The communication of Jinyan Castle was completely cut off, and it was completely unable to contact the outside world.

The castle was in chaos.

Unprecedented fear rose in the hearts of many people.

On the Hunting Guild side, the leaders sent by the three cities had gathered together.

Yan Ya, the leader of the Tianhai City Hunting Guild!

Xuan Xiaoling, the leader of the Guanyu City Hunting Guild!

Zhang Qianli, the leader of the Ningdan City Hunting Guild!

The three women were in a heavy mood at the moment. The news they sent people to find out just now was quite bad.

There were many powerful war spirits in the city.

However, the actual combat power of these powerful war spirits was not too strong.

The strongest was only a three-star war spirit.

There were four three-star war spirits in total. Two of them awakened with B-level superpowers, and two awakened with A-level superpowers.

With such powerful war spirits in charge, Jinyan Castle had no major problems.

But now Jinyan Castle is attacked by a large number of monsters, demons, and aliens, especially the giant aliens that have appeared, which are even more terrifying.

Although those giant aliens are only level three, they already have the powerful strength to fight against ordinary war spirit masters.

"Preliminary estimates show that the monsters, demons, and aliens that are attacking Jinyan Castle have reached as many as 50,000, and the number is still increasing!"

Xuan Xiaoling said slowly.

Suddenly, such a situation is enough to catch Jinyan Castle off guard.

The most fatal thing is that they cannot seek support.

The communication is interrupted, and it is impossible to establish contact at present.

"The problem is not particularly serious now. As long as someone of the sent out superpowers can kill it, they can find a way to contact, and then the three cities will reinforce it."

"That's right, the situation has not evolved to a bad moment at least, it will be fine after tonight!"

Zhang Qianli and Yan Ya also expressed their views.

There are many ways to rescue, which can be implemented step by step.

Don't be too pessimistic. Be more confident in the defense of Jinyan Castle.

"It would be great if Mr. Dong Shi and Miss Chu Shi were still in Jinyan Castle."

The first person Yan Ya thought of was Mr. Dong Shi, and then Chu Shi.

The two went to Jinyan Iron Mine alone and have not returned yet.

This night was a sleepless night in Jinyan Castle.

All night long, batches of superpowers in Jinyan Castle rushed to the outside of the city, and batches of injured superpowers were transferred from outside the city and began to be treated.

This night, a strong smell of blood filled the air outside Jinyan Castle.

The number of superpowers killed and wounded in Jinyan Castle exceeded 4,000.

Among these 4,000 people, 3,000 were battle masters, and the rest were almost all great battle masters.

The most terrifying thing was that two of the battle spirit masters died.

But even at such a huge cost, the battle outside Jinyan Castle was not over.

Many monsters, demons, and aliens emerged, all wanting to attack Jinyan Castle.

There were too many psychics treating the injured in the castle.

Some of the seriously injured were transferred from outside the castle to inside, but they died because of their serious injuries.

The situation in Jinyan Castle is now quite bad after a night of fighting.

Even though they tried to stay optimistic before, the three leaders of the hunting guild became nervous.

Two war spirits died, and three geniuses on the Dongyao Mansion's war master list, Su Jie, Yu Guofei, and Zhu Xin. The three of them joined forces to break through the siege and notify the three cities of what happened here.

But the three were finally stopped.

An even more terrible news, there is a powerful third-level late-stage monster on the outermost side, with extremely strong combat power, even the three of them can only retreat.

And the three who retreated also suffered certain injuries.

The battle between the guards of Jinyan Fort and the monsters, demons, and aliens continued.


At the same time, in Jinyan Iron Mine.

The number of monsters, demons, and aliens that Yi Xinghe encountered here began to decrease.

Originally, Yi Xinghe thought that this might just be a coincidence.

But after a while, Yi Xinghe found something wrong.

The monsters, demons, and aliens had traces of activity, and Yi Xinghe even found a nest in the mine.

But there was no trace of those guys.

Not only Yi Xinghe made some discoveries, but even Chu Shi, who was active in Jinyan Iron Mine, also noticed it.

"After the Earth Lizard Dragon, it is normal not to encounter fourth-level monsters, but now even third-level monsters, demons, and aliens are gone!"

Chu Shi's figure appeared in an area east of Jinyan Iron Mine.

This is the first time she has stepped into this area since she arrived.Foot.

"Over there!"

Chu Shi found something.

Leave as quickly as possible.

When Chu Shi appeared again, he saw a relatively flat area in the east of Jinyan Iron Mine Mountain.

Beside it, there was a pile of ore and a large hole that was at least 30 meters long.

This large hole led to the underground, and the passage was extremely winding. You could also see some first-level monsters, demons, and alien corpses.

These dead monsters, demons, and aliens seemed to be trampled to death.

Chu Shi's eyes were deep, and the next moment, he jumped down and went directly into the big hole.


Jinyan Fort, the battle continued.

The casualties were increasing, and outside the city wall, a lot of monsters, demons, and alien corpses had been piled up.

And those monsters, demons, and aliens that rushed over used various means to rush up along the corpses and rush into Jinyan Fort.

"Why can't we kill all these beasts!"

"Assholes, assholes!! I'll fight you!"

"If you want to enter Jinyan Castle, you have to step over our bodies!"


From the city wall, groups of superpowers jumped down.

In this short day, they experienced too much.

Their close friends, brothers, and relatives died at the hands of monsters, demons, and aliens.

That kind of grief made them more courageous.

Because there are more people living in the entire Jinyan Castle.

Once it is breached, the consequences will be disastrous.

In the castle, the injured superpowers are being treated.

"I want revenge, my brother is dead, I must take revenge!"

In the centralized treatment area, a man who had just woken up from a coma from a serious injury shouted.

His eyes were filled with bloodshot, and veins on his face bulged.

That scene was hard for him to accept. The demon monkey with six arms tore his brother apart in front of him and drank his brother's blood.

Similar situations would appear from time to time in the treatment area here.

These people were stimulated to a certain extent.

Here, Yan Ya appeared. Her ability was the Breath of the Forest in the Wood Element, which had the effect of healing and restoring injuries. Her ability level was A.

Now the whole Jinyan Castle was facing a dilemma. She couldn't just sit there and wait for death. She had to do something.

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