The sound of the voice was so loud that the audience could hear it.

Jiang Yi looked in the direction of the voice and found that the ridicule was not directed at him.

It was directed at Luo Shan.

Luo Shan's eyes lit up, and he pounced on a pure black composite bow with excellent texture like a hungry wolf.

The kid who just laughed at him was standing aside with his arms crossed, waiting to see the show -

That composite bow was indeed the best among these inferior weapons.

But none of the many members of the death squad dared to choose that bow.

The main reason was that it was too heavy!

Even the best of the death squad would be exhausted in a few minutes if they carried such a heavy bow to fight!

Ordinary people who have not undergone special training will be exhausted after taking a few steps with the bow and will give up on their own initiative.

The mocking boy was waiting for Luo Shan to feel the weight of the compound bow and make a fool of himself in public.

But he didn't expect that-

Luo Shan lifted the compound bow as easily as lifting an ordinary light sword!

He even waved the bow with one hand, looking excited!

This scene stunned the mocking boy!

"Impossible! This bow? Could it be that it is not the same one as before?"

This scene attracted many sidelong glances.

Many members of the death squad looked at Luo Shan as if they had seen a ghost!

Even Sun Hao, who was responsible for supervising everyone's selection of weapons, was shocked.

He took a few steps forward, looked at Luo Shan for a few times, and frowned in an imperative tone:

"Show your data panel!"

The data panel is a digitized information that everyone will have after the doomsday game comes.

But this data panel, when generally called out, will only be displayed to the player himself.

Unless a player actively chooses to display it, others cannot see it.

Generally speaking, forcing others to display their data panel is an extremely impolite behavior.

But in this doomsday game, the principle of respecting the strong is obviously more important than the so-called politeness!

To Luo Shan, Sun Hao is a strong man!

Therefore, even if he is unwilling in his heart, Luo Shan can't resist at all.

Soon, his data panel was displayed in public——

[Name: Luo Shan]

[Level: 0]

[Lifespan: 11 years and 158 days]

[Talent: None]

[Profession: None]

[Skills: None]

[Status: None]

[Strength: 1 (+5)]

[Constitution: 1 (+5)]

[Speed: 1 (+5)]

[Spirit: 1 (+5)]

[Combat Power: 108]


“All attributes +5! Combat power over 100?!”

“This, this, this! This tattooed kid is actually a hidden boss!!”

“Big ass guy! This kind of all attributes +5 with brackets are all time-limited! When the time limit is over, the effect in the brackets will disappear! This guy is basically an ordinary person with all attributes of 1!”

“But even if there is a time limit, he is already very strong within this time limit!”

Many people looked at Luo Shan with envy!

Even Gao Chang had a somewhat horrified and unnatural expression!

And the boy who had just mocked Luo Shan retreated to the back of the crowd in shame.

Sun Hao looked at this scene, thinking about something.

He frowned and was about to ask something, but saw Jiang Yi suddenly stepped forward and said loudly with a wronged look:

"Boss Sun, please make the decision for me!"

"This Luo Shan snatched my blood-sucking insect and ate it all!"

"After that, he got a BUFF of +5 for all attributes! This BUFF should have belonged to me!"

Jiang Yi said this with righteous indignation!

It was as if Luo Shan had snatched the opportunity that belonged to him!

Luo Shan was confused at first.

But he was not stupid, and soon realized Jiang Yi's thoughts.

So I followed his words and performed with him: "If you eat it, you can't spit it out and give it to you?"

"Besides, this effect of +5 to all attributes has a time limit!"

"It's not a permanent ability, what's the point of arguing about it!"

It looks like Luo Shan and Jiang Yi are going to fight.

Sun Hao rolled his eyes and shouted: "Alright! Stop arguing!"

"Luo Shan, right? Although this effect of +5 to all attributes has a time limit, it is also your opportunity."

"If you can seize the opportunity, you may grow up quickly."

"But if you can't..."

Sun Hao shook his head and didn't continue.

His eyes fell on

Jiang Yi.

It was obvious that the look he gave Luo Shan just now was somewhat kind and friendly.

His tone was also much more patient than usual when facing the shoujiao worm.

But at this moment, when he turned to Jiang Yi, his attitude returned to being cold and indifferent: "Jiang Yi, right?"

"You said you want me to make the decision for you?"

"Oh! Naive!"

"You should know that in this doomsday game world, fists are the only hard truth!"

"The fact now is that the blood-sucking insect was eaten by Luo Shan! He gained the effect of all attributes +5, and you——are still a waste!"

"As a waste, you must have the consciousness of a waste! You are not qualified to point fingers at the strong!"

Sun Hao's words were quite heavy.

The death squad team watching from the sidelines also whispered something.

If it were an ordinary person, he might feel aggrieved at this time.

He even said a cruel word, "Don't bully the poor young man for thirty years in the east and thirty years in the west."

But Jiang Yi had lived two lives, and his heart had long been forged into steel.

And he knew that Sun Hao was right.

This doomsday game was indeed about the strong being respected!

The only hard truth was that the bigger the fist, the better!

He believed that if he revealed the secret that he also had all his attributes +5 at this moment, Sun Hao's attitude towards him would also change.

So, rather than saying that Sun Hao was targeting him, it would be better to say that he was targeting the weak!

Jiang Yi didn't have any thoughts in his mind.

But Sun Hao's words made Luo Shan embarrassed.

He was hesitating whether to say a few good words for Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi took the initiative to say: "I was wrong about the blood-sucking insect."

"But I still hope that Luo Shan can give me some compensation..."

As soon as he said this, Sun Hao's face turned cold again.

Just as he was about to reprimand again, he did not expect Luo Shan to speak up: "Well, you, if you need my help, just say it!"

"As long as it's not too outrageous, I can agree."

Luo Shan himself said so, so Sun Hao naturally wouldn't say anything more.

Jiang Yi glanced at Luo Shan.

He thought that this buddy was much better than the ungrateful ungrateful bastards like Tang Ke and Chen Liang.

Luo Shan did not think his behavior was noble.

After all, he could have this BUFF of +5 in all attributes, but it was all thanks to Jiang Yi!

It's human nature to be grateful, right?

Of course, if Jiang Yi made a particularly excessive request, he would definitely refuse it without hesitation.

After all, it's human nature to repay kindness, but it doesn't mean that he is a saint who can be kidnapped by morality.


Jiang Yi's request stunned everyone present!

He picked up a shovel from the pile of weapons.

Then he said to Luo Shan in a serious tone:

"You have a high attribute, so help me sharpen the tip of this shovel."

? ? ?

Luo Shan immediately looked like an old man on the subway looking at his phone.

Other onlookers were puzzled at first, and then thought...

Is Jiang Yi deliberately humiliating Luo Shan with this request?

This mind and this tolerance are too low, right? !

Even Sun Hao felt that Jiang Yi was too unkind, and was about to hit him again.

But Jiang Yi repeated to Luo Shan in a serious tone: "I'm not joking, I really plan to use this shovel as a weapon."

"But I don't like the tip of this shovel, so I want you to help me sharpen it."


Luo Shan knew the inside story, so he thought it was unlikely that Jiang Yi would deliberately humiliate him.

Plus, he looked quite serious at the moment.


“Are you really going to use this shovel as a weapon?”

Luo Shan had a strange expression.

Jiang Yi was serious and nodded again to confirm.

Luo Shan thought about it and nodded: “Okay, I promise you!”

Then he turned around and asked Sun Hao if he had a whetstone.

Sun Hao couldn’t figure out what these two people, especially Jiang Yi, were doing.

However, if the matter could be turned around, he didn’t care, so he lent Luo Shan a whetstone.

In this way, a little more time was wasted.

Jiang Yi and Luo Shan each took their weapons and went to the battle line.

Many people saw that Jiang Yi’s weapon was a shovel, and their expressions were hard to describe.

In his state, naturally no one would be willing to team up with him.

Luo Shan, holding the compound bow easily, came close to him and whispered: "How about we team up? I... I'll lead you?"

Jiang Yi glanced at Luo Shan indifferently.

For some reason, Luo Shan felt a great sense of pressure.

He was now increasingly convinced that Jiang Yi was the one who once led the students of Hanjiang University.

A strong man who rushed out of the beast tide alive!

Although the powerful ability has lost its validity.

But the momentum on his body will not lie!

Sure enough, Luo Shan was not surprised to hear Jiang Yi's refusal:

"You have all attributes +5, and it is no problem for you to fight two black widows alone, and you still want to team up with others?"

This is what refusal means.

Luo Shan also tactfully stopped talking about teaming up.

But he kept a watchful eye and deliberately chose a position next to Jiang Yi in the defense line formed by the death squad.

At this time, the beast tide had not occurred for a long time.

Many ferocious beasts had not had time to spread here.

So their defense line here was still relatively relaxed at this time.

Luo Shan stood there and watched for a while before suddenly pulling the bow.

With a "whoosh" sound, a sharp arrow shot straight at the head of a black widow!

Then there was a "bang" sound!

An arrow shot a headshot!

Luo Shan raised his chin with some pride, and at the same time, he was excited about the feeling of being full of power!

When he was a shouqiu worm before, he thought it was good to be a shouqiu worm, at least it was safe and there was no threat to his life.

But now...

He finally understood why those members of the death squad were unwilling to become shouqiu worms again despite the high mortality rate!


This feeling of mastering power...

It's really great!

It's more enjoyable than you can imagine!

If Luo Shan wanted to "change his fate" before, it was purely because he played too many games and his second-year soul was burning.

Then, now he has a seed of wanting to become stronger in his heart!

He wants to gain power!

He wants to be a strong man!

He wants to hold his fate in his own hands!

Get stronger! Must get stronger!

Jiang Yi, who was standing by, also saw the change in Luo Shan's mentality.

He thought for a moment and asked Luo Shan, "Have you practiced archery?"

Luo Shan shook his head, "Not really. I used to shoot birds with a slingshot in elementary school, and I made a crossbow when I was in junior high school..."

As he was talking, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted to Jiang Yi, "Be careful!!"

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