Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 153: Gentle 'Ghost Mom', Strong 'Ghost Dad' (1/5)

What came into view was a desolate ancient mansion in the deep mountains. Although the mansion here has long been covered with spider webs, through some traces on the mansion, it can still be seen that this ancient mansion was once prosperous.

Through the sign of the mansion, you can also see

"Mountain Ghost"

two words.

Presumably the family that used to live here should be the mountain ghost family.

In fact, it is true.

One hundred years ago, the Shangui family lived here, but for some unknown reason, they suddenly became lonely, and then the clan members began to die strangely one by one.

Up to now, except for those who left Natian Spider Mountain, the Shangui clan has basically died out.

And the instigator of all this was the short white-haired teenager standing there quietly at the moment.

The last string, the spider-ghost of the spider. Tired.

'Lei', used to be the youngest son of the patriarch of the Shangui clan who lived here, and was once the actual controller of the family. However, 'Lei' was born weak at that time, and even had difficulty walking. He had never run, even Walking is a painful thing, which makes "tired" parents very worried.

Until, Kibutsuji Muzan appeared.

Kibutsuji Muzan looked at 'Lei' and turned 'Lei' into a ghost on the grounds that he had a similar experience with 'Lei'.

'Tired', who became a ghost, has become very strong and can walk normally. This makes the parents of 'Tired' very happy, but they are also a little worried. 'Tired' seems to be unable to see the sun

Although the "tired" parents were a little worried because they couldn't see the sun, they were still very happy to see that the "tired" body was healthy.

But soon, Yuan's parents discovered that their son had started cannibalism.

Seeing 'Lei' constantly eating people and turning into a ghost, 'Lei''s parents couldn't stand it anymore, so they decided to kill 'Lei' and then commit suicide.

But it's a pity.

In the end, they failed to go to the underworld with 'Tired', but were eaten by 'Tired'.

'Tired' who had eaten his parents could not accept the reality. At this time, Kibutsuji Muzan appeared again and began to motivate him, so 'Tired' eventually lost his memory.

As the strength gets stronger, 'Tired' feels more and more emptiness in himself, and at the same time, he gradually realizes that he seems to have lost some memories, so "I want to grasp the fetters that once belonged to 'home' more and more.

'Tired' believes that no matter what happens, parents must protect their children, and big brother sisters must protect their younger siblings, even if they risk their lives.

So a group of ghosts began to gather, and the game of "home" began, and all ghosts had to abide by the rules set by "tired".

Those who are unwilling to play house games are cruelly abused.

Some were cut into pieces with silk thread

Some are tired and deprived of wisdom

Some were exhausted and hung up to die in the sun.

Following the gaze of 'Tired', Okawada Emiko, the ghost who was asked by 'Tired' to play the role of a 'gentle' 'ghost mother' began to tremble uncontrollably, and her already pale face became more and more serious. pale hair.

There is a feeling of... going to collapse.

With just one look, Emiko Okawada was about to collapse.

It can be seen from this that this ghost, who was endowed by "tired" and played the role of a "gentle" "ghost mother", has experienced what kind of fear.

Just when Okawada Emiko couldn't take it anymore, a figure stood in front of Okawada Emiko, blocking 'tired' eyes.

"It's a hypocritical feeling."

He looked at the 'tired' on the opposite side. The 'fetters' that he had lost in the past continued in such a ridiculous way.

Does such a 'tie' still exist?

'Tired' pupils are still indifferent, but there is a touch of madness on his face, he hates when people say his 'fetters'

"No matter how many relationships you build, no matter how strong you are, you will never get true love and family affection.

Su Mu looked at 'Tired' and said lightly.

"In your illusory heart, I'm afraid you can't even feel the illusory 'fetters' you have established."

With a touch of compassion.

Although they have become Twelve Kizuki, it is a pity that they have never been recognized, whether it is the era of being a human or the era of becoming a ghost.

"Kill him, father, I hate him."

'Tired' said to the man next to him.

This is a male ghost, with muscles all over his body like the roots of an old tree, a big mouth, bared teeth as sharp as a beast, and fierce eyes.

Just standing there gives one an extremely powerful feeling.

This is required by 'tired' to play the role of a 'strong' 'ghost dad'.

At this moment, the information about "Ghost Dad" also appeared in Su Mu's eyes.

Name: Takumi Yoshiura

Ghost level: evolution ghost (primary ghost, evolution ghost, lower string, upper string, ancestor of ghost)


Abilities: Undead (bad), control puppets, strange power, strong, hard skin

Disadvantages: Photophobia, Wisteria, Curse (from Kibutsuji Muzan), Nichirin Blades, Controlled (from 下弧之五.惊).

'Ghost Dad' walked towards Su Mu with fast steps.

According to the role given by "tired", this is what the "strong" "ghost dad" needs to do, and needs to deal with foreign enemies.

Seeing 'Ghost Dad' approaching, Guo Hua Luo Chana's small body couldn't help standing in front of Mu Jiang.

Like, a hen guarding her cubs.

It's just that this little hen is still too young, and its combat effectiveness is too weak.

He patted Kanao on the shoulder, although the current Kanao's strength is very good, and he is already ready to fight the 'Evolution Ghost'.

But obviously, it is not the evidence for the puppet in front of me.

Patted Kanao's small shoulder: "Let me do it."

Kanao obeyed Mu-chan's words, stepped aside unconsciously, and at the same time, handed over Nichirin Blades who had been holding him all along.

Looking at the faster and faster pace, the 'ghost dad' who is rampaging like a tank, giving people a powerful impact.

Su Mu's eyes were slightly indifferent, he was very interested in this ghost's ability.


Okawada Emiko couldn't help shouting, more than once, she was violently beaten by the other party by pulling her long hair, several times, even her head was knocked off by the other party.

The fear of this ghost has long been engraved in his blood.

Seeing Okawada Emiko who was trembling with fear, Su Mu's face was still calm

"It's just bigger prey."

The very calm words made Okawada Emiko's gaze fall on Su Mu.

Is such a powerful ghost just the prey of this ghost?

But at this moment, the 'strong' 'Father Ghost' has rushed over, pulled out an extremely huge tree from nowhere in his hand, and smashed it like a mace.

A black shadow floated across the sky.


Su Mu just raised her head calmly, looking at the giant tree that fell from the sky.

Under the bamboo hat, golden eyes flickered with ripples.

Draw the knife


In an instant, the sword light spread.

And quietly disappeared with. .

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