Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 303: Give me to you

Xi Zhan is my fiancé, and he will be my husband in the future, and he is still the father of my two children. I don’t want their relationship to be unfamiliar at all. I hope they can get closer and closer. I hope Xi Zhan Give the children a little bit of tenderness to me, don't be too indifferent to them!

   I am afraid that when the child grows up, I will complain about his indifference.

Xi Zhan released me and sat beside me. He raised his hand to hold my hand and played with my fingers. He explained with a faint expression: "I like them because you gave birth to me for your life. I am grateful to you. Send them to me and thank you for your contribution! But Yoona, everyone has their own way of education. I am really indifferent to them because I don’t want them to rely on me. I hope they can grow into the world’s most Excellent people can stand alone in the future, both men and women."

   This is the first time Xi Zhan told me his expectations for the future of his two children, but I don't expect how good the two children are!

   I just hope they can grow up peacefully!

I told him my thoughts, and he chuckled slightly, and the frivolousness that I was familiar with emerged from the corners of his lips, "Baby, this world is not as safe as you think, although the world is now under our control. But we will have an old day! This world will be the world of young people after all, and the power of this world will be rewashed at that time, and the two of us cannot keep them for life. Besides, I have many enemies, and they belong to Xi Zhan. Bloodline, this life is destined to be unable to live a peaceful life. If they want to protect themselves in the future, they must rely on their own strength to stand on top of the power, so strong that everyone is jealous and no one can invade. This is why the Xi family has been growing up since childhood. The reason why the juniors in the family are sent to attend the family experience is because the big Xi family must inherit from the strong!"

   Xi Zhan's words are very reasonable, and they poke their hearts.

   But my two children are only half a year old...

   Has their life been determined?

   I felt frustrated and asked him, "How are you going to treat them? Will they be sent away when they were young like the Xi family?"

   If this is the case, I cannot accept it!

  Because once you leave the family alone, you will definitely encounter a lot of dangers, I dare not risk their lives!

   Xi Zhan understood the worries in my heart. He clasped my fingers tightly and said: "The little lion is a girl, so I can spoil myself a little and stay at home and let me train him, but Run'er is destined to leave us..."

   I shed tears and asked, "When?"

   "I have my own arrangements. I will stay with you for at least the next nine years. Yoona, in the future, don’t worry too much. He is my son and I will be responsible for his life."

   I am relieved to see Xi Zhan say this!

   Until the future, until the two children gradually grow up, Xi Zhan's love for Xi Yun is extraordinary, and he even made him forget the words that he said that night, and the girl was personally trained by him.

   Xi Zhan’s slender fingers wiped the tears on my face, and it was rare to jokingly ask: “How old is the baby and cry.”

   I asked him, "Didn’t you call me baby?"

   He curled his lips, "It is indeed my baby."

I was aggrieved lying in his arms, sobbing: "I just can't get used to seeing your indifference to the two children, and why didn't you call me when you didn't go home last night? If I didn't go home, What do you think in your heart without even telling you a reason?"

   He suddenly realized when he heard the words, his voice said in a deep voice: "You have trouble with me because of this?"

   I didn't answer him, and asked him: "Will you be like this next time? Next time you are like this, then I will be like this next time. I will treat you as you treat me. Anyway, I will make you anxious."

   Xi Zhan laughed, "I will report to you later."


Seeing his sincere attitude, I don’t want to pursue it any more, but what happened to the two children...he just said it was correct. Everyone’s education method is different. I can’t force him to be close to the child, but I don’t want the two children to alienate him. Later, I had to teach more carefully.

   "Sorry baby, you are wronged."

   After a day of anger, he was smoothed by him in a few minutes. After all, I love him, so I am angry, so I forgive instantly!

I came out of his arms and looked at him, with a soft and stubborn voice saying: "Then I forgive you, but forgive you this time! Brother, next time you can't forget that someone at home is waiting for you ."

   He scratched my nose with his fingers, "Hmm."

Xi Zhan's fingers are slender and white. I once said that it was the favorite series of the Hand Control Party. I stared blankly. My eyes followed his fingers. Perhaps I had held his fingers several times. The man quickly realized my intention.

   He put his finger on my lips, I opened my mouth involuntarily, he reached into my mouth and laughed and asked me, "Do you like it?"

   Today's Xi Zhan has changed a lot from before.

   at least took the initiative.

   will start to tease me even more.

   I inhaled and said, "I like it."

   I just cried, my eye circles are still moist, and they must be red, looking at him like a torch, for fear that he would pull his fingers away.

   I lightly bit, and the man's finger touched my upper jaw. I felt itchy and wanted to spit out his finger, but the man became addicted to playing and said, "That's it, I'll give you a reward later."

   I asked him, "What is the reward?"

"you guess."

   He also asked me to guess...

   I asked him vaguely, "What are you going to give me?"

   He turned to me, "What do you like?"

   "I like to stay by your side."

   I said sweet words are easy to come by.

   The man said: "Heh, your mouth is smooth."

   I grinned, Xi Zhan suddenly leaned forward, his breath fell in my cochlea, which was especially warm and itchy.

   I murmured and asked: "What are you doing?"

   Xi Zhan's lips were rubbing against my auricle, and his gentle voice asked me, "Baby, is it a reward for giving me to you?"

   I froze, "What do you mean?"

   "The night is dark and the wind is high, a man and a woman are in the same room..."

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