"It's actually like this..."

Chu Feng gritted his teeth and couldn't help but sigh.

However, at this moment, Hei Teng's voice rang again.

"Although this is a trap set by Manus."

"But in his sealed place, it is very likely that there are indeed treasures left by him."

"Why is that?"

Chu Feng's eyes revealed a hint of surprise.

"Because he is an abyss demon."

Hei Teng explained calmly: "And demons have always been the best at bewitching people."

"Manus also knows that only when there are enough benefits will humans be tempted."

It must be said that what Hei Teng said does make some sense.

Afterwards, Chu Feng asked again: "Then should I go to this sealed place?"

If he doesn't go, he has wasted so much time, but only got four abyss magic crystals that he doesn't know what they are used for.

But if he goes, he will have to face great risks.

However, at this moment, Hei Teng spoke again: "Go, of course, why not?"

"There is no reason to leave the treasure that I got for free."

Chu Feng was slightly stunned, and subconsciously said: "But didn't you say that this is a trap?"

"What if Manus really revives..."

"Then I will naturally deal with him for you."

Hei Teng interrupted Chu Feng directly.

After hearing this, Chu Feng quickly reacted: "Senior Hei Teng means... to go with me?"

"What else?"

Hei Teng said lightly: "Do you really think that you, a young boy, can deal with Manus?"

"No matter how bad that guy is, he is still at the level of the Abyss Demon Lord, and even the demon slaves under his command are all demon beasts in the Soul Realm."

"If the four demon slaves had not absorbed too much power by the Abyss Demon Crystal, with your current strength, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to fill their teeth."

Although Hei Teng's words were unpleasant, they were very real.

If these four demon slaves still had the strength of the Soul Realm, Chu Feng would not be able to fight them at all, and he would probably be killed instantly after a confrontation.

However, it must be said that Manus is indeed a ruthless character.

You know, these four demon slaves have always been loyal to him, like slaves.

However, in order to break the seal, he did not hesitate to sacrifice the lives of the four demon slaves.

But what surprised Chu Feng the most was that the black vine in front of him was willing to go with him.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng smiled and whispered: "I thought... Senior Black Vine couldn't leave this abyss."

"Why can't I leave? I'm not dead."

Hei Teng said lightly: "The reason why I have been guarding here is just for the master to choose the successor and fulfill the master's last wish."

"Senior is loyal and righteous, which is admirable."

Chu Feng clasped his hands and said sincerely: "However, I have another question, and I hope you can solve it."


Chu Feng hesitated for a moment, and finally asked: "With the strength of the senior, is he really the opponent of the Lord of the Abyss?"

After a moment of silence, Hei Teng's extremely angry voice immediately exploded in Chu Feng's ears.

"What do you mean, kid? Are you questioning me? How dare you question my strength?!"

After Hei Teng got angry, Chu Feng just smiled awkwardly: "No, no, I'm just curious."

"Okay, stop talking about these useless things."

Hei Teng said casually: "Master Teng, I am willing to come out of the mountain, that is entirely for the face of the master."

"If you are not likely to accept the inheritance of the master, I would not bother to pay attention to you."

"But since I have taken action, you can rest assured."

"With me here, let alone Manus is still in a sealed state."

"Even if he is in his prime, Master Teng can still keep you safe!"

After hearing this, Chu Feng also had a general understanding of Hei Teng's strength.

Although he has always known that Hei Teng is very strong, he obviously did not expect that Hei Teng could be so strong.

A hint of joy immediately appeared in his eyes, and he said, "In that case, thank you very much, Senior."


After leaving the abyss, the black vine was also taken by Chu Feng.

Originally, Chu Feng thought that the size of the black vine would be extremely large.

But what he didn't expect was that the body of the black vine was actually just aA seed as black as ink.

In Hei Teng's original words, as long as this seed is still there, it will be able to spread thousands of vines.

"Boy, what's wrong with your physique?"

On the way, Hei Teng's voice suddenly rang in Chu Feng's ears.

Chu Feng was slightly stunned, and subconsciously said: "What are you talking about, senior?"

"Of course, it's about your age."

Hei Teng said puzzledly: "I remember when I first saw you, you seemed to be far younger than you are now."

"Of course, I don't mean to talk about appearance, but life age."

"The so-called life age, you can understand it as the annual rings of trees, that is, the years a person has experienced."

"There are thousands of ways to change your appearance, but few ways to change your life age have been heard. This is like turning back time, which requires supreme magical powers to achieve."

"Boy, how did you do it?"

Chu Feng then realized that the age that the system helped him reduce was not only reflected in his appearance.

However, what Chu Feng did not expect was that the realization of the system could even surprise Senior Hei Teng.

After hesitating for a moment, Chu Feng finally chose to muddle through: "Senior Hei Teng, my physique does have some special features."

"It's just... I don't know what's going on."

It's not that Chu Feng doesn't trust Hei Teng, but he really doesn't know how to explain the system to him.

Unexpectedly, Hei Teng quickly chose to accept his words.

"It's okay, everyone has their own secrets, this is normal."

Hei Teng said: "Besides, as the successor of the master, how can there be nothing special about him?"

Chu Feng could see that Hei Teng was particularly respectful of his master, almost to the point of worshipping him as a god.

And since Hei Teng's strength has become as strong as the Lord of the Abyss, 'Manus'.

Then... how strong will his master be?

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