Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Chapter 456, Blackstone Martial Arts Training Ground

Letoz directly interrupted Masak's words and found the loophole in his words.

"Chief Letoz, I can guarantee that this matter is absolutely true, and the number of undead has reached a terrifying level. If we don't pay attention to it, it may cause serious consequences." Masak immediately emphasized.

Letoz continued: "Then please explain, if you say that the number of undead reaches hundreds of thousands, where did they come from? Could it be that they grew out of the soil and appeared directly outside the Blackstone Tribe. "

Tribes and cities are connected and communicate with each other.

An undead army suddenly appeared and captured the Blackstone Tribe without disturbing any surrounding cities.

This is simply unreasonable.

No matter which direction the undead come from, they should send a message, rather than suddenly launching an attack on the Blackstone Tribe.

"Letoz, don't pursue this. Marshak has been resurrected at the Altar of Heroes and brought back this important information. The focus should be on how to deal with the undead's subsequent attacks, rather than pursuing where he came from. "Blackstone Clan Chief Andras said seriously.

Andras suppressed the anger in his heart.

If the Blackstone tribe hadn't been wiped out by the undead, he would have basically become a polished commander.

He wanted to get up and slap him to death.

At this time, City Lord Krat also said: "Mashak, you said that the undead were the reinforcements brought by the spiders, so did they come from the west?"

Masak didn't know why he asked this, and nodded in reply, "The undead arrived in the dense forest of spiders first, and then continued eastward to attack the Blackstone Tribe. If the undead didn't plan to stop, I'm afraid they would arrive directly at 'Tasgo City' tomorrow. , Continue to attack."

The city lord, Krat, fell silent after hearing this.

He is in charge of Tusgo City, so he naturally knows more information.

After combining the information that Marshak said, something suddenly came to mind.

He immediately said to his men: "Call the merchant Mateva."

The guard responded and left quickly.

Not long after, Mateva, who was dragged here without knowing why, stood uneasily below.

"Your Majesty the City Lord, the two clan leaders." Mateva saluted immediately.

Mateva is the merchant representative in Tusgo City. As the official merchant of Tusgo City, he will go to various cities to discuss business transactions.

Or open an official store of 'Tasgo City' in some more prosperous cities.

All along, Mateva's ability to do things was pretty good, but he didn't achieve much.

Until two months ago, Mateva negotiated a cooperation between Tasgo City and Manim Market, and each side opened a store in the other city.

Mateva's performance directly surpassed everyone and brought huge benefits to Tusgo City.

But this time, Krat found Mateva and suspected that he was in the west.

Mateva stood below, feeling a little nervous when he saw that no one of the three had spoken yet.

He rubbed his hands and asked carefully: "You three adults, I don't know how I can help you."

Krat looked at Mateva carefully and continued to ask: "How are those tauren in Manim doing lately?"

Mawat thought for a while and replied: "Sir City Lord, their store business is very good, especially the clothing industry, which has brought a lot of profits."

Hearing these words, the other two clan leaders also guessed why Clark asked.

Because this clothing store is very famous, and its name is Bone Fabric Store.

"Do you have any contact with Manim Market?" Krat continued to ask.

Marwat replied, "I delivered a batch of goods to Manim Market last month, but the next delivery time has not yet arrived."

Krat nodded and continued: "Come here, go with Marwat and arrest all the people in these shops. I want to interrogate them personally."

"Yes!" The guards on the side shouted in unison, causing Mawat's body to tremble suddenly.

At the same time, my heart sank. With this posture, nothing would happen to Manimu and Tasgo City.

After a second thought, Mawat hurriedly said: "Lord City Lord, it has been raining heavily these past few days. The tauren have left the city and the shops are closed."

Hearing these words, the faces of Krat and others became a little darker again.

There is no need to guess. The enemy must be related to this tauren city.

As for what ‘Letoz’ is pursuing, it makes sense where the undead come from.

You enter this area through the Manim Market on the west side.

There was a hint of anger rising in Krat's eyes, and he said coldly: "Come here, put all of Marwatt's men and family members in jail."


The guards took action quickly and were escorted away amidst Mawat's loud complaints.

The hall fell into silence again.

The ins and outs of the matter are actually very clear.

This undead army was obviously bigger than they imagined.

The Spider Camp and the Tauren's Manimu Market are both related to this undead army.

The Blackstone Tribe's actions against the Spider Camp obviously angered this army, causing them to directly cross such a long distance and launch an attack on Blackstone City despite the heavy rain.

Right now, it was time to gather troops to resist the coming undead army.

As for the Spider Camp and the Minotaur's Manimu Market, we will settle accounts with them after the war is over.

Next, no one bothered to investigate the identity and origin of the undead, and began to discuss follow-up plans.

And a large number of scouts were arranged to keep an eye on the movements of the undead army.

Black Rock City.

The center of the Patriarch's Hall was filled with treasure chests that had been plundered.

Golden gold coins and bright gems filled the boxes one after another.

Looking at the treasures in front of him, Fang Hao was surprised by the wealth of the Blackstone Tribe.

There are 3.5 million war coins and more than 7 million animal head gold. There are also various gold and silver utensils and precious stones and agates.

This amount of wealth is probably richer than a twelfth-level city like Bilisis City.

Rebecca, after capturing several more faceless nobles, had the money to build roads in the DC area.

As for the Blackstone Tribe, a large tribe at level 7 has so many formers.

If so much money was given to Rebecca, Hui Le would probably not be able to sleep for three days and three nights.

Next to the loot box filled with gold coins, there is a gold treasure chest.

This kind of treasure chest is a reward specially given to travelers after they clear the level.

A lot of loot can be obtained.

However, I only got one golden treasure chest from this battle.

The quality of the treasure chest is not high.

Turn on directly.

Pieces of light appeared instantly.

[Obtained: Blackstone training ground architectural drawings (purple), large ranch architectural drawings (blue), Mountain King orc sword making drawings (blue), flying dragon sky armor making drawings (blue), 72 beast tooth stones, 255 war coins. 】

The light was dazzling, and Fang Hao captured the purple and blue light in an instant.

A purple architectural blueprint can appear in a golden treasure chest, which is pretty good.

In the past, gold was more often obtained with blue drawings.

Check out the purple drawing first.

[Black Stone Training Ground (Purple)]

[Category: Special Building]

[Effect: The experience gained by the orcs in the martial arts training field is increased by an additional 20%. 】

(Description: The orcs must find victory in difficult situations and find hope for the future of the race.)

[Construction requirements: 1200 hard and tough wood, 2500 stone bricks, 800 thick and tough leather, 220 cast iron block, 150 metal parts, 120 animal teeth, 5 perfect essence. 】

Fang Hao was a little surprised by the properties of the first drawing.

The Blackstone Training Ground is actually a building that can increase the experience of the orcs.

You know, whether it is a hero or an ordinary soldier.

All require accumulation of experience in training and learning.

Fang Hao remembered that he had seen a potion before, which only increased experience by about 20% during training.

This building has achieved the effect of the potion, and it is also the racial effect of the group. As long as you patrol the training ground, you can get an increase. Gu Liu

The only pity is that there are race requirements and it is only valid for orcs.

That's okay. Anjia, Yi'er, and Tongniu are all orcs, and they can also get opportunities for promotion.

Especially the Bronze Bull, which is very big according to the age of the orcs. If there is no chance to break through yet, I am afraid it will be more difficult to break through in the future.

At that time, one can be built for Tongniu City.

He was very satisfied with the first drawing.

Then look at the second drawing.

[Large ranch (blue): 3500 wood, 1500 hardwood, 2200 stone bricks, 350 cast iron blocks, 120 metal parts, 2 natural gems. 】

(Description: A very large ranch with a more suitable breeding environment for livestock.)

The second picture is of a pasture.

The blue blueprint is more advanced than the ordinary pasture.

At that time, scattered orc villages can be allowed to carry out animal husbandry.

The next two drawings are equipment drawings.

[Sanwang Orc War Knife (Blue): 1 Hard Tough Wood, 1 Thick Tough Leather, 12 Cast Iron Blocks, 5 Metal Parts. 】

[Flying Dragon Sky Armor (blue): Thick and tough leather 10, cast iron block 3, spinning thread 12, metal parts 8. 】

The Mountain King Orc War Knife is a war knife weapon equipped by the orc soldiers of the Blackstone Tribe.

The blade is wide and thick, and the blade is sharp.

The handle of the knife is wrapped in leather and feels heavy to hold.

It looks a bit like the ancient ghost head sword, focusing on the damage caused when cutting.

The Wyvern Sky Armor is not the armor of a military class, but the armor of the Bat Knight Wyvern.

Armor made of leather and metal to protect the pterosaur's body.

This kind of armor is generally arranged according to body type.

Fang Hao can not only use it for the skeleton bat knight, but also for the skeleton pseudo-dragon guard.

The two are very close in size. Once they are produced, the blacksmith can make simple changes to equip the pseudo-dragon guard.

Finished reading the drawings.

The last two items are animal tooth stones and war coins.

Both types of rewards will be given as long as the treasure chest is opened.

Check out the rewards.

Fang Hao asked people to put the drawings into the gold coin box and sealed it immediately.

Then transported directly to the Webweaver camp.

At that time, he can directly collect the money into the storage space.

The tauren carried the box out, and when he walked out of the door, he happened to pass by Luo Li.

Luo Li strode in, wiped the dirt from his face, and said directly: "Sir, Tasgo City has begun to gather surrounding troops, and enemy scouts have also been found around Black Rock City."

The black-footed cat is responsible for the investigation and sends back the news continuously.

The enemy's scouts have begun to enter Black Rock City for reconnaissance.

Obviously already aware of the situation here.

And began to prepare for battle.

"Can you confirm the number of enemies?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

Luo Li said: "There are many scattered teams, gathering from various villages towards Tasgo City. The number cannot be confirmed, but they are definitely above Black Rock City."

"Well, the next step is to mainly investigate the number of enemy troops and the movements of each army." Fang Hao continued.

"Yes, sir." Luo Li responded, shook off the water droplets on his poncho, and walked out again.

Fang Hao took a deep breath.

He also walked out of the Patriarch's Hall again.

The weather outside was already dim.

The pattering of raindrops was much lighter than last night.

It was also because of the rain that there was not much blood stain left in this city.

Fang Hao walked out of the patriarch's hall.

Arriving outside the city, Rou Fist had already begun to assemble an army.

"Sir, the army has been assembled and needs to be replenished with enough arrows." Rou Fist said.

"Okay, I understand. By the way, is Niyi back?" Fang Hao asked while opening the Book of Lords.

"Not yet." Flesh Fist replied.

Last night, Niyi rode a bone dragon and took away most of the flying units in the territory to intercept the red dragon.

I originally thought that the seriously injured red dragon would be easily caught up and killed.

But until now, no news has been received.

"Yes, I understand." Fang Hao nodded.

Find the page for making arrows and select Make.

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, you will get 1,010,000 arrows. 】

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, obtain 101,000 detonators. 】

Crackling! !

Large swathes of arrows and detonators appeared out of thin air.

The Cow Warrior on the side immediately commanded the skeleton soldiers to start bundling and loading.

When all preparations were completed, Fang Hao directly ordered: "Rou Fist, let's go to Tasgo City."

"Yes, sir." Rou Fist accepted the order, turned around and gave the order to set off.

The army started moving towards Tasgo City in a mighty manner.

Although most of the army is an undead army.

But there are still a large number of orcs interspersed in the middle to act as scouts and messengers.

After the battle last night, the orcs only rested for about three hours. It was also a rainy day. For these biological soldiers, it was a great drain on their physical energy.

Therefore, this battle against Tusgo City must be fought as quickly as possible and ended as soon as possible.

It also allows the creatures to have time to rest.

The army moved forward in a mighty manner, keeping far away from all the wild beasts along the road.

Avoid this sudden skeleton army.

Fang Hao also learned wisely this time. Instead of riding a horse, he lay on the cart filled with baggage.

In order to prevent his actions from being too conspicuous and being targeted by others, he should be assassinated.

Although he is just a demon doll, the material of the doll is also the bones of the orange hero.

Once damaged, the losses will be huge.

boom! !

Luo Li took a leap of faith and landed directly next to the carriage.

Fang Hao was so frightened that he almost threw out the Book of Lords in his hand.

"Sir, look for Shuyuan An orc team of less than a thousand people was found ahead. They are approaching Tasgo City. They are expected to meet us at the intersection ahead." Luo Li said loudly.

In this battle, the black-footed cat was accompanying the army for the first time.

It was as if Luo Li had been given a shot of chicken blood. After a night of investigation, he was still in high spirits.

Fortunately, An Jia was left in the web weaver camp to protect the real Fang Hao. Otherwise, one of them had information and the other was not afraid of death.

Maybe go directly to Tasgo City and assassinate the opponent's leader.

After hearing Luo Li's report, Fang Hao immediately said: "Asetti, these people are left to you, drive them back."

This small team should be the village team heading to Tusgo City to gather.

Now that it was dawn, he led the team to Tasgo City.


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