes." The head of Chen strongly recommended, "To tell the truth, I have kept this tea for a long time, and I usually don't want to drink it. Only a big man like Lin Xun Guo Envoy comes. I was willing to take it out."


Lin Fan picked up the teacup, took a sip, frowned slightly, eh...why does it smell musty.

Sect Leader Chen looked at Lin Fan's expression with anticipation.


"Master Chen, what kind of tea is this?"

I didn't say there was a musty smell. You have to travel around the world, and you have to understand the world. When people chat with you so happily, you must not slap them in the face, right?

Chief Chen said proudly: "This tea is called Wushan tea, and the collection place is Wushan, which belongs to the pure wild. Unfortunately, two masters competed there, making Wushan a mess, and the wild Wushan tea was lost. Fortunately, I When I saved some, I was reluctant to drink it and kept it all the time.”

After talking...

Head Chen took a sip to himself, showing an expression of enjoyment, "Don't look at the musty smell of this tea, it seems to be broken, but when we drink tea, what we drink is not the taste, but the history, Lin Xunguo, You see what I said."

Lin Fan rolled his eyes.

I know it has a musty smell.

Also talk about the history of drinking.


He put down the teacup and decided not to take another sip.

"Lin Xunguo, there is nothing to do without going to the Three Treasures Hall, is there something wrong?" Chief Chen asked curiously.

Talk to the point.

Lin Fan didn't hide it, "Do you know the Golden Dart Gate and the Quick Knife Gate?"

"I know." Chief Chen nodded frantically.

I thought to myself, could it be that these two sects provoked the inspection institute and were directly destroyed?

No, I haven't heard of any sects being wiped out recently.

Lin Fan said: "These two sects are very good. I'm going to focus on promoting them."

"Oh, this relationship is good, I knew that these two sects are small sects, I didn't expect to be valued by Lin Xunguo, then they are very important." Chen Zhangmen exclaimed, as if revealing that he was full of envy.

Lin Fan smiled, "It's not that exaggerated, but I don't know if Chief Chen is willing to make Shenquan a key publicity target?"

At least from the beginning until now.

Sect Leader Chen is a good person, a more active Sect Leader.

"Envoy Lin Xunguo, this is indeed a good thing, but can I be the key propaganda target?" The head of Chen was very embarrassed. He drank several sips of flavored tea to suppress his shock.

He already understood that when the envoy Lin Xun came to the door, he wanted to recruit their Divine Fists to surrender.

"Why does Sect Leader Chen have concerns?" Lin Fan asked.

The head of Chen said: "Lin Xunguo, I know your purpose, you want to rectify the rivers and lakes, and let the martial arts keep their own feet. We can do this, but this propaganda is unnecessary. Boxing still wants to exist for a while longer.”

Said clearly.

no other meanings.

I just don't want to be too conspicuous.

Just when Lin Fan was about to say something to Sect Master Chen.

A figure walked away.

"Sect Master, this disciple thinks that what Lin Xunguo said is very good, this is really a **** who needs to be rectified."

Lin Fan looked at the speaker.

The other party has a sturdy body and a tall and straight body, but there is something wrong with his face. It can't be said that his nose is blue and his face is swollen. It is this blue and purple one, and the eye sockets are a little dark.

It was like being beaten up.

"Lin Xun Guo envoy, let me introduce to you, this is Zhao Ji, the senior brother of Shenquan Sect, and this old man's relative. Zhao Ji dare not come in to visit Lin Xun Guo envoy." The most proud thing he did was recruiting Zhao Ji.

Thinking back to the beginning, this silly boy was still young. He came to Shenquan Gate with a dog in tattered clothes. He raised his head and said he wanted to learn martial arts.

At that time, the head of Chen wanted to kick this kid into the air, but looking at the dog, he was strong and looked delicious, so he reluctantly agreed.

Who would have thought...

Good guy.

This kid is simply a martial arts prodigy, soaring into the sky.

In shock, he called God to open his eyes and bring him a big baby.

"Zhao Ji has met the envoy Lin Xun." Zhao Ji clasped his fists and said respectfully.

Lin Fan said in surprise, "Your face..."

"Hey!" Zhao Ji was helpless, but also very angry: "Lin Xunguo, the current world is too chaotic, and I can't stand it anymore. Some time ago, I attended a friend's wedding, drank a lot of alcohol, and got drunk. Huhu came back, but on the way back, I was stopped by the white son, he said he wanted to beat me, when I heard how can I let him be so presumptuous, I started to fight with him."

"But I was so drunk that I couldn't stand still, and I was beaten up by him. What's even more annoying was that he brought people around to watch. When I woke up the next day, I didn't know that he was taking advantage of my drunkenness. Under the circumstances, I was pushed from seventh place to eighth place in the innate list, you say how chaotic the rivers and lakes are."

The more Zhao Ji thought about it, the more angry he became.

The more angry you are, the less you can do it.

"It doesn't talk about martial arts." Lin Fan commented, thinking that Mr. Bai, a good guy, is really domineering. In order to return to the top ten, he really looked for someone to do it.

Chief Chen, who was beside him, also showed a regretful expression.

The good seventh became the eighth.

Although they are all in the top ten, it is a pity.

"Lord Lin is just doesn't talk about martial arts, sect master, I agree with what Mrs. Lin said earlier, we Shenquan Sect should set an example, and our Shenquan Sect has always advocated bullying the weak. Oh, it punishes the strong and helps the weak."

"Right now, a bunch of bad guys, relying on their ability, have messed up our good arena."

"Sir Lin has this idea, we Shenquan Sect must do our part."

Zhao Ji actively advocates maintaining justice in the rivers and lakes.

Actively improve the atmosphere of the rivers and lakes.

Sect Master Chen stared at his apprentice in a stunned manner. This is still the precious apprentice Zhao Ji that I know well.

This head was fooled by someone.

Are you rushing to do all the work of the early birds?

This is very dangerous, and it will be shamed by colleagues in the rivers and lakes.

Lin Fan patted Zhao Ji on the shoulder, turned his head to look at Sect Master Chen with a smile on his face, "Sect Master Chen, it's really a blessing for your sect to have such a disciple in Shenquan Sect."

Chief Chen: ...

"Lord Lin, I want to report." Zhao Ji said angrily.

Lin Fan said, "Okay, say it."

Zhao Ji said angrily: "I want to report Mr. Bai, he is a scourge of the rivers and lakes, messing with the relationship between men and women, if you don't arrest this person, the women of the rivers and lakes will not be safe, as long as Lord Lin gives an order, I, Zhao level, will charge the battle and will This flower-picking thief was arrested and brought to justice."

Lin Fan: ...

Good guys, all good guys.

Today, Mr. Bai, who is number seven on the Innate Ranking, is directly identified as a flower-picking thief.

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