Go Legend

Chapter 341: In case of robbery, lose, in case of calamity, let go

   Chapter 341 Lost in case of calamity, surrender in case of calamity

At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Li Xiangping, who had no clue at first, seemed to have some inspiration after seeing Wang Yuan's eighth paragraph. After returning to the game room, he quickly fell to the 39th overall move. .

   Well, this move is very ordinary, very plain, not only other people don't see anything special about this move, in fact, even Li Xiangping himself, he doesn't know how to evaluate his own move.

   He doesn’t know whether this move is good or bad, and he can’t even judge the value of this move.”

   This situation is actually not surprising. You must know that on the current chessboard, there is a robbery, and the robbery in Go is like this. It is the easiest to blur the player's judgment on the value of each move.

   Take the robbery dispute that Luo Xihe provoked today. The value of this robbery is either big or small, and the total value is about 30 items.

Well, 30 chess sounds a lot, but everyone knows that in Go, the robbery, that one move is definitely not clear, at least two moves are needed, then 30 moves in two moves, and the average is 15 moves per move left and right

   And with 15 moves in one hand, some ordinary high-ranking officials in Go have almost such value, not to mention that the overall situation is only less than 40 moves, and theoretically there should be a lot more big moves.

The above is still the simplest case. Strictly speaking, if you can completely eliminate a robbery with two moves, this kind of robbery is already very simple. However, in fact, the slightly more complicated robbery in Go is definitely It is two-handed chess that cannot be completely eliminated.

   The robbery that classmate Xiaozhu provoked today is a bit complicated. Although this is not the kind of legendary "hit robbery", no matter whether it is black or white, the two-handed chess will definitely not be eliminated.

  Since two-handed chess cannot eliminate calamities, the judgment of "two-handed chess with 30 points" is actually inaccurate, or at least not accurate enough. If you use such judgments to guide your moves, it will easily lead to deviations.

   This is one, and the other: Even if your "two-handed chess with 30 points" is close to ten, it is already very close to the truth, but what about each chess move? Is it really possible that every move is 15 moves?

   Is it possible to have 20 moves in one hand and only 10 moves in the other?

   Or even more extreme, where one hand is worth 25 meshes and the other is only 5 meshes?

There is no doubt that in a game of Go, there must be very few cases where the value of each move is exactly 15 goals. This is the real "coincidence". the same two points.

   has explained so much, but it actually shows a problem: in Go, it is really difficult to rob, and this thing can easily blur the judgment of the value of each move when you are hungry.

An inappropriate analogy: when a chess player is making a value judgment, if there is no kos on the chessboard, then some judgments are as simple as elementary school arithmetic problems, and once kos appear, it is definitely not an elementary school. The arithmetic problems are not even high school algebra problems, but directly enter the advanced mathematics of the university or even more complex discrete mathematics.

Well, Li Xiangping is only a sophomore in high school now. He knows a little about advanced mathematics, but he is confused in discrete mathematics. In this case, he doesn't know whether his 39th hand is good or bad. This situation is normal. .

  However, things are so strange. When Li Xiangping made his move, he couldn't judge it well, and after others saw it and didn't feel anything, the whole situation unknowingly tilted towards him.

   As for how it was tilted, Li Xiangping couldn't actually tell. In that case, let's listen to the comments of the people in the viewing room. In the comments of the people, we may be able to see the whole tilting process more clearly.

   At 1:20 p.m., the 46th hand of the overall situation, reporter Zhang Da shouted:

   "Hahaha, I've practiced and practiced, everyone, look, these two guys have finally practiced this robbery, that's fine, then let's see who is the real robbery king today."

  From this time on, as Luo Xihe made the 46th move in the overall situation, this was a move to detonate the robbery, and the two officially started the robbery. The robbery between the two sides was very lively, lasted for a long time, and stopped and stopped.”

The point is this "play and stop". After all, as I said before, the total value of this robbery is only about 30 points, and the average chess move is only about 15 points, so in the first half of a game, it is easy to appear that the value is higher than this. bigger chess.

   During this period, if one side suddenly grabs a move like this, then unless the player makes a judgmental error, the robbery will definitely stop.

  Li Xiangping and Luo Xihe are both professional chess players with a considerable level, and both of them seem to be in good shape today. Since this is the case, then this robbery can only be "play and stop".

   But no matter how hard it is, there will always be a time to finish. When the time comes to a little more than 3:00 in the afternoon, the overall situation is close to 80 hands, and it seems that the qualified ko is finally almost finished.

   is still Zhang Da reporter:

"1, 2, 3 White has 3 matching robbery materials, two more than black, tsk tsk little pig seems to have played quite well today, and finally can win this robbery that was conceived from the preface, After winning this robbery, then White's situation is still good, right?"

Now with reporter Zhang Da, except Lao Jia, reporter Xie, Lao Nie and Wang Yuan Ba ​​Duan, and Ma Xiaofei who came to the chess court in the afternoon, after listening to reporter Zhang Da, no one else said anything, only Ma Xiaofei He said with a smile:

   "Oh? Do you think the little pig is doing well now?"

"Is not it?"

   "Hehe, it looks like this on the surface, winning this robbery means that the previous battle plan was completely successful, but I always feel that something is wrong."

   "It's just right if it doesn't feel right." This time it was Lao Nie, who smiled and said to Ma Xiaofei:

"Ma Xiao, haven't you noticed, this robbery now, the burdens on both sides are completely different, White has become extremely burdened, he must win this robbery, on the contrary, Xiang Ping's black chess is more than capable, and there is still a possibility of conversion. Maybe, um, I feel that Xihe has fallen into Xiangping's trap today."

   After listening to Old Nie's words, Zhang Da didn't speak, but he said he couldn't understand it. Thinking about it, he also thought that since this robbery can be won, why should he worry about the burden? In Zhang Da reporter's view, this is of course unnecessary.

   It's just that at this time, reporter Zhang Da did not continue to ask questions, and the reason why he did not continue to ask is that the latest chess manual has come out again, and there is a second robbery on the chessboard.

   This robbery was created by Li Xiangping, the 89th move in the overall situation. Seeing that his robbery was not enough, he made a move in another place.

This move has no other effect, it just creates another robbery in this part, so in the face of this "create robbery and become a robbery material", Luo Xihe obviously can't respond, he can only eliminate the first robbery first. , and then started a robbery with Li Xiangping again in this place.

   After seeing this second robbery, reporter Zhang Da didn't feel anything at first, but the two masters of Nie Ma were different. Ma Xiaofei first sighed:

   "Hey, you're cocooning yourself, the little pig is just cocooning yourself today."

   Lao Nie also laughed: "Hey, I think Xihe must be feeling very tired now."

  Is Luo Xihe tired? Of course I can't feel it at this time, but after 3:30 in the afternoon, when the latest chess manual comes again, even reporter Zhang Da can see that he is "tired" in this chess manual.”

  Because of this second robbery, it seems that the agreement is "black light and white heavy". If black loses, there is still the possibility of conversion, but if white loses, Luo Xihe will stand up immediately.

   It is undoubtedly very tiring to play such a robbery. In order not to lose this robbery, White's latest move can definitely be described as "bearing humiliation".

I can't take care of any damage officials anymore, and I can't pay attention to what "tastes bad". After N consecutive damages, it's okay. At this time, even reporter Zhang Da is taking care of Xiaozhu. Classmates breathed a sigh of relief.

   In this second robbery, it seems that Luo Xihe's White can win.

   "Where should Li Xiangping go to find robbery materials?"

   Just when reporter Zhang Da was still thinking about this question, the latest chess manual came, and reporter Zhang Da quickly saw the answer. Li Xiangping found a robbery material in the first robbery;

   "Ah?! Take this robbery back again? Is this a robbery?"

   When reporter Zhang Da still had such doubts, Nie Ma and the others began to laugh:

   "Hahahaha, this kid Xiangping is so bad, he is trying to kill the pig today."

  Reporter Zhang Da is sorry, he asked his question, anyway, he has seen that Luo Xihe has eliminated the second robbery, and the two started to fight the first robbery again.

   This robbery continued until the end of the game.

  Although in the later process, Luo Xihe once again created a robbery. He followed Li Xiangping's example and came up with a method of "creating a robbery and becoming a robbery material".

   Not only that, Luo Xihe actually won all the robbery, from the first robbery to the second robbery, from the robbery created by Li Xiangping to the robbery created by himself, classmate Xiaozhu won all of them.

However, despite this, he lost the game in the end, and it was not a small defeat, it was considered a "big defeat", so that at 5:00 in the afternoon, facing the situation of about 10 points on the black chessboard, the little pig The classmates were too embarrassed to continue, he shook his head and put two pieces on the chessboard, and then said the last sentence

   "It's still the master of the art."

  This game ends like this.

   When replaying the market, Li Xiangping smiled and said to Wang Yuan Ba ​​Duan:

   "Hehe, Teacher Wang, now you know what I'm thanking you for?"


   "In case of calamity, you lose, in case of calamity, let it go,"

  Li Xiangping gestured: "Didn't you give a lecture in the recent Go World magazine?"

   "Yes, but my lecture is for beginners."

   "Although it is for beginners, your guiding ideology about robbery is still useful to everyone. To tell you the truth, I remembered your words at noon, and I was lucky enough to win the pig."

   (end of this chapter)

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