God Hongtian

Chapter 13 I always believe in you

Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu returned to the Kuangjian Martial Arts Hall.

Ling Feiyu stared at Yun Hao and asked, "You should have found something, right?"

She had been holding back this question all the way.

After all, this matter was too important and she was very nervous.

Yun Hao nodded and did not intend to hide it. He said, "I found a palm print filled with fire poison at the crime scene."

"Nothing else?" Ling Feiyu frowned.

With only this clue, there is still no way to investigate, especially since Chunxiao Tower had been burned down by a fire!

Yun Hao: "There is only this clue."

Ling Feiyu looked solemn and fell into silence.

Yun Hao looked at her, and after a moment, he said, "Why are you so good to me? If you want to repay a favor, it is my father who has done you a favor, not me. You have helped my father to take care of everything in the martial arts hall all these years. You actually don't owe us anything."

Yun Hao wanted to ask this question a long time ago.

Ling Feiyu's appearance and talent are absolutely impeccable.

Such a beautiful genius has a limitless future.

My family has already taken the initiative to cancel the engagement.

Ling Feiyu is also very clear that this engagement will cause a lot of trouble in the future, but she still insists on maintaining this engagement. In order to help Yun Hao find out the truth and prove his innocence, she even risked her life to break into the place blocked by the city lord's mansion.

Such friendship.

It's really rare!

There must be other reasons behind this!


Ling Feiyu murmured, and a scene from the past emerged in her mind.

Under the setting sun.

In a small alley.

A boy of seven or eight years old, covered in mud, tattered clothes, bleeding on his forehead, but stubbornly biting his teeth, walked out of the alley carrying a little girl who was also dirty all over.

"Brother Hao, you are bleeding..." The little girl was scared, crying while helping the boy wipe the blood on his forehead.













She returned to reality, looked at Yun Hao in front of her, with a complicated expression, and said: "It's getting late, I'll go back and rest first, and continue to look for clues tomorrow!"

Yun Hao didn't get an answer, but he was not frustrated. He nodded calmly and said: "Believe me, this matter will be solved."

Ling Feiyu hummed: "I always believe in you."

After that, Ling Feiyu and Yun Hao separated.

Yun Hao returned to his residence and did not choose to rest, but began to practice body skills in the yard.

He now has the temporary use of the Thirteen Swords of Death. If he can combine it with body skills, the offensive efficiency will be greatly improved.

The body skills he chose to practice at this time are called Jinghuan Steps, which are the same as the sword skills, and are also the best of the yellow level.

One night passed unknowingly.

In the yard.

A figure, moving as fast as thunder, and changing like a dream!

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