Glitch utopia

Chapter 495 Accident

Hearing what the other party said, Jack Sun looked at X and smiled. "Sorry, I don't have the habit of being a dog to others."

He never expected that the other party would come up with such a sinister idea. They actually wanted to use him as an agent to control all the resistance forces from the air.

They even want to turn the existence that they consider a loss into their accomplice! Jack Sun would never do this kind of thing.

Upon hearing such an answer, X immediately slapped the table in annoyance. "How can this be called being a dog? You are different from them. As long as you agree, then you are one of our own. If you don't believe it, I can persuade FFP to bind shares with you, so that they deal with you as they deal with them. Own."

"Jack, I really want to help you, and I've said it before, you can't beat the FFP International Group controlled by Lan Meng. Do you remember the previous "Revolutionary Sun Jack"? It was just to promote DNA enhancement technology. ”

"Just think about how powerful a company is that dares to promote technology and even resists the obstruction of old money from mechanical prosthetics to forcefully open up new tracks. Just think about how powerful this company is! "

It's okay not to say it. As soon as he heard the other party say this, Sun Jack suddenly felt angry. Everything he did in the first place was part of the FFP plan, right? And it’s not even the core, it’s just a small part outsourced to Guan Sanke Entertainment.

X continued: "You shared all the DNA enhancement technology for free. Do you know how much money FFP lost? Coupled with the trouble caused by the resistance forces you called up, now I can find this step and say It’s really rare.”

But Jack Sun still shook his head. He looked at X in front of him and said, "Actually, now I have a better way."

"What method?" X asked in surprise.

Jack Sun waved his hand and motioned for the other party to come over.

Seeing the nerve slot of the opponent's stamina getting closer and closer, Jack Sun's right hand touched the three data lines at his own stamina.

Jack Sun tensed up and held his breath. "This is the way."

The moment Jack Sun made his move, a pair of eyes outside the window made his hand stop there. "poet?"

I saw the poet lying outside at the window at the moment, looking at everything in the room curiously with his eyes wide open.

"Poet? What is this?" Before X could figure out the other party's code word, Jack Sun quickly stood up and rushed outside.

He pulled the poet away from X's residence. "Why are you here? No, how did you get in? Aren't only Holy Grail people qualified to come in here?"

"Because my band was once invited to hold a concert here, and I have authorization to come in." The poet said very matter-of-factly.

"Fuck, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

"You didn't even ask me. I've lived in most cities for a while, except for the metropolis, where the public security is not good."

Jack Sun was going crazy. If he had known that this guy could come in directly, why would he go to such trouble?

"Jack, what do you mean? What is your better plan?" X followed and asked.

Jack Sun turned to look at him and said, "Let's talk next time. I met a friend. When FFP has finished bidding, you can contact me."

Having said that, Sun Jack took the poet and left the artificial sun directly. After arriving in the outer city, Sun Jack asked UO to isolate the network and surveillance, and asked the poet: "You have been here, are you familiar with this place?" learn?"

"That's right. Once, a couple fell in love with my flesh-and-blood girlfriend. I've played wife-swap with them several times, so I know this place quite well." The poet said indifferently.

"Great! Do you know any hidden locations in this place that can directly connect to the artificial sun's internal network? It would be best if you could know the link password of the wireless network." Sun Jack asked.

If you start with

"Intranet? Let me think about it." The poet held his chin in his hand and frowned.

After waiting for a while, the poet said: "I was only invited to participate. I don't have permission to wirelessly access the intranet network, but I do know that there is a place where I can access it, a very good place."


“A place where you can do it easily.”

"Stop being so pretentious, where is it?"

Under Sun Jack's gaze, the poet who had been grinding for a long time finally spoke. "That is, when you were talking to the man just now, the nerve socket behind the other person's ear, I think, should be able to connect to the intranet through his interface, but in this case, it may be easily discovered by them."


"Holy shit! Are you fucking kidding me? Do you still need to teach me?"

Seeing Jack Sun looking at him with increasingly unkind eyes, the poet quickly waved his hand and said: "Ah~! I remembered that on the planet where I held the concert, the drummer gave him a smart drum set that was physically connected to the Internet, and he Playing music throughout the inner city, there should be a node there.”

"I want to fucking beat you up."

Jack Sun sent a message to the Himalayan rebels, "You move your position as soon as possible. I want to enter the interior of the sun again. If I fail, my memory may be extracted by others. You change your face as soon as possible and hibernate as much as possible." stand up."

Soon, under the leadership of the poet, they entered the interior again. In the constantly changing bright starry sky, Jack Sun and the poet floated to a large public planet. There was no one on the starry sky, except for a small open-air stage. Obviously This is the stage where the poet band sings.

There are various regular gaps in the metal floor. It is obvious that many things are hidden underground and can be raised directly when needed.

"The physical access point is on the stage floor." After hearing this, Jack Sun couldn't wait to walk up and kept clicking his fingers on the flat floor. However, the flat ground was extremely smooth.

"What's going on? Are you sure this is here?" Jack Sun knelt down on one knee and pressed his hand on the ground.

"It's here, but how can it be so easy for you to destroy it? After all, whose stage is not explosion-proof now." The poet stood aside, not wanting to help at all.

As Jack Sun pressed his hands on it, tiny nanoworms emerged from his sleeves and began to crawl on the ground to eat the extremely hard material.

There was no change at all at first, but soon some metal powder appeared on the ground. Seeing this scene, Jack Sun suddenly felt happy. it works! You can only have a chance by chewing it open.

Just as Jack Sun pulled out the three data cables at the back and waited anxiously, the poet on the side reminded him: "Jack, it seems someone is coming."

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