The truth is, the truth is that the world is still alive.

[? ? ? ? ]

[What the hell? ? ? Why did they issue another world announcement? Is there a bug in the Doomsday game? ! ]

[Is the person above blind? ! This time the announcement is about the red turntable! ! ! ]

[Fuck! ! ! Am I blind? I'm obviously deaf! I'm dumb! That's why I heard such a ghost story! ! ]

[Red turntable! Fuck! Do you know what this means? ! ]

[This means that Jiang Yi consumed 100,000 years of his life in one breath! ! ]

[100,000 years! Don't tell me that the orange turntable he just pulled out is the elixir of immortality? ! ]

[Don't be ridiculous! Orange elixir of immortality? ? ! According to the law of the elixir of immortality...]

[Green elixir of immortality for hundreds of years, blue for thousands of years, purple for tens of thousands of years, orange... hundreds of thousands of years!!!]

[Orange elixir of immortality! Hundreds of thousands of years!!! Damn! My eyes are red! Jiang Yi, I'm going to kill you!!!]

[Numb! So sour!!! Give me hundreds of thousands of years! I'm going to take off right where I am!!!]

[Quick-acting heart-saving pills, quick-acting heart-saving pills!!! Hurry, hurry, I'm almost dying!!! Why is fate so unfair!!! Goddess of luck, are you blind? ! Why can't you see me who is so handsome and suave!!! ]

[Maybe it’s because others are handsome and elegant, but you are handsome and runny! ]


[Fuck the haters! Those who said that the boss got killed in one second when he drew the orange wheel, please speak! Open your dog eyes and see! Who got killed in one second? ! ]

[Heroes: Just say it! The boss must have got killed in one second when he drew the red wheel! (Anyway, you don’t have to take responsibility for your nonsense:)]

[Heroes: Jiang Yi, I was wrong! Can you let me know in advance next time you draw the gold wheel? I’m afraid it will blind my 24K titanium alloy dog ​​eyes! ! ]

[To be honest, this Jiang Yi is really too weird! ! Cross-region, draw the orange wheel, etc., that’s fine... The key is, how did he have the courage to draw the red wheel! No matter how I think about it, it’s unreasonable! ! ]

[Maybe it’s because... the boss has Fish Leong’s support behind him? 】

【Fuck! Let's talk business! Get off my feet if you're playing memes! 】


The chat channel was in chaos, with all kinds of discussions.

In the forum, the voices inviting Jiang Yi to join the forces weakened.

But the voices inviting him to explore the endless sea together were more humble and sincere.

In the Silver Frost Club, Wei Lingshuang felt more and more that this Jiang Yi could not be the Jiang Yi she knew.

She just calmly held an emergency meeting.

On the river bank, the four major guilds also held an emergency meeting together.

The focus was on discussing the impact of the existence of "Jiang Yi" on the situation and future development of the entire Jiangcheng District.

In addition, the bigwigs were also quite curious.

How did Jiang Yi do it? !

It would be fine if it was the orange turntable...

He actually drew the red turntable!

This courage is really great!

But soon, Luo Changqing came up with an idea.

He thought that the reason why Jiang Yi dared to draw the red wheel was that he used the [Wishing Card] drawn from the special wheel!

Use the [Wishing Card] to directly specify the reward option on the red wheel!

The existence of the [Wishing Card] is that the higher the level of the wheel, the greater the benefit!

Jiang Yi asked about the special wheel in the forum before...

It means that he himself has probably drawn the special wheel.

Drawing the [Wishing Card] from the special wheel is also a reasonable speculation.

In addition to this speculation, Luo Changqing put forward another point:

"In addition to this, I also thought of a way-"

"Although the special option drawn from the special wheel will be directly bound to the drawer."

"But in fact, if the special option drawn by the drawer is the [Wishing Card]..."

"Then, we can actually control the drawer who draws the [Wishing Card] and let him use the [Wishing Card] according to our requirements!"


Although it is impossible to plunder the special options drawn by others.

But the [Wishing Card] is used for lottery!

If you use it to draw ordinary turntables, can't you plunder the things you draw?

Of course, this is only a theoretical situation.

In the specific implementation process, whether it is the threat of force or the temptation of benefits.

You need to consider how to make the tool person who draws the [Wishing Card] cooperate obediently.

But these problems can actually be solved.

The big bosses of the four major guilds looked at each other.

It got brighter!

Obviously, they also got the wonderful use of the [Wishing Card] on the special turntable!


The president of Qingchuan Guild quickly pointed out:

"Perhaps Jiang Yi's rapid growth did take advantage of the tool man's use of the [Wishing Card]."

"But this time, he should still use his own [Wishing Card] to draw the red turntable that triggered the world announcement."

"After all, it's his own name on the announcement."

Luo Changqing shook his head again: "That's not necessarily true."

"If he is really a vain person who pursues fame..."

"Then he can completely let the tool man who draws the [Wishing Card] change his name to Jiang Yi, and then draw the red turntable!"



Although the angle is a bit strange, it is not unreasonable.

However, it is not very important whether Jiang Yi drew the red turntable himself or drew it with the help of a tool man with the same name.

The important thing is that they have a relatively reasonable speculation about Jiang Yi's amazing behavior.

As for how Jiang Yi got the orange and red turntables...

It can only be said that ordinary players still know too little about this doomsday game!

Like Jiang Yi, Jin Buli, Lu Li, etc., those big guys who triggered the world announcement level...

They must have their own special and extraordinary experiences!

And the imagination of outsiders...

Jiang Yi himself doesn't care.

Just like a famous king once said-

The strong man does things all his life, why should he explain to passers-by!

He didn't even look at the chat channel.

His eyes fell directly on a quaint and mysterious black thick book pulled out by the red turntable.

Not only did he stare at it...

The filament ring on his right little finger also "whooshed" and pounced on the black book cover.

This little filament looked unusually happy.

On the cover of the big black book, it twisted and danced like a maggot.

At the same time, Jiang Yi's mind rang again, a cheerful voice like that of an infant -

"Fire! Fire, fire, fire!"

Jiang Yi rolled his eyes at it, casually took it off the cover and threw it into the black light.

He said bluntly: "Fire, you head, fire, fire, fire!"

"Anyway, you still have three days to live, no rush!"

"Raise the silver! Woo woo woo QAQ"

The voice of the little filament sounded quite aggrieved.

But in fact, this big black book pulled out from the red turntable is not a fire treasure.

I saw that on its mysterious black cover, there were four words in a fancy font with even more mysterious dark runes -

Book of Answers!

The Book of Answers, as the name suggests, can answer some questions!

However, the cooling time is 24 hours, which means that you can only ask one question a day.

Moreover, it cannot answer some ultra-high-dimensional questions.

The little filament was so excited, obviously hoping that Jiang Yi could ask the Book of Answers what kind of fire to use to extend its life.

But Jiang Yi asked the Book of Answers another question directly -

[How to increase the attribute limit? ]

"Hua La La..."

The mysterious big book that was originally closed suddenly opened.

The sound of the pages turning was very pleasant.

About ten seconds later.

The Book of Answers stopped at a certain page.

It is displayed in dark gold text -

[The fundamental factor that affects the upper limit of attributes - life level]

[How to improve:]

[1. Improve level (upgrade life card), change job (career turntable)]

[2. Improve bloodline (eugenics and good parenting, evolution from generation to generation, personal evolution)]

[How to evolve personal bloodline:]

[1. River of Time (special turntable, natural holy land)]

[2. Nirvana Death Land (special turntable, natural forbidden land)]

[3. Special spiritual objects (special turntable, special trial, special blessed land)]

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