Global Genesis Game

Chapter 167 Ending, killing the three major gods

"There are too many things to use."

Even though he devoted all his efforts to cultivating his parents and Su Shuang, Chen Zhi only consumed less than 1% of the resources he obtained.

He now gets too many things every day, so later he will use one-tenth to train Du Zhiguo and other alliance players. Naturally, the intensity is not as high as that of his parents and Su Shuang, but it also makes their rankings rise rapidly. .

Soon all Blue Star players discovered that the rankings of players from area 055 were improving rapidly, and more than a hundred people actually ranked among the top 10,000!

"I really want to be in the same area as Chen Shen."

"Ah, why am I so unlucky? I'm just a little short of it. I'm in area 056."

"Chen Shen, please take me with you."

Countless players are shouting in the world channel.

At first, these people did not place their hopes on it, but what they did not expect was that Chen Zhi actually spoke publicly.

"I will randomly inspect some people, and if they meet my requirements, I will train them."

Chen Zhi naturally had the confidence to say this. Now all the players are within his sight. As soon as the idea appears in his mind, he can find the location of the opponent. As long as he slightly observes the opponent's development strategy, he can know Does the other party meet your requirements?

Naturally, most of those who are good at talking have no nurturing value, and each other's character is not very good, but there are also some that have nurturing value. Although their strength is still very low now, they can skyrocket as long as they have a chance. Chen Zhi spent three years A thousand people were selected every day, and resource support was provided according to each person's development characteristics.

"Thank you for your help to domestic players." The Dragon Kingdom government quickly expressed its gratitude to Chen Zhi, and the spokesperson was Zhou Dingbang, who was the intermediary between Chen Zhi and the officials.

Zhou Dingbang already has great potential. Even if he is still in the real world, there is a high probability that he will be able to reach a very high position given his situation.

"This is what I should do. Please also ask the country to start preparing. Next month's rules are likely to be a national war." Chen Zhi said to Zhou Dingbang, who nodded after hearing this.

"The above has been taken into consideration. According to the rule changes in the past few months, the probability of a national war next month is more than 80%. During this time, all countries around the world are preparing." At this point, Zhou Dingbang said sincerely: "It will still happen then. Please take action."

Chen Zhi nodded and said, "Don't worry."

As a member of the Dragon Kingdom, if there are rules similar to the national war, he will definitely stand on the side of the Dragon Kingdom, even if it will kill many Blue Star players.

If the Genesis game wants to provoke a war, players like them can only respond passively. Only those who comply with the rules can survive.

"Then I would like to thank you again on behalf of the country and the people." Zhou Dingbang said solemnly.

Chen Zhi smiled, and then the projection disappeared from Zhou Dingbang's eyes.

Except for his parents and Su Shuang, he only used projection when he went to other people. Regarding his own strength, he still had the same idea as before, hiding something, although now all Blue Star players would not be interested in him. Threatening, but he was used to playing it safe.

"Mom and Dad, if you have any problems, just tell me."

He physically went to his parents' exclusive world and told them that he would put most of his energy into his own exclusive world. The war between the three major races had reached a fever pitch, and it was time for him to end. So there may be something that parents didn't pay attention to.

"As a child, you are busy. Haven't your mother and I been here alone for the past six months? You don't have to worry about us." Chen Aiguo patted his son's shoulder. The real touch once again made him sigh with emotion. He dreamed I never thought that I would be able to have real contact with my loved ones after entering the Genesis game.

"Warriors of the Tuohun tribe, clear all obstacles!"

The tall Tieshan raised his arms and shouted. In front of him stood hundreds of thousands of Tuohun warriors!

The aura of each warrior is extremely powerful, and the number of level 4 units alone exceeds 10,000!

This scale has reached one-third of the three major overlord races, and the average strength is still beyond.


Among the deafening shouts, the seven dragon roars are particularly eye-catching. They are seven adult red dragons. They are not the fourth or fifth level now, but the real sixth level!

They fully demonstrated their powerful strength as legendary creatures. Even the most slender dragon is more than 80 meters long, and the largest dragon is directly over 100 meters long!

Under these seven behemoths, there are thirty or forty third- and fourth-level red dragons. These are their descendants. Under Xingying's careful care, the group has expanded a lot.

Red dragons, a life that has extremely difficult reproduction, don't care about the incompatibility between brothers and sisters. If this strategy was still adopted, the population would have been extinct long ago.

In the entire exclusive world, their seven dragons are the last dragons. Chen Zhi has not seen other giant dragons for so long. Although some legendary beings and demigods have appeared in the war, there have been no such dragons. A giant dragon.

Now that I think about it, the Dragon's Tomb is worthy of its name. It is the last burial place of the dragon clan. Unfortunately, there is only one kind of dragon, the red dragon. There are no other five-color dragons, and there are no metal dragons.

Hundreds of thousands of Tuohun people officially joined the war, which immediately surprised the three dominant races.

"When did they become so powerful? This is impossible!"

The three major races all made disbelieving sounds. When they saw the powerful professionals all over the mountains and plains, the worldview formed over thousands of years collapsed.

But facts speak louder than words. Those elves, orcs or dwarves who were obsessed with past glory were the first to go see the gods they believed in.

However, the gods they believe in are not having a good time now. The century-old war between gods has already destroyed the three major gods, and most of their respective allies have also fallen. Now the remaining gods in the entire continent are less than one-third of the previous ones!

There are four elven gods and three allies on the elves' side.

Only two orc gods and two allies remained on the orc side.

The dwarves were the worst, with only their middling gods and one ally left.

All the demigods were wiped out, and no one was left. The number of demigods was less than ten to begin with, and they were completely defeated in this kind of divine battle.

The populations of the three major races have all been reduced by more than half. Now there are still more than 50 million elves, more than 20 million orcs, and 30 million dwarves.

This is already a battle of genocide. The three tribes are all rushing to take advantage of the situation and destroy each other.

Hundreds of small and medium-sized ethnic groups have disappeared in the entire continent. Now there are only more than 60 small and medium-sized ethnic groups left, and they are all severely damaged!

Only the Tuohun race is the only outlier. Not only has its strength not been weakened in any way during this process, it is also constantly increasing.

In fact, if Chen Zhi had not resurrected the Tuohun people at the universal wishing machine, this situation would not be possible now. None of his family members would have died long ago.

In the broken Kingdom of God, the three gods are all scarred.

A figure appeared among the three.

"Who are you?" Father Nature looked at the approaching Chen Zhi warily.

"You can call me the God of Life." Chen Zhi said with a smile. He chose to end at this time because he saw that the three parties were showing signs of giving up temporarily. This was naturally not allowed by him. What he needed was for the three parties to beat the dog's brains out. come out.

"I know you, the newly risen god. We have been looking for you, but no matter what, we can't find any trace of you." The orc god said weakly.

Of course you can't find me.

Chen Zhi smiled in his heart. The player's advantage is so great. As long as he doesn't show up, the indigenous races basically can't do anything to him. But once he wants to attack his dependents, he will use his laws. He is completely detached. Outside the world, one can view the war between the three clans from a supreme perspective.

"What do you want to do?" the dwarf god shouted, his dangerous instincts already telling him that Chen Zhi's appearance was definitely not a good thing.

"Sending you on your way."

Chen Zhi still had the same smiling expression. This was the first time he met these gods, but it was also the last time.

"Arrogant God!"

"You will pay for your words!"

"I will devour your godhead and everything about you!"

Which of the gods present has not been fighting for hundreds of years? They had become extremely irritable over the years, and Chen Zhi's words immediately irritated them.

But before they could take action, an unimaginable huge torrent swept across the entire Broken Divine Kingdom.

"Ah! What kind of power is this!"

The remaining weak gods were full of fear. They tried their best to resist, but they felt that their clerical abilities were disintegrated in this torrent, and they withstood the impact as if they were naked.

"It's a powerful divine power! He has actually reached this level! This is impossible, there is no way a powerful god can appear on this continent!"

The orc god shouted in disbelief. The orcs have tried countless times. Medium divine power is the limit here. No matter what they do, it is impossible to reach a powerful god unless they unify the entire continent and gather the power of the entire continent to cultivate believers.

But it is clear that the other party only has a few dependents. They have already understood the new fourth golden race, but its population of only 3 million is only one-tenth of their current size, and only 20-30% of what they had before the war. First, it is difficult for such a small group to support even a medium-sized god, and it is simply impossible for a powerful god.

"Of course it is impossible for this continent to appear."

Above the exclusive world, looking down at the gods struggling under the power of the waves, Chen Zhi's face was calm.

He has been waiting for this day for hundreds of years (half a year in real time), and he has considered all possible scenarios. Although the remaining power of the three major races is not exactly what he expected, it is not far away.

Later, as he expected, the three mid-level gods of the three major gods could barely survive the power of Kuanglan, but the remaining weak gods could not. In just a few years, all the divine power was exhausted, and the divine fire was destroyed by Kuanglan. The law is extinguished, the godhead is shattered, the divinity is crushed, and the body is completely destroyed!

Just when these weak gods fell, a figure in a green dress appeared. The forest goddess was absorbing the power of the escaped gods.

Under the gaze of the three mid-level gods, the Forest Goddess, who was already on the verge of promotion, took the final step and became a mid-level god with great momentum!

"Kill them."

Chen Zhi was waiting for this moment, and immediately issued an order to the Forest Goddess. He now needed to control the three medium-sized gods, and he could not kill them himself.

"Yes." The forest goddess bowed, and then entered the battlefield. The enemy she chose was actually the father of nature.

As they were both elves, they should have been put last, but it seemed that the forest goddess had hatred for the father of nature, and Chen Zhi looked a little curious.

Although the Forest Goddess has just made a breakthrough, the remaining three mid-level gods, including the Father of Nature, are already at the end of their strength, and there is no problem in dealing with them.

There were no accidents. Even if Father Nature burned his godhead to resist, he did not change his ending. He was the first to fall.

When he fell, all the elves in the battlefield below felt an extremely sad emotion in their hearts. Many elves collapsed on the spot and knelt down crying. All the elves could feel that the pillars in their blood had disappeared. .

This is the difference between ancestor gods and religious gods. Ancestor gods developed from primitive worship and have a closer relationship with believers.

Before the orcs and dwarves on the battlefield could be happy, they soon followed the footsteps of the elves, who also suffered from emotional breakdown.

A strange scene appeared on the battlefield. The two sides who were fighting to the death actually dropped their weapons at this time, and everyone was kneeling on the ground and crying.

At this moment, a group of reapers of death arrived - the Tuohun human army, which received orders from Chen Zhi, came here. Facing these defenseless elves, orcs, and dwarves, they launched an attack without any mercy. In just over an hour, more than a million troops of the three tribes were killed!

In an instant, the armies of the three major races, which had lost half of their previous size, suffered a devastating blow. The troops in the rear fled in a hurry after knowing the situation.

The mighty Tuohun tribe was directly divided into three groups. The northern group was led by the bellicose Chen An and the steady Lao Mo, and attacked the orc hinterland; the southern group was led by several heroes of the new generation and defectors from the dark elves. Led by Tieshan, the dwarves were encircled and suppressed; in the center, Tieshan was in charge, launching a general attack on the Elf Empire.

This is a day to remember!

The Tuohun race, which has been silently developing in the world for more than three hundred years, has finally become the center of the entire continent.

"After this war, there will no longer be three major races."

Chen Zhi was in control of the overall situation. He had just withdrawn the power of the waves, and the broken kingdom of God also turned into fragments and dissipated the moment his power dissipated.

There are no more than five gods hidden in the entire continent, and there is no longer any power that can stop him from unifying the entire exclusive world!

The exclusive world should originally be exclusive to players, and the races living in it are just temporary guests!

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