Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 903: Huawei's Educational View

Huawei walked from the other end of the corridor, she had changed into loose casual clothes. I don’t know when she arrived, and I don’t know how much she heard. But seeing her calm look, I felt like saying no. Feeling out.

She should have heard it.

But she was so calm when she heard it.

And it was her daughter who had just happened.

Look at her appearance...

What has Huawei experienced?

How is it different from the little girl I knew before?

Huawei approached and asked, "Where is Huaerlu?"

Shang Wei raised his head from my legs. When he got up, there were no tears on his face, only his bright eyes were rosy and moist.

He closed his eyes and said, "In 317."

317 is the ward number of Huaerlu.

Huawei bypassed us and entered the ward. They heard their fine conversations. I couldn’t hear what they were talking about. Shang Wei was full of prying eyes and walked to the door of the ward. I followed him and stood by his Look around into the ward.

Huawei held Huaerlu's palm.

Huaerlu looked at her blankly, "I was wrong."

Hua Wei said gently: "You are right. Mom once told you that no matter what decision you make, Mom will not blame you. But Huaerlu, you must understand that this is your own life and no one can do it. She is responsible, except for yourself. If you don’t love yourself, how can you let others pity you?"

"Mom, I'm sorry..."

Huaerlu doesn't defend herself.

Suppressing his emotions in front of Huawei.

It's impossible to understand this matter from the bottom of my heart.

And what she teaches Huaerlu is for adults.

The truths Hua Wei said were right.

But Huaerlu is only a child.

A child who just learned about the world at about six years old.

I remembered the words Huaerlu said when he jumped into the river.

She desires to be a wayward child.

Hua Wei said in a gentle and gentle tone to Huaerlu: "It's okay, baby is not wrong. Mom said that you made such a choice. Mom won't blame you, but mom will worry about you, understand?"

Huawei's education is unique.

Huaerlu looked aggrieved, she pursed her lips and said, "I want to be with my mother. Mom takes me away, okay?"

Huawei asked her, "Don't you like Dad?"

Huaerlu answered directly, "I hate Dad."

What Shangwei did during the day hurt the child.

I turned my head to look at Shang Wei, his face was not so good, he was self-blaming, but there were still some at a loss.

Maybe it was because of a daughter suddenly and at a loss.

Maybe I don't know how to be this father.

Maybe I don’t know how to comfort the child.

Or even facing the indifferent Hua Weiwei now.

Huawei rubbed Huaerlu’s head, gentle and full of maternal compassion. She took out a piece of jade from her bag. I am very familiar with this piece of jade. It was just taken at a high price of 30 million yuan, and it was paid by the merchant. Wei, now the jade jade in Huawei's hand is hung with a black gold wire rope, the length is just right for the child to wear, she put it on for the child and said: "For you."

Huaerlu's palm hurriedly asked: "Mother gave it?"

Huawei said truthfully: "Dad paid."

Hearing that Huaerlu's eyes instantly lost their luster.

"I don't want daddy's stuff."

Huawei asked Huaerlu suddenly, "Is it unpleasant to get along with Dad this year? Although he is not too patient with you, he takes care of you sincerely and satisfies you with your unreasonable demands."

"But he let other women beat his mother..."

It is this incident that Huaerlu has a grudge in his heart.

Huawei asked patiently: "Feel sorry for my mother?"

"I don't want to see my mother sad."

Huawei gently comforted Huaerlu and said: "Mom did not feel sad, because the saddest thing has passed. Mom has our flower deer. Mom is happy! And it is wrong to blame Dad for not protecting her. Because father has nothing to do with mother, he has no reason to protect mother, understand?"

Hua Wei made these things very clear.

"But Huaerlu will be sad."

"Baby, are you sad because he is your father and he didn't protect your mother? But why?"


"It is excusable for Dad not to protect Mom. You don’t need to hate him for this. And I just heard someone say that the moment you jumped into the river, Dad also jumped in. He was using his life to protect him. Are you willing to blame him?"

Huawei has been teaching Huaerlu not to hate Shangwei.

In front of Huaerlu, I have been saying that Shangwei is good.

She is a mother worthy of admiration.

At least the heart is open-minded.

"Then I don't blame him..."

Huaerlu hesitated and said, "I want to follow my mother..."

Huawei interrupted the child directly, with a gentle tone, "Have you forgotten what you promised your mother? I have nurtured you for five years and have consumed all the financial and energy. You are not only the responsibility of the mother, but also the responsibility of the father. So living with your father will let your mother relax for a while? Mom promises you that after a few years, your mother will pick you up and come back, OK?"

"Is the flower deer just the mother's responsibility?"

The child's question hits people's hearts.

Her logical ability is also very strong.

"At least it's mother's burden now."

What Huawei said was direct and hurtful.

Shang Wei on his side looked bitter.

Hearing that Huaerlu's tears fell down, looking at the pitiful, she asked: "Does mother love Huaerlu?"

"Love, love in this life."

Hua Wei bent over and kissed her cheek gently and said, "Please remember your mother's heart. I will love you for the rest of my life."

Hearing that Huaerlu smiled, "The Huaerlu promised her mother to live a good life with her father, and you must take me home."

Huaerlu's look pretends to be strong and stubborn.

This is a distressing child.

No matter what the mother did, she understood.

In fact, her heart has been longing.

Longing for a normal family.

Longing for a mother who stays beside her all the time.

"Okay, mom promises you."

Hua Wei got up, she came out of the ward and saw us eavesdropping, her face without the slightest embarrassment and said, "My child, please."

"Huaerlu cares about you." Shang Weidao.

Hua smiled and said, "I know, but I am still young and I have my own life. I will not take her with me in the next few years. Of course I have a clear conscience, because this daughter I will give you When you’re five years old, it’s your responsibility next, Master Shang, if you don’t want you to send it to the orphanage.

Shang Wei's pupils were shocked, "You..."

I was also shocked. I never thought that Huawei would say such unfeeling words. Fortunately, her voice was so low that Huaerlu could not hear her.

Hua Wei whispered: "Master Shang, goodbye."

Shang Wei shouted, "Is it because of him?"

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