Global Genesis Game

Chapter 104 You are just the first batch! (Fourth update! 10,000 rewards for additional updates, tha

"It has been confirmed that there is indeed an extremely powerful Blue Star player, and the number of second-order dependents alone is more than three hundred!"

In one space, there were dozens of Blue Horn players. At this time, a Blue Horn player said to the others with a solemn expression.

"It's a good thing that there is such a player. Fortunately, he is the only one. Even if he tries his best, he can only kill one or two hundred of us." The words of a female Blue Horn tribesman next to her aroused the approval of others.

"But because of his appearance, the Blue Star players who were originally scattered in a basin showed signs of cohesion." said a Blue Horn tribesman who was half taller than the people next to him.

"There are many such examples. Wasn't it because of our leadership that we, the Blue Horn Clan, were able to obtain a C-level evaluation?"

"The total starting base attributes of the Blue Star people are only 20 points, which is 5 points less than us. They are the weakest group. If we cannot defeat even this group quickly, it will become the entire arena of all races. A joke!”

"In order to earn this opportunity, we paid such a high price and we must not slow down just because of one person."

The Blue Horn players here are the most powerful group in the entire Blue Horn clan. They often fight in the Ten Thousand Races Arena on weekdays, and everyone is extremely powerful.

Among them, the five people standing in the middle have upgraded their dependents to the silver level. As long as they obtain the third-level professional certificate, they can obtain the third-level arms.

But the probability of third-level professional certificates appearing is too small, even if they are as powerful as them, they have not obtained one.

Professional certificates are a kind gift from Genesis Game. There are many ways to obtain them, and the probability is very high.

However, there are very few second-level professional certificates, and it takes almost several months to get one with good luck.

Not to mention the third level, tens of millions of Blue Horn clan players have not obtained any of them. They are only heard of appearing in the Ten Thousand Races Arena, but every time they appear, they are quickly acquired by other powerful clans.

"Our current position of the Blue Horn Clan is 11254. If we miss this opportunity, we still don't know how long it will take to have the Ten Thousand Clan Monument engraved on it. We must seize this opportunity!"

After saying this, the expressions of all the Blue Horns became firm.

As long as the Monument of Ten Thousand Tribes can be climbed up, the Blue Horn Tribe will be able to completely get rid of the name of a weak tribe!

It is also truly qualified to be taken seriously by other races!


Chen Zhi was unaware of the discussion about him by the Blue Horn players at this time. At this time, he had transformed into a ruthless killing machine, killing Blue Horn players with extremely high efficiency.

During this period, he met several powerful Blue Horn players. Their number of dependents was almost the same as his, and they also had various powerful props.

However, with the cooperation of Chen Zhi Shield Guard, Wind Wolf Knight, and Hidden Thorn, the enemies who were also second-level soldiers were defeated at the first touch.

The four blue entries laid a solid foundation for the Tuohun human race, and every passive effect that was not visible on the surface greatly increased the combat power of the dependents.

In particular, these entry abilities are possessed by even a young child in the tribe, and are even more unimaginable by Blue Horn players!

On April 2, after seeing that there were only 1.4 billion players left in the world, Chen Zhi's heart seemed to be squeezed by a big hand.

He didn't say anything to Su Shuang and others, but silently improved the efficiency of hunting Blue Horn players.

At the same time, the information obtained will be continuously communicated to all players in the server.

Due to the absolute crushing power brought about by their strength, many Blue Horn players could not bear the pressure and spoke out information under his step-by-step guidance.

This information is very helpful for others to survive the invasion. In a short period of time, the number of small speakers used by Chen Zhi has exceeded 300!

Naturally, most of them were traded over. Many players knew what he was doing with the trumpet and offered to trade him for free, but all of them were rejected.

Chen Zhi looted a large number of low-level items from Blue Horn players, which was enough to exchange for these small speakers.

After trading their own trumpets, all the players who received the supplies were grateful.

Because of Chen Zhi, the survival rate of players in area 055 is much higher than that in other areas.

Like a domino, his presence produced a series of reactions.

Let more players have room to help others.

The biggest advantage that Blue Star players have over Blue Corner players is their numbers.

If a dozen people gather all their strength together in the face of an invasion, even if they are all second-level troops, it will be difficult for them all to resist.

Not to mention that some people can carry out counterattacks. After eliminating the invading Blue Horn players, they can also provide support to those around them.

Throughout the day, the mechanisms of these intrusions were gradually figured out.

First of all, after being invaded, they will never be invaded by a second Blue Horn player. Blue Horn players who invade at the same time cannot get help from other members of the same clan. Even if they want to give up the invasion, it will take a long time to get out of the fighting state.

Therefore, invasion is also a gamble for the Blue Horn tribe. Once they encounter a powerful player, their own exclusive world will be attacked by the opponent, and eventually become a defensive party. If they cannot survive, they will be wiped out on the spot.

Secondly, after being invaded, they will not encounter a second invasion. In other words, those Blue Star players who have repelled the Blue Horns can send all their forces out for support!

Taking these two points together, humans actually still have a chance to make a comeback!

"Meet the judgment!"

In a pure white world, Kleist ordered his angel to release the light of judgment and kill the last few Blue Horn family members huddled together. After a scream sounded in the void opposite, the Blue Horn Players have disappeared.

"The sixth one." He glanced at the evidence of invasion that appeared in front of him and chose to use it.

As the most powerful player second only to Chen Zhi on the rankings, the angel in Kleist's hands has been promoted to the second level [Angel of Judgment]. The exclusive skill "Light of Judgment" is very powerful and can cause real damage to enemies within range.

It's just that the level of his dependents is still at Bronze One Star, and the level of the angels is stagnant at lv25.

In the four sub-lists, his ranking is not high, ranking around fourth or fifth.

This is actually very rare. After all, human energy is always limited, and it is impossible to be the strongest in everything.

But when he saw the five firsts, even though he was as confident as he was, he couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

"I've taken care of the fifth one here, how about you?"

In area 00442, in front of his projection, the expression of a beautiful woman became vivid. It was Anna. She was ranked thirty-seven on the overall list and was also a top player.

"One more than you." Kleist smiled slightly, and then said: "How many Blue Horn players do you think he has killed so far?"

Anna subconsciously looked at the tallest name. After thinking about it, she smiled and said, "I think there should be more than twenty. The information he obtained is something that none of us can obtain. I am really curious about what he is doing now." How far has your strength reached?"

Kleist nodded and said: "My judgment is the same as yours. Maybe the gap is too big, and there is really no possibility of catching up."

He sighed. Originally, he thought that after such a long time, the strength of each other would be shortened, but now it seems that the strength of the other side is increasing much faster than everyone imagined.

The people on the ranking list were actually familiar faces, and indeed as he thought, their overall strength was not as strong as his own.

But only the person above him was ranked first in every aspect.

He didn't even make it into the top three of the four sub-lists but was already ranked second on the overall list, so it's hard to imagine what his true strength is.

If everyone's strength is converted into numerical values, perhaps the opponent's strength is much higher than your own, or even doubled!

"Dear, don't worry. It's our Blue Star's luck that such a powerful player appears at this time. Look, how many people have stood up because of him."

A trademark gentle smile appeared on Kleist's face, and he nodded: "Yes, we have to thank him."


"We in Japan will never thank him! If he could have revealed his powerful secret earlier, how could we have lost so many compatriots yesterday?"

In a regional space, Gong Yuanshen scolded loudly after listening to the constant discussion in his ears.

Because of his words, other Japanese people around him closed their mouths and did not dare to speak anymore.

They knew that Gong Yuanshen had always considered the number one player in the Dragon Kingdom as his opponent, but now that the opponent was gaining momentum, he was extremely unwilling to do so.

"How can a mere person from the Dragon Kingdom deserve to stand in such a high position!"

Gong Yuanshen looked at the name at the top of the ranking list and felt extremely twisted.

His ancestors once stepped on the heads of the people of the Dragon Kingdom and plundered that country wantonly.

His education since childhood was that the people of the Dragon Kingdom were just inferior people, and only the Japanese people were the supreme race.

This creation game should be dominated by Japanese people.

There are many people who think like him in the entire Japanese country. They have always wanted to overpower Chen Zhi. For this reason, Japanese players who are in the same area as Gong Yuanshen all support him and help him improve his strength.

I originally thought that his strength should have surpassed his opponent, but I didn't expect that after the rankings were released, his ranking was only eighth!

Several people he usually looked down upon at all actually surpassed him.

Especially, the seventh place above his head was still from the Dragon Kingdom, which made him particularly angry.

"Gong Yuanjun, what we have to do now is to get enough information from him. To this end, please pay attention to your speech on the World Channel." A middle-aged man sitting cross-legged on the futon said calmly.

Among the Japanese people present, Gong Yuanshen was the only one who would restrain himself slightly when facing him.

Gong Yuanshen's expression was ugly, but when faced with the middle-aged man's hawk-like sharp eyes, he could only lower his head and say, "Hi!"


There are one hundred names on each page of the leaderboard.

Therefore, the one hundred people on the first page are regarded as the top players of Blue Star at this time.

The next 10,000 people are considered the first echelon.

Ten thousand and one to one million is the second tier.

One million and one to one hundred million is the third echelon.

Those who are after 100 million are all those who are lagging behind in strength and are called the death echelon. They belong to the group of people who may die at any time.

Among them, Su Shuang, who was close to Chen Zhi, ranked over 30,000, Du Zhiguo ranked over 70,000, Wang Changyu ranked over 99,000, and Wang Aiguo and others were all after 1 million.

In area 055, in addition to these people Chen Zhi was familiar with, there was another person whose ranking exceeded everyone's imagination.

The player named Bai Yue, his ranking is impressively 7,200!

He is already a first-tier player.

After merging regions, Blue Star servers have more than 20,000 regions.

In other words, Bai Yue can rank first in many areas!

If Chen Zhi had no entry ability, it is very likely that Bai Yue would be the number one person in area 055!

It is indeed very unimaginable to be able to quietly develop to the current strength without showing off.

But people like him are not special cases. In the entire list, there are many people who have never appeared on the World Channel, but when they were on the list, they immediately occupied a very high position.

While many people are resisting the invasion of the Blue Horn Clan, they are also paying attention to the updates to the rankings.

Most of these people are people who don't care about the fate of mankind. On the surface, they support other people, but secretly they don't do anything at all.

At the end of the first day, they were indeed frightened by the sharp decrease in the number of players in Blue Star, and they also made some efforts. After all, how could the eggs be completed even if the nest was overturned?

But when Chen Zhi gradually stood in front of everyone, they felt that Blue Star should have no problem getting through this difficulty, so they relaxed again and had strange thoughts.

After secretly obtaining various information shared by Chen Zhi, they began to make small calculations, thinking about how they could benefit after the invasion was over.

These human borers are like leeches, secretly sucking human blood to grow.

Chen Zhi knew this very well, and he had already informed all responsible players on the World Channel that after this invasion, these bugs would be liquidated.

His words also frightened some people, and many players who were led by Chen Zhi and recognized him as their flag followed his call and secretly included these scum in the list of liquidators afterwards.

Even before the invasion was over, late at night on the second day, some players who couldn't stand it had already announced the liquidation of these players.

"You scumbags, go to hell!"

A female player with more than 8,000 rankings on the rankings yelled angrily and attacked the tribe in front of her.

The reason why she was so angry was because this guy actually robbed someone from behind during the attack just now!

Under the guise of using raid tokens to support, they are actually plundering players of the same race.

The Blue Horn players who saw it on the other side were stunned and exclaimed.

"Ah, I didn't mean it, just let me go." Facing the first batch of players' attacks, how could this scumbag player resist? They were quickly killed.

"You are just the first batch, we will definitely remove all the carrion from the human race!"

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