Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 111: Isn't This Human Being Afraid Of Being Eaten By Ghosts? (5/5)

Tamayo didn't know why he suddenly became so curious about Su Mu, but he did feel that Su Mu was the most special ghost he had seen in the past few hundred years.

Even though they are both ghosts, Tamayo didn't feel the slightest 'ghost' nature from Su Mu, a ghost.

You must know that to become a ghost, you will eventually be distorted by "ghost nature". For example, Yushirou, sometimes his personality will suddenly become explosive,

Even her personality is inevitably affected by the 'ghost nature'. However, after hundreds of years of physical transformation by drugs, she has gradually recovered her own personality in terms of personality.

However, her transformation took hundreds of years of patience.

How did this ghost Su Mu do it?

Curious, Tamayo thought it was a good research topic.

Walking silently all the way.


It is near the mountains where the Kamado family lives.

When they got here, several people stopped involuntarily.

"Feel the breath in front..."

Yushirou frowned and looked into the distance, and Tamayo and Tamayo's hundreds of years of fleeing careers allowed them to easily detect the nearby aura.

It can be clearly felt that there are many ghostly breaths outside the little sparks surrounding the dark mountains.

The vicinity of that mountain range has long been surrounded by crowds.

even more terrifying

Near here, he keenly felt the breath from... Kibutsuji Muzan.

My heart suddenly tightened up.

That's the breath of Kibutsuji Muzan.

"It's not wrong, here, it has been monitored by Muzan, the ghost dancer."

Feeling the strange gaze from Yushirou, Su Mu said it very calmly.

Yushirou stretched out his finger and pointed at Su Mu, his eyes were shocked, this ghost was able to say the name of Kibutsuji Muzan.

You must know that all the ghosts in this world are cursed by Kibutsuji Muzan. If you dare to speak the name of Kibutsuji Muzan, the curse in the body will explode. At that time, the body of the ghost will completely disintegrate from the inside out.

However, when the ghost Su Mu said the name of Kibutsuji Muzan, nothing seemed to happen.

"Yushirou, calm down."

Tamayo's gentle voice sounded.

With the sound of Tamayo's voice, Yushirou also recovered from the shock. At this moment, everyone's eyes were on him, obviously, he lost his composure.

Because hearing the name of Kibutsuji Muzan, I lost my composure. In fact, although Guiwu generally cannot say the name of Kibutsuji Muzan, this does not mean everything.

At least that's the case with Master Tamayo and himself.

Well, Su Mu, a ghost, dared to deal with Kibutsuji Muzan, and if he was still cursed by Kibutsuji Muzan, it would be too unreasonable.

"Feel sorry."

Yushirou lowered his head in shame. Compared with Su Mu, this ghost who looked much younger than him, he felt that he was like a child in front of Su Mu.

Not as good as Su Mu, the human woman next to her is like, at least, when she heard the name of Kibutsuji Muzan, she didn't panic as much as she did.

"Next, what shall we do?"

Tamayo raised his eyes and looked at Su Mu.

Obviously, with their current strength, it is impossible for them to head-to-head with Kibutsuji Muzan.

"Tomorrow the day will pass, tonight, we will rest here"

Su Mu said seriously.

Ghosts are creatures that walk in the dark. Sunlight during the day is what ghosts fear most. Even Kibutsuji Muzan cannot bathe in sunlight.

Only during the day, when all ghosts are forced to hide in the depths of the caves in the mountains, is the safest time to pass, and the possibility of exposing themselves is too great when the night passes.

Before, he really didn't think about this issue carefully, thinking that before leaving today during the day, he actually told Kamado Tanjirou, "Don't sleep tonight, I may bring the doctor over, and you will need to open the door then." ’ I have some regrets

At that time, my own thinking was really not thoughtful!


Tamayo frowned slightly, ghosts like her could not walk in the daytime, even if they were covered in black clothes to avoid sunlight, it would be difficult for them to walk in the daytime.

After all, a ghost like Su Mu who is different from this world will feel uncomfortable when the day comes, let alone a ghost like Tamayo.

"I will make two boxes tonight, and tomorrow you will get into the boxes, and we will carry you there." Su Mu said.

"Two boxes?"

Tamayo looked at Mu with some doubts, as if he had thought of something, his face blushed slightly: "Mister, do you want to be in the same box with Yushirou?"

Su Mu was slightly taken aback, looking at Tamayo whose face was slightly flushed, probably knew that the other party was wrong.

"No, it's Ms. Tamayo and Yushirou, you two, each with a box, and Makomo and I will be responsible for carrying you."

Su Mu said lightly.

"Sir, too?"

Tamayo's eyes revealed incredible colors. Ghosts are afraid of the sun. Even if they are covered in black clothes and their body is not exposed to the sun, walking under the sun is very uncomfortable.

Just like human beings are severely punished, at this time, there is no need to talk about rushing.

"No problem."

Su Mu waved his hand, signaling Tamayo not to worry.

Tamayo hesitated to speak, but looked at Su Mu and didn't want to say more, so he had no choice but to stop talking.

Now that he had decided to make a wooden box, Su Mu also went to cut down the tree soon, but Yushirou was handed over to make the box in the end.

Yushirou is not good at fighting, but he is good at doing this kind of work. Soon, the two boxes are done 223.


All they do is wait for the day to come.

After finishing the box, Su Mu couldn't help looking at Makomo who was leaning on the rock and dozing slightly.

In the past two days, Makomo basically didn't sleep.

It seems that I am really tired.

"Take a break."

He came to Makomo and said softly.

Makomo looked up, nodded obediently, and said: "Okay."

However, the girl didn't fall asleep immediately, but patted her position next to the rock, and then tickled him with her little finger.

Su Mu walked over and sat down next to the girl.

Just sitting down, the body of Sheng Ruan who was in his arms was the girl's body.

Su Mu's body suddenly stiffened slightly.

The girl naturally leaned her little head on his shoulder, and wrapped her hands around his waist: "Let me sleep in your arms. y

The voice was muffled, full of exhaustion.

After all, people are not ghosts. In the past two days, there has been no rest at all. Makomo, but he has been holding on.

But Ghost has unlimited physical strength, so he didn't take this issue into consideration, and Makomo didn't say he was tired, so he naturally ignored it.

In the distance, Tamayo and Yushirou watched Makomo start to rest beside the ghost Su Mu, their eyes slightly complicated.

It's hard to imagine that a human would be so close to a ghost.

Could it be

this human

Aren't you afraid that ghosts will eat her?

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