Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 441: Does she know you like her?

Mo Yuanlian didn't say yes or no. He smiled softly, with a pleasant laugh, "Your hair is very smooth."

   "Well, I usually manage it."

   "Hair is very important to a woman, and it can add to her beauty. Miss, how about I cut it above the waist?"

   I asked him, "How specific?"

   "Approximately cut the length of one palm."

   A palm is not long, very short.

   "Add another half of your palm."

   Then both of us were silent. I stared at the firelight in a daze, Mo Yuanlian cut his hair quietly behind me.

   After a long time I asked him, "You seem to know everything."

   "Well, I have done a lot of jobs."

   He once said this to me.

   They all said that Yunyi is a natural destructive personality, attacking regardless of right or wrong, so they all jointly pulled him from a high position and killed him, but now he is Mo Yuanlian.

   A gentle and polite man.

   I think perhaps Yunyi, who is alive again, cherishes his life, and everyone is squeezing him out with their opinions about him.

   I asked softly: "How are you now?"

   He asked, "Miss is interested in me?"

   I shook my head, "I just asked casually."

   We fell into silence again.

   At this time, Assistant Yin sent me a message, "Mrs. Xi, I don't know what Yunyi means, how are you?"

   Mo Yuanlian does not restrict my contact with the outside world.

   I naturally did not let my people attack him.

   Because he is not dangerous to me.

   I returned to Assistant Yin, "Everything is fine. Don't tell Xi Zhan about this to make him worry. We will gather at the finish line the next morning."

   "Well, everything is ordered by Mrs. Xi."

   In Wai Yin, the assistant absolutely obeyed my orders.

   Maybe Xi Zhan greeted him.

   Mo Yuanlian cut her hair for half an hour. After half an hour, I got up and took a look in the rearview mirror of the car. His craftsmanship is very good, at least I think it is the same as the one cut in the shop.

   The two of us sat by the campfire and rested until nine o'clock in the evening to get something to eat. He bought the dry food locally in the morning. I was not used to these foods. Fortunately, there was bread and milk in the car.

   I took a bottle of milk and handed it to him.

   He took it and said thank you.

  Mo Yuanlian was very reticent, as long as I didn't speak or asked him anything, he wouldn't say a word. After I finished eating bread, I got into the car and lay in the back row to rest, while he kept sitting by the campfire.

   The Syrian night sky is very quiet, surrounded by a vast plateau, and his cheeks appear lonely against the dim fire.

   I somehow feel that this man is lonely.

   special loneliness.

   I sigh, why do you care about him? !

   I closed my eyes and went to sleep with a sigh.

   I slept very steadily tonight, but I faintly felt the sound of bells in my ears. The sound was very calming.

   "When I was, I was so lucky."

   Is this a dream?

"Shier, nine years ago, when I heard that your parents died in an air disaster, I planned to lay down all the power and wealth in my hands and return to Wucheng to accompany you. At that time, you were fourteen years old, at the age of beautiful flowers, I think Leaving the life of licking blood on the tip of a knife all the year round and returning to Wucheng to grow up with you plainly. I want to be the man on the tip of your heart. I want to melt me ​​into your bones and blood. I really plan everything for the future. ,our future."

   What sound is this again? !

   Who did you say these words to?

"At times, I have always been a man who can pick up and let go and can see what I want. I am not as unreasonable as they thought. I just did it too casually, and it was just too powerful. That's it, they were so strong that they wouldn't allow me to quit, and they united and bit me."

   "Back then, they deprived me of the opportunity to go back to Wucheng to grow up with you. Now you are someone else's wife."

   "When you are, you are at ease."

   What's your peace of mind? !

   I heard these words very clearly, but when I woke up the next day, I completely forgot. There was nothing left in my mind. I just vaguely remembered a dream last night and forgot what the dream was.

   I rubbed my head and got up and opened the car door and saw Mo Yuanlian sitting by the bonfire. The bonfire seemed to have never gone out.

   I went over and asked him, "When shall we leave?"

   "Well, right away."

   Mo Yuanlian got up and walked around me into the driver's seat. Instead of sitting in the back, I sat in the co-pilot.

   The degree of motion sickness will be smaller here, I hope my body can handle it today.

   When I got in the car, I opened the window and leaned my head on it, with a small pillow in the middle, so that the air was very comfortable.

  It was too silent all the way. When passing a town, Mo Yuanlian took me out of the car to supply supplies and bought a bunch of dry food.

   When I got back in the car, I really felt too bored and asked him aloud, "How did you survive back then?"

"I was chased by them and fell into the sea and let an Englishman who was driving out on a private yacht to save him. At that time, he temporarily lost his memory and forgot everything. He took me in when he saw that I was pitiful, and sent me when he saw me as a child. Reading to study psychology, I have been studying and teaching in the UK for the past nine years."

   "The memory you just recovered?"

   He knew everything and said, "Well, I just recovered for three months."

   I asked curiously: "How old were you that year?"

   "Twenty-three, three years older than your husband."

   Mo Yuanlian is now thirty-two years old.

   I said, "It's young too."

   "Well, you are twenty-six this year, right?"

   he asked me suddenly.

   "Well, New Year's Eve's birthday."

   "Are the two twins cute?"

   He suddenly became interested in my two children.

   Maybe it's because I asked him everything and he told me the reason truthfully, so when he asked me, I answered happily.

   "Well, I have a photo, do you want to see it?"

   He smiled and asked softly: "Can you?"

   Mo Yuanlian is handsome, and the handsome man smiles exceptionally good-looking. I took out the phone and turned to the photo and handed it to him.

   He took the phone and stared at it for a long time and said, "Like you."

   I smiled and said, "Yes, girls are more like me."

   "What's the nickname?"

   "The big lion and the little lion." I said.


   He returned the phone to me. Suddenly, the atmosphere between the two of us softened, not like two enemies, like two old friends traveling together.

   Mo Yuanlian is really far from the cloud in others' mouths. The Mo Yuanlian I know is really gentle.

   But what he did to Shangwei is vivid again.

   But what he did was right, after all, it was the first thing that Shang Wei provoke.

   I asked him casually, "Why do you say you won't have a wife? And have you been abused often when you were young?"

   "I told the young lady that the person I like has married, and she is very happy now, and I will not break her current happiness."

   I asked, "Does she know you like her?"

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