Glory of tactics

Two hundred and ninety Trap?

The passive one always has more endurance. Even if Qiu Fei's operation is superb, he can't change the basic settings of Glory.

During the chase, Ma Tao Ze Feng picked up the broom and stabbed out the dragon's fang, and met the sword pointed by the wind with a slash.

The strength of the sword slash against the wind is higher than that of Dragon Fang. While it causes more damage, it also gives more impact to the opponent.

Qiu Fei had been prepared for this, or in other words, this was exactly the result he wanted.

The magic scholar took advantage of this parry and rolled backwards, completely dodging the mountain collapse attack, and then jumped up, finally leaving the ground and flying.

Although he knew that Qiu Fei had successfully distanced himself, Taitian still did his best to follow the destiny and follow the path of the immortal to guide him.

The sword energy surged, and suddenly it was behind Ma Taxi Feng. However, this attack had already been seen by Qiu Fei. The magician turned and turned in mid-air and completely dodged the swordsman's pursuit.

The horse flew backwards facing the swordsman in the west wind. The speed was not very fast, and it was the same as the speed of the swordsman rushing forward. There was a sense of calmness that it was easy to calm down and watch the changes.

By this time, Yu Tian also understood that there was little chance of continuing to attack, and it would disrupt his rhythm, so he was ready to stop and adjust. The next moment, he was shocked to find that the magic scholar who was supposed to be flying flat actually fell to the ground.

Did he make a mistake? Or is it a trap to lure me into continuing the attack? Yu Tian only hesitated for a moment, and then decided to continue the attack!

"Be confident, Yu Tian, ​​you can do it! Trust your feelings!" Yu Tian remembered the encouragement given to him by team deputy Zhang Xinjie before taking the field.


The feeling is that this mistake is too obvious and should not be done. Even if it is a flaw, it is too big and self-defeating!

If you have a chance, you can defeat him! The point of the sword's edge first made a slash, then the sword fell into the sky, and finally launched the ultimate move Blade Storm!

Thousands of miles away, in the Greater Bay Area, inside a studio in a media building.

"Oh, let me go! This routine is shady. You are pretending to have no endurance! There is no lower limit! This is definitely what Lao Ye taught you!" The talkative yellow-haired boy expressed his opinions into the microphone eloquently, "Huh? How can he be fooled by such a fake thing? Zhang Xinjie is the only one in Tyranny who still has some brains."

Since the program was broadcast live for local audiences, there was no need to worry about complaints. Huang Shaotian let go of himself and talked nonsense. No matter which side of the evaluation, he was always disparaging.

As for Yu Wenzhou, who was next to Huang Shaotian, he had no intention of taking care of him this time. He only focused on the game, and his commentary work was limited to an occasional sentence or two, which was in sharp contrast to the teammates beside him.

But this time, Yu Wenzhou interrupted Huang Shaotian's performance, pressed him and said, "My endurance is really gone."

"Huh?" Huang Shaotian's expression was one of disbelief, but he believed Yu Wenzhou deeply and did not question it. Instead, he asked, "Then why didn't Qiu Fei, this kid, find a loophole in advance? True or false, Yu Tianke I don’t have the ability to see through it!”

Yu Wenzhou shook his head slightly and said, "I haven't figured out some details yet."

Both of them knew that it would be a big joke for a player of Qiu Fei's level to say he didn't notice his character's endurance during the battle. But to say that this is a trap, let’s not talk about how to set up an ambush. Just looking at the state of the horse riding in the west wind, you know that it is surrounded on all sides and it is difficult to move.

The magic scholar's close combat ability is not bad, and he has a physical style of play, but Ma Tao Zefeng is not so good. He uses an extreme control style.

Once you hit it smoothly, just like the last part, you hit it with pressure. But in a headwind situation, if you want to reverse the situation, you have to rely on operations that are one level higher than your opponent's.

No matter what he said, Yu Tian was still a first-team player in Tyranny. After gaining the upper hand, he exploded with ferocity like a mad tiger. Qiu Fei could only parry the attack and had no ability to counterattack.

"Yu Tian is good. His moves combine the fierceness of Team Han and the rigor of Team Zhang.

very good. "Li Yibo praised.


The horse rides on the west wind and uses the dragon's teeth to parry.


The horse stepped on the west wind and parried with Liantu.

Click, pop.

Ma Tao Zefeng's V-shaped sky strike only blocked the first two thrusts, barely dodged the third strike, and the fourth strike was unavoidable. Fortunately, the impact of just one sword was not enough to break Ma Taoxifeng's stiff resistance. He rolled back and used up the little endurance he had just recovered to avoid the downward slash.

"The skill of turning the broom upside down to fight is a unique fighting method of Qiu Fei's magic scholar. This style of play can improve the magic scholar's close combat ability, but the problem is that although several low-level skills of the magic scholar are very strong, they are still Low-level skills will always suffer when faced with mid-to-high-level skills. This is the first disadvantage."

"The second disadvantage of Mo Dao's combat skills is that he only has four skills available. Although the small skills cool down quickly, they still have a cooldown. Use high-frequency attacks to suppress, leaving gaps in his skill connections. Then he can only use normal attacks, and the basic attacks in this state are weaker than normal magic."

Yu Tian recalled the analysis of Qiu Fei's one-on-one skills by team deputy Zhang Xinjie during the preparation period for the finals.

You are strong, but there is someone behind me!

Under the strong attack, Yu Tian got excited and danced with his hands left and right. He felt like he was assisted by a god. Every thought was reflected through the operation. It was even smoother and more comfortable than the best state in normal training.

"Yu Tian has... gone beyond his limit!" Song Qiying shouted with envy in the Tyranny lounge.

"Stabilize this state and win. No, as long as it lasts for more than half a minute, his level will make a leap!" Zhang Xinjie rarely lost his cool and said excitedly.

Seeing Ma Taizifeng passively defending, he gradually became unable to resist, and could only put up a defensive posture, but even the defense was defeated. The roaring fans at the scene shouted desperately, come on, and many of them lost their voices.

In the home team's lounge, everyone from Lin Jingyan to newcomer Di Chang looked solemn. They were all experts, and they could all see that the reason why Qiu Fei fell into this situation was not because he was inferior in skills, but because he was severely targeted and could not use his skills.

"Tyranny's preparations for war are much more serious than we imagined." Fang Rui couldn't help but want to say something to cheer him up, but what he finally said was still depressing nonsense.

Also concerned about Qiu Fei's performance were everyone from Team Happy.

The proprietress Chen Guo pinched Wei Chen's arm and asked, "Didn't you say everything is fine? How did it become like this? How can we turn the situation around?"

Wei Chen shook his hand without shaking it off, and replied patiently: "Qiu Fei looked passive, but in fact he didn't suffer much. ...Well, he is in trouble."

Seeing that Wei Chen couldn't make up any more, Chen Guo turned to look at Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu frowned and said slowly: "It shouldn't be like this. I think I overlooked something."

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