After being scolded by everyone, those challengers who wanted to challenge Jiang Yun were like being struck by a bolt from the blue. They all stood there in disbelief.

Because they had never thought that Jiang Yun did this on purpose to save their face.

"In the next round, please invite No. 001478 to come on stage to challenge!"

As a result, No. 001478, a freshman from Hongdu Wuda, actually chose to give up and surrender!

To put it nicely, Jiang Yun was giving them a way out.

But to put it bluntly, these challengers were clowns played by Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun wanted to win them in any way he wanted, and they had to obey Jiang Yun's will even in the way they lost. If this wasn't a clown, what else could it be?

And this challenger didn't want to be this clown, so he surrendered directly.

As for the challengers who were defeated by Jiang Yun before, they had been saying that they made mistakes and Jiang Yun was lucky.

Now that they knew the truth, they wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury the whole person in it, because this was too damn embarrassing.

In the end, they scattered like birds and beasts, leaving this embarrassing place that was enough to make them unforgettable for the rest of their lives.

At this time, when Jiang Yun saw that someone surrendered but the system didn't respond, he immediately cursed speechlessly.

""Shit, if the opponent surrenders, it doesn't count as my victory?"

Jiang Yun thought that this would also count as completing the task, and he was very excited.

Because in this way, Jiang Yun can do the task infinitely and get attribute point rewards.

After all, he can control the background. When the time comes, he can ask Lu Cheng to directly bring a bunch of weak opponents over. This will definitely be easy, and he can get hundreds of heads.

But now, it doesn't count.

【Defeat Mission: Every time you defeat a warrior who challenges you, you can get a random attribute point +1 reward. 】

After that, Jiang Yun carefully looked at the mission requirements and finally understood.

"It turns out that you need to defeat him first."

If the opponent surrenders, Jiang Yun wins, but it does not count as defeat, so the mission is not completed.

"In the next round, please invite No. 008793 to come on stage to challenge!"

"I also give up."

Then the big screen continued to scroll the numbers.

In the end, the referee and the instructor did not ask, but challenger No. 004456 raised his hand to indicate that he had given up.

"I give up too"

"Me too"


In the end, more than a dozen people in a row all chose to give up and surrender. Compared with the morning and before, all the challengers wanted to draw themselves and duel with Jiang Yun. It was a complete contrast.

So next, in order to match Jiang Yun with an opponent who would not surrender, Lu Cheng temporarily put the challenge APP into an offline state. After that, the new warriors who challenged Jiang Yun had to log in again and enter their information before they could re-enter the random draw pool.

Although everyone knew that Jiang Yun had played more than a dozen games in a row without sweating a drop, and all the previous games were won by Jiang Yun deliberately by luck, but there were just some stubborn guys who didn't believe in evil and wanted to challenge Jiang Yun.

In addition, if they surrendered, the 10,000 yuan challenge registration fee would not be refunded, so some challengers thought about it and still went to the ring to fight with Jiang Yun.

After all, since they came here and paid the money, it would be a bit unreasonable not to fight with the champion.

For this, Jiang Yun just wanted to say, thank you very much, my friends.

At the same time, in order to stimulate everyone's desire for challenge, he could make himself more kills and get attribute points.

Jiang Yun then directly started a wave of"non-rest challenges"."

"From now on, I will continue to accept challenges from everyone in the ring until I lose!"As soon as these arrogant words came out, the tempers of the challengers below instantly flared up.

"Jiang Yun, you are too arrogant! You don't even take all of us seriously!"

"I won’t stop until you lose. I want to see if your mouth is as hard as your fist!"

"There are hundreds of people who want to challenge you! In the end, Jiang Yun looked down on us so much. Brothers, what do you think we should do?"

"Kill him, of course!"

"Even if I have to endure the hardship today, I will definitely outlast you!"

"What are you still standing there for? Keep drawing people! I want to kill this Jiang Yun!"

It has to be said that Jiang Yun's mouth cannon skills are really first-rate. As soon as he said this, the crowd was immediately excited.

Finally, looking at the group of people in front of him, all of whom wanted to kill him, Jiang Yun unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth, because he wanted this kind of effect.

Then he immediately signaled the referee instructor in front of him to start drawing numbers.

Compared with the previous one at a time, now it is ten at a time.

After the number was drawn, the ten challengers, under the arrangement of the staff, waited in the challenge area, ready to go on stage one by one to challenge Jiang Yun.

However, what made everyone curious was that after these ten people were drawn, the big screen continued to scroll, and another Ten were drawn, and then ten more.

A total of thirty people!

Just when everyone was thinking, Jiang Yun would have to fight these thirty opponents until tomorrow.

Because Jiang Yun only played 17 games this whole morning.

As a result, the next second, everyone in the martial arts center saw Jiang Yun on the ring, and he directly kicked out with a whip kick, and instantly knocked down the first challenger who came on stage. As soon as this scene came out, the martial arts center, which was originally a little noisy, immediately fell into a dead silence.

Although everyone thought that Jiang Yun would be very strong, it was too exaggerated for this kick to directly knock down a master ranked in the top 1,000 in the national martial arts exam.

"Oh my god, is this the strength of the national martial arts exam champion?"

"It seems that the previous situation was correct as speculated on the Internet. Jiang Yun pretended to be injured just to save face for everyone and to have a way out, and he fought back and forth with everyone. Now the fig leaf has been torn off by themselves, so Jiang Yun simply stopped pretending and started to get serious!"

"We in Wuhan University of Jiangxi Province were so kind as to give these guys some face, but they didn't even appreciate it!"

"At first, I didn't quite understand why Jiangda went to such lengths to recruit Jiang Yun. Now I understand completely. This is the value of the top scholar! This strength is too awesome!"

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