Demitga, with his men, had just retreated to the dense forest.

A cry of killing came from the dense forest behind him.

Thousands of bandits rushed out of the dense forest like a flood.

Start attacking here.

Holding an iron shield and an iron sword in his hands, he screamed like a crazy beast.

Bang bang bang! !

Soldiers, begin the attack.

Bullets and crossbow arrows continued to pour forward.

There are so many bandits that you can hit a target with just one shot.

The bandits were fierce when they came, and people kept falling. .

The wails of pain resounded through the mountains and forests.

There were also more bandits rushing out of the dense forest, as if they were not afraid of the attack of death.

Even if you don't take the bandits seriously.

Seeing such a large number, the soldiers and mercenaries at the back also swallowed with some guilt.


The sound of artillery sounded again, exploding not far from the team.

The remaining power of the cannonballs instantly knocked several soldiers away.

His breastplate was dented and he was vomiting blood.

Demitga glanced into the distance with cold eyes.

Then he saw that the thick fog on the road had dispersed, and he was in the middle of the road.

Several bandits were skillfully clearing the muzzles of the cannons and reloading the cannonballs.

It was indeed an artillery piece.

Fortunately they didn't fall into the enemy's trap.

Otherwise, I'm afraid few people will be able to escape.

Swish! !

Demitga swung his long sword and wiped out all the enemies rushing up from the surrounding area.

He ordered in a cold voice, "Take the wounded and continue to retreat."

Wow! !

The soldiers began to move.

Some fought against the bandits who rushed up sporadically, and some began to retreat with the people affected by the shells.

At the same time, Demitga continued to retreat with a few people.

boom! !

They retreated not far.

The rear position was bombarded by artillery shells again.

The splashed sand and gravel hit their armor.

Everyone fought and retreated, but could not escape the pursuit behind them.

These bandits need to be more familiar with this area.

Although their combat capabilities are not as good as theirs, they are very dexterous in their movements through the dense forest.

Always follow them closely.

Constantly pestering and slowing down.

At the moment, Dimitga and others are being entangled by the bandits.

There are more and more bandits from all directions.

They began to use human sea tactics, constantly consuming their combat effectiveness.

At this time, the strength gap between the regular army and the bandits was very obvious.

Demitga fought and retreated, but the casualties were not large.

The bandits came with ferocious force, but they were already dead and injured.

Corpses covered the dense forest, and blood dyed the vegetation red.


Seeing that Dimitga and others were injured all over their bodies.

The bandits were like wild beasts that had smelled blood, and their expressions became even more excited. They roared and continued to charge forward.

From the bandits' point of view, it was only a matter of time before they killed these Lysis City soldiers.

Demitga and the others were forced to retreat continuously.

The sword marks were all over the armor, and the blood formed a layer of brown scab.

Some of the blood belongs to oneself, and even more belongs to the enemy.

Although the battle is still going on, they have lost hope.

Several mercenaries at the back leaned on each other, resisting the enemy's approach, and kept muttering: "Why haven't they come back? Why haven't they come back? Damn it, where are the people?"

According to the plan, troops who fled early would establish a second line of defense to cover their evacuation.

These mercenaries are very aware of the indifference and cowardice of the nobles.

Seeing that the position of the second line of defense has not been seen for a long time, some people began to think that they had become abandoned.

Fang Hao's previous plan was just to deceive them and wait for them.

"What's the use of talking about this now? Just survive first and don't get distracted." The mercenary beside him also gritted his teeth and said.

There was no time to say more, as more and more bandits were surrounding them, like an incoming wave, surrounding them.

Once the siege is formed, death is only a matter of time.

Just when their faces were gloomy and their hearts were filled with despair.

The movements of the bandits in groups were obvious.

If you look carefully, you will find that the bandits' feet are entangled with growing vines.

With his feet blocked, the bandit who was charging forward fell like a gourd on the ground.

Everyone turned around suddenly.

Then he saw three wood servant spirits behind him, extending their arms into the ground.

It turned into vines and entangled the enemy.

Behind Mu Shiling was Fang Hao and a group of waiting soldiers and mercenaries.

Seeing this scene, the people in the back all looked happy.

Fang Hao said: "Clean up the approaching bandits, take everyone away, and retreat to the north."


Wow! !

Everyone immediately rushed to kill them.

Like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, he pounced directly on the bandits.

The people who were originally at the back began to retreat back.

Fang Hao stood on the boulder.

Holding the Thunder Eagle Blade in his hand, he began to gather magic power.

As the magic power gathered more and more, a mist began to rise around him.

This is exactly his skill [Cloud Mist].

Since absorbing the level 0 godhead of the Lord of Thunder, the mist as an air spell has also begun to change.

The fog was as thick as cotton wool, and lightning flashed constantly in the fog.

Not only will it block the enemy's senses, but the lightning contained in it will also attack the enemy.

It can be regarded as an advanced version of the mist.

When the fog covered the dense forest, everyone quickly retreated at Fang Hao's signal without further delay.

It took an hour to walk north along the dense forest.

On a spacious main road.

Arsetti put his fingers in his mouth and whistled.

Not long after, the sound of intensive horse hooves sounded.

Asseti's horse, Wind Demon, ran over in a hurry, followed by hundreds of horses from the original team.

There was also a large, silly-looking four-legged monitor lizard among them.

Under the circumstances at that time, if the horses were left behind, they would only become targets for arrows.

Except for the horses that were tied up by the carriage and died immediately after being struck by arrows, the rest were all led out by the wind demon.

Everyone, without stopping, the wounded mounted their horses and continued to move north.

Outside the mountains and forests.

The three leaders of the Death Snatchers listened to the reports of their men with gloomy expressions.

And this gloominess, in addition to anger, is more panic and overwhelmed.

How excited they were when they heard the news about Rebecca last night, and how scared they were today.

As you can imagine, Rebecca's revenge on them.

As well as the Hundred Cities Federation, hunting them down.

From now on, they will have no place to stay, and the human realm will not allow their existence.

"You bunch of trash, you are all fucking trash. There are so many people and you let them run away. Chase me and let Rebecca run away. We won't survive." The tyrant roared loudly.

Listening to the roar of his boss, his legs trembled a little, and he said tremblingly: "Boss, boss, there are mages among them. The entire mountain forest is covered by fog, and there are still electric discharges in the fog. I can't tell where to go now. Escaped."


Hearing the explanation from his men, the tyrant became even more angry.

He kicked him to the ground and cursed angrily: "Keep searching, expand the scope, and whoever finds the trace first, I will make him the fourth boss. If you can't find me, I will kill you."

"Yes, yes! Let's go after him right away." The men climbed up and conveyed the boss's order.

On the side, not only the tyrant's expression was ugly.

Even the second eldest brother Tan Lang and Li Zhenhu looked extremely ugly.

Let people run away, and their good days are over.

"It's over, it's over. Our efforts during this period have all been in vain. If we attack the city lords of Hundred Cities, the Federation will definitely not let us go." Greedy Wolf said with a trembling voice.

Yesterday he also suggested that he should have some fun with Rebecca.

Now, my heart is filled with fear of Rebecca.

"Don't, don't panic, we don't necessarily want to let them run away. We know this area better than they do, and outsiders won't be able to escape from this forest for a while." Li Zhenhu advised, but he didn't have any confidence in his heart.

He wasn't too afraid of the Hundred Cities Federation. The one he was unsure about was Fang Hao.

It is said in the channel that Fang Hao is connected to Lysis City, but I don’t know if he is in the team.

If he were not there or had fled back, he would probably start to take revenge on them very quickly due to his character of hatred that never lasts.

Li Zhenhu's casual comfort gave the tyrant a warning and said: "Yes, let's search separately. They won't be able to get out of this forest for a while."

The other two people nodded and took their manpower into the dense forest to search.

The next night.

Mahone's territory has been closed.

After taking a comfortable hot bath, Ma Hong just wanted to go to bed.

Then I heard a loud bell ringing outside the room.

Ma Hong, who had just fallen asleep, instantly sat up from the bed and looked out the window with a changed expression.

This was the second time he heard the bell.

The first time was when installing the copper bell to test whether it works well.

This is the second time, which means that an enemy is approaching.

Without time to think, he simply put on his leather armor and quickly rushed out of the room.

He climbed onto the city wall and looked in the direction pointed by the soldiers.

Only torches were seen, forming a long dragon of fire.

It's approaching here quickly.

This area is no man's land. Needless to say, the destination of this flaming team must be here.

Mahone's heart was pounding.

"Damn it, it couldn't be those damn bandits coming over!" Ma Hong cursed.

If it were really those robbers, he would not be able to defend the city with his own strength.

"Lord, what should I do?" the militiamen on the side asked in a low voice.

"What else can we do? Determine the identity of the enemy. If it is the bandits, we will defend the city." Ma Hong gritted his teeth and said.

As more and more refugees are recruited into the city, there are more and more things about the Life-Taker Bandits.

All villages visited by those who took their lives were reduced to ruins, with no chickens or dogs left.

The fear of life-snatchers has taken hold.

Not only Mahone was afraid, but the militiamen and residents in the rest of the territory were also afraid.

After hearing Mahone's order, everyone took action immediately.

Start carrying stones and prepare arrows.

His eyes were full of fear, and he stared warily at the long line of torches that was getting closer and closer.

Whoosh! !

When the team reaches a certain range.

An arrow was thrown in front of the team, instantly forcing the advancing team to a halt.

"Whoever comes closer, we will attack."

The guards' voices echoed in the night.

"We are Lord Fang Hao's team and need another night's rest from the city." Someone in the team shouted.

After hearing what the other party said, everyone looked at Ma Hong.

At the same time, Ma Hong’s Book of Lords also received a private message.

It was a message from Fang Hao, saying that the team had encountered some problems and needed to take a break from his side.

Knowing that it was really Fang Hao's team, Ma Hong instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter who it is, as long as it's not those damn bandits.

Otherwise, his career as a lord would have come to an end.

"They're not bandits, open the city gate and let them in." Ma Hong shouted immediately.

The militiamen were relieved to hear that they were not bandits.

The city gate was opened directly.

The city gate opens.

When Fang Hao's team entered the city, Ma Hong realized the seriousness of the matter.

The originally glamorous escort team was now in an extremely miserable state.

Many people were injured, and there was a certain attrition.

Some had dents in their armor, and some had arrows stuck in their bodies.

He looked like a defeated deserter.

Seeing Fang Hao in the team, Ma Hong immediately approached him, "Brother Fang Hao, are you being attacked?"

Fang Hao's condition was pretty good, but Feng Chen was a little bit running around and was not injured.

However, it can be seen from Fang Hao's expression that he is suppressing the anger in his heart.

"Go to your lord's mansion and tell them to close the city gate and increase the number of patrols." Fang Hao said.

"Oh, okay." Ma Hong was stunned for a moment.

Still follow Fang Hao's words and make arrangements.

The city gates were closed again, and additional manpower was posted on the city walls.

In the city lord's mansion.

Fang Hao, Dimitja, Asetti, Anjia, Rebecca, and the four leaders of the mercenary group.

The mercenary group suffered the most losses, with people in every team dying.

Next are the personal guards and the Lionheart Knight.

These people were sitting there with murderous intent, covered in blood, but it was Ma Hong who was the master.

Somewhat uneasy, he lowered his head and said nothing.

Before anyone could speak, Fang Hao took the lead and said, "Bring over the captured man."

Not long after, a bandit with his arms broken was brought over.

This was caught directly during the evacuation.

There were no pursuers on the road, so I brought them here.

He threw the bandit directly to the ground.

His face was pale and his breath was a little weak.

He looked like he was still recovering from a serious illness.

Everyone looked at him with anger in their eyes.

"Who are you?" Fang Hao looked at the villagers and asked in a deep voice.

The bandit raised his head with difficulty, glanced at Fang Hao, and said directly: "I tell you, can you survive?"

He is not stupid either. This is the only time when he can negotiate terms.

After everything is said, I'm afraid I won't even be qualified to negotiate terms.

Fang Hao looked at him deeply and said, "It depends on whether you are honest or not."

"Okay, you ask!" the bandit said.

"Who are you?"

"We are from the Death Snatcher camp. This time, we followed the instructions of the tyrant boss to ambush you there." The bandit said without hesitation.

When he heard about the Death Snatcher camp, Ma Hong's expression changed instantly.

Fang Hao really got into a fight with the gang of gangsters who took the life.

Moreover, it seems that he suffered a loss.

Fang Hao nodded, quite satisfied with this person's attitude.

Continued to ask: "Then how do you know that we will pass by there today?"

"Half a month ago, we started arranging manpower to start watching this road. Last night, we suddenly received news and discovered your whereabouts."

"Why are you staring at us? What is your purpose?"

"This..., I'm not sure. The order was to kill everyone except the woman in the carriage in the middle."

Hearing these words, Fang Hao and others all looked at Rebecca.

Rebecca's carriage was very luxurious and conspicuous.

Except for Rebecca, he killed everyone else, which was really cruel.

So, these bandits took desperate measures to attack the official team in order to capture Rebecca.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Rebecca, but she shook her head slightly, "I don't know."

Indeed, if she had known anything, they would not have been ambushed.

Fang Hao continued to look at the bandits, "Tell me about the situation in your village, who is the leader, and how many people are there."

"Well, our eldest brother is called Tyrant, our second boss is Greedy Wolf, and our third boss is called Li Zhenhu. They..."

"Wait..., you mean Li Zhenhu?"

The bandit said halfway, looking for Shuyuan www. Ma Hong, who had been bowing his head in silence, suddenly interrupted.

The sudden exclamation startled everyone.

"Ah..., it's Li Zhenhu!" the bandit confirmed.

You can tell from the name that Li Zhenhu should be a time traveler.

Among the bandits, those armors and weapons should have been exchanged by Li Zhenhu through the regional channel.

But why was Mahone so surprised.

"What? Do you know him?" Fang Hao looked at Ma Hong.

Ma Hong hesitated for a moment, as if he had figured something out.

He said viciously: "Damn it, this bitch Li Zhenhu is fishing here."


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