Global Genesis Game

Chapter 130: Ten battles and ten victories, understanding the origin of the universe

Exclusive world, elf village.

The new generation of Tuohun people are training nearby. As the population grows, the original training area is no longer enough to accommodate them.

Julis, who was obviously much more mature, looked at the Tuohun people in front of her with surprise in her eyes.

"Why do they give me an elf vibe?"

Old York, who was standing next to him, also looked curious. He raised his reading glasses on the bridge of his nose and said after a while: "I seem to feel the breath of the gods from them."

"The god should be the ancestor they believe in, right?"

Speaking of this, Julis was full of envy. She could only dream of being able to provide such great help to the race.

It is a pity that the forest goddess of the Yuehua clan is still sleeping, and she is not even sure about this. Among the elf queens in the past, some queens have speculated that the forest goddess may have died.

"As long as we develop the tribe, the goddess will definitely focus on us again." Old York said slowly at this time.

"Did you feel something?" Julis looked at him hurriedly. Although she was the queen, she was still young after all and was not worth mentioning in front of a 'living fossil' like Old York.

Old York nodded, "I have indeed felt a familiar breath recently, but I am not sure it comes from the goddess, but there is no doubt that we are on the right path now."

Chen Zhi, who was watching the two people in the void, heard this and started thinking, "Is the forest goddess coming out?"

He has now won seven consecutive victories. According to the current rhythm, ten consecutive victories will be three days later. By then, he will be able to understand the origin of the universe and try to understand the laws.

It would be a good idea to meet the Forest Goddess at this time. She might be able to give him some inspiration and help him understand the rules.

"The various arrangements in the Creation game have always been purposeful. The existence of neutral strongholds is to provide assistance to players when resisting alien invasions. It can also provide an excuse to officially join the mainland battle. The existence of gods should help players obtain The power of creation.”

According to Chen Zhi's idea, will one day the creation game allow players to create a world by themselves?

It is truly relying on the power of one's own understanding to know what is happening and why.

Unlike when you first enter the creation game, the creation game will be automatically generated as long as you enter the conditions.

"Mother, what are you and Grandpa York discussing?"

A man as handsome as the sun walked over from a distance. He was nearly two meters tall, with a smooth and powerful body that did not appear overly strong or thin.

He is the son of Tieshan and Yulis, a half-elf.

As a half-elf, he has perfectly inherited the advantages of both his parents and is far more talented than the other elves of the Yuehua clan.

But after all, when Tieshan and Yulis were combined, they were only at the bronze level. Now he has not inherited the various green entries. In terms of talent, he is no longer as good as the new generation children of the Tuohun human race.

When the Tuohun people were at the Bronze level, their lifespan had reached 350 years due to the bonus of the [Life Increase] entry. When they were promoted to the Silver level, their lives had grown significantly again, and they already had a life limit of 500 years.

However, the corresponding growth time has also increased. At the bronze level, the Tuohun people can be considered adults when they are thirty years old, but now they are fifty years old.

In fact, according to the average human lifespan limit of 120 years and 18 years before adulthood, this ratio is not high, but for Chen Zhi, the increase in the number of dependents on his hands is much slower.

This made him have to use resurrection items to resurrect his fallen family members after each battle, otherwise the natural recovery speed would not be able to support his high-intensity battles.

"Yul, we are discussing future development plans." Julis looked at her son with a motherly look on her face, but did not tell the truth.

The rulers of the Yuehua Clan have always been female elves. The reason for this is that the forest goddess's external appearance is female, and she prefers female believers. Therefore, from generation to generation, all the rulers of the Yuehua Clan have become All are women.

This situation also occurs in the Ruwais clan, but the external image of the god they believe in is not a woman, but a man, and he prefers female relatives.

Because of this situation, Yule could not inherit the throne, and he could only grow up as an ordinary member of the Yuehua clan.

Of course, because of Tieshan's great strength, the other elves of the Yuehua clan also respected him and did not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

Yule's position is actually a bit awkward. As a half-elf, he cannot integrate into the Tuohun human race or the Yuehua clan. He is considered the most special existence.

In the final analysis, this should be regarded as Chen Zhi's fault. It originated from his own experiments and wanted to know whether the descendants born of dependents and indigenous people could be counted as his dependents.

Obviously, there is no way for a Genesis game to leave such easy tricks.

A warm smile appeared on Yuer's face, "It just so happens that I have new ideas in the past few days."

He began to describe his plans for the Yuehua clan, the most important of which was cooperation with the Tuohun clan.

After listening to his plan, Chen Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly. Many of them were of reference value to him, and some of them he had not thought of himself.

"Although I always knew that he was more intelligent, I didn't expect that he would give me such a big surprise."

Looking at Yu Er who was full of leadership qualities below, Chen Zhi felt a little pity in his heart. It would be great if he could become his vassal. Talents with such wisdom are rare.


"Since those gods can absorb the power of faith through the indigenous races to increase their strength, then it is not meaningless to say that I myself can do so. Yule's existence is not meaningless."

Chen Zhi suddenly thought of this.

Although the Yuehua clan is his support, temporary allies do not mean forever.

After all, they believe in the ‘Forest Goddess’ rather than themselves.

It would be fine if the 'Forest Goddess' did not conflict with his development, but once the ideas of the Forest Goddess were contrary to his, both parties would instantly turn from allies to enemies. So what he had been doing was not making wedding dresses for others?

Thinking of this, Chen Zhi immediately focused his attention on Yuer below.

Being a half-elf does make him unpopular with both parties, but it can also be his advantage!

He could not trust purebred elves, and it was impossible for the Tuohun human race to completely integrate into the elves.

But Yule is different. He has the blood of the queen and can indeed return to the side of the elves. Even if the forest goddess wakes up, she will not be particularly targeted and will not be allowed to believe in her.

"You can become a chess piece I planted."

Chen Zhi's mind was spinning, and he immediately made arrangements for You'er's future use.

Of course, to achieve this, the next step is to expand the size of the half-elf tribe.

Immediately, he arranged for a large number of Tuohun people to get along with the new generation of elves.

The elves are indeed a kind of proud creatures, but at the same time they also have a strong mentality. The Yuehua clan, whose bloodline has fallen to the bronze level, is gradually unable to resist the fierce attacks of the young men of the silver-level Tuohun human race.

"The quantity is set at one quarter and cannot exceed this ratio."

Chen Zhi has not gone too far. The Yuehua clan still needs to exist, and the purity of the bloodline must still be maintained.

The young men of the Tuohun tribe have long been conquered by the beauty of the elves, but Tieshan and others were stricter in their discipline before. They spent most of their time on training and had no chance to come to the elf village.

Now with Chen Zhi's acquiescence, a large number of young men rushed towards him like wolves.

Because of the existence of reproductive isolation, Chen Zhi specially communicated with Bai Yue and traded a large amount of [Universal Reproductive Fluid].

This thing was much easier to make than he thought. It didn't take long for Bai Yue to get it out. As for the price, Bai Yue didn't ask for it at all. He said that he had received a lot of help from him and this little thing was not worth it. carry.

Chen Zhi didn't say much. This was the reason why he cultivated the Tongmenghui. There are indeed many limitations in doing things by one person.

[Universal Reproductive Fluid] is indeed omnipotent. Most elves can get pregnant after just one bottle. Some die-hards can get pregnant even after using two or three bottles. In short, as long as they want to, there is nothing they can't get pregnant with.

After becoming pregnant, Chen Zhi immediately became a scumbag.

In addition to material support, these newly born half-elves are absolutely not allowed to be brought into the base camp.

Julis, Old York and others saw all this, but they couldn't say much. They couldn't stop free love, right?

Those female elves are all willing.

In addition, Chen Zhi specially transferred Tieshan back for a few days and asked him to blow the pillow wind in Yulis's ear, which made it even less problematic.

Besides, the elves don't take chastity that seriously, otherwise it would be too difficult to have only one man for hundreds of years.

The Yuehua clan has a population of about one thousand, including four hundred women of suitable age. Chen Zhi only chose a hundred this time.

If you want to say who is the happiest among the two races, it must be Yule.

As a half-elf, he has always been extremely lonely, but now, he will soon have a large number of 'kin'.

Half-elves are reproductively isolated from elves and humans. No matter who Yool is with, he will have no offspring. If Chen Zhi does not intervene, then after his death, the half-elves will cease to exist on this continent.

But half-elves and half-elves can give birth to offspring.

As long as the number of half-elves is large enough, it will definitely not be a problem to reproduce a race.

Even if Chen Zhi wants to, try to add some entries to the Tuohun people to increase their reproductive ability, maybe it can give the new generation the ability to break reproductive isolation, similar to the giant dragons.

At that time, all races in the entire exclusive world may be able to reproduce with each other.

Orcs and dwarves, elves and goblins, griffons and orcs

Thinking about that scene, Chen Zhi felt a chill, so he quickly put an end to such inappropriate thoughts.

He has a certain appearance association, and can only accept the combination of good-looking races and good-looking races.

For example, if any kid from the Tuohun tribe falls in love with creatures like pigs and goblins in the future, he will break their legs on the spot.

"The red side wins. Based on the strength of both sides, combat performance, and final losses, the winner will be rewarded with 623 personal points and 0.0005 racial points. For eight consecutive victories, you will get a 1.8 points coefficient, and you will finally get 1122 personal points and 0.0009 racial points. "

"The blue side wins. Based on the strength of both sides, combat performance, and final losses, the winner will be rewarded with 654 personal points and 0.0005 racial points. With nine consecutive victories, you will get a 1.9 points coefficient. You will finally get 1243 personal points and 0.00095 racial points. "

"The blue side wins. Based on the strength of both sides, combat performance, and final losses, the winner will be rewarded with 689 personal points and 0.0005 racial points. With 10 consecutive victories and a 2.0 point coefficient, you will finally get 1378 personal points and 0.001 racial points. "

In the eighth, ninth, and tenth battles, Chen Zhi played steadily, allowing the Tuohun Human Race to slowly utilize the strength improvement brought by [Natural Favorite], allowing him to successfully win.

At the same time, because the winning streak continues to stack up, the final personal points and racial points obtained are also greatly increased!

Now, although the points he consumes after each battle are also increasing, the proportion compared to what he obtains is constantly decreasing. His net 'income' from each battle is more than a thousand points.

According to this increase, even if all the subsequent family members are wiped out, the personal points gained alone are enough to consume.

When you reach a hundred consecutive wins, the personal points gained will increase tenfold!

Not to mention that as long as he performs steadily, his coefficient may be more than ten times!

"There must be players who have discovered this knock on the door and are hiding their own strength. But the strength they can hide is only a very small part at most. Every game of War Creation will not make too big an error in judging their strength. At most, we can help them win one more game.”

Chen Zhi can be sure of this, otherwise the number of people with ten consecutive victories would not be so small.

And after he won ten consecutive victories, he instantly set off a storm in the entire Ten Thousand Races Arena.

A new tenth consecutive winner has emerged!

The last time a person won ten consecutive victories was three years ago, and now, that player has entered the Monument of Ten Thousand Races with his race!

Many alien players who had been developing with peace of mind and not paying attention to external affairs were also alerted and began to inquire about who Chen Zhi was.

Not to mention the human race, whether they are those who like him, those who hate him, or those players who secretly regard him as a future enemy, they all feel honored because of his performance at this time.

At least he is now active in the Ten Thousand Races Arena and dealing with other races.

Originally, the status of the human race was constantly improving because of Chen Zhi's winning streak. Now when he really wins ten consecutive victories, it will reach a peak.

This is a benefit that everyone can actually get!

So all of a sudden, in all the chat channels, the discussion target of all Blue Star players was Chen Zhi.

But as the absolute center of this matter, Chen Zhi remained as calm as ever.

Looking at the new message that appeared in front of him, he smiled slightly and clicked OK.

[You have won ten consecutive victories and have received an opportunity to understand the origin of the universe. Do you want to use it? 】


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