Chapter 208-Refining Battle Suit

Tang Yao has been away for more than three months. Now when he returns home, Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun are very happy.

In the evening, a family of three happily had dinner.

During the period, the three of them were also very happy to chat.

However, Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun occasionally looked at Tang Yao with a little concern.

Tang Yao felt helpless, but since he had already acted, he had to continue to pretend.

When eating and chatting, Tang Yao had to show some small expressions of loss occasionally.

At 9 pm, Tang Yao returned to 1601.

After washing, Tang Yao sat on the sofa and smiled.

A month ago, Tang was still a 2-star warrior.

With the support of 3 Earth Yuan Guo, he has now been promoted to a 5-star warlord.

Earlier, with the help of Xuan Yuanguo, my mother was promoted to a 5-star warrior.

Now, he has also broken through to the 6-star warrior.

Moreover, under the effect of the body cleansing pills and life essence, Tang and his mother’s current talents are already comparable to second-class geniuses.

Physical skills, tactics and Movement Technique have all reached the level of Consummation.

Later cultivation will be much smoother.

Lao Tang was okay, and finally became the head of the Jingkai maintenance factory in Jinxiu District.

Although Crystal Armor has little effect on the powerhouses above the general level, at this stage, the most common Practitioner is War Disciple and combat soldiers, and it is still widely used.

The soldier-level Practitioner is the main force against huge low-level zombies and upgraded beasts.

The Jingjia maintenance factory can be regarded as an important department.

Especially when the war breaks out, the status of the crystal armor repair factory will definitely get a great Ascension.

Lao Tang’s next step was firstly the strength of Ascension, and secondly, to see if it was possible to make him the boss of the entire Ningcheng base crystal armor maintenance system.

If it succeeds, Tang will also be a big help for me in the future.

But it’s still early!

It’s better to wait until Old Tang is promoted to God of War. That way, it’s much simpler.

In this chaotic world, strength comes first.

With the strength, it is much simpler to strive for anything.

After thinking for a while, Tang Yao took out his battle clothes and continued refining.

After refining for one hour, and recovering for two and a half hours, after another hour of refining, the suit had been refined by Tang Yao 60%.

Tang Yao nodded in satisfaction, then went to bed.

In one night, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy could be fully restored even if he didn’t use the primary forging magic technique.


September 8, morning.

After having breakfast, Tang Yao distributed two bottles of life essence to Hou Hui who was in the genius training camp through the internal distribution of Juntian Martial Arts Hall.

One bottle was left by Tang Yao, and one bottle was given to him by Wan Polu.

Later, Tang Yao dialed Hou Hui’s communication and talked to him.

Hou Hui was naturally excited and very grateful to Tang Yao.

With these two bottles of life essence, Hou Hui’s talent can be ascension to the level of first-class genius.

After chatting for a few words, after Tang Yao hung up the communication, he took a maglev taxi to Ningcheng Research Institute.

Standing at the gate of the scientific research institute, Tang Yao sent a message to Gu Li.

Soon, Tang Yao received a reply, and Gu Li asked him to wait.

Ten minutes later, Gu Li appeared in front of Tang Yao.

Looking at the beautiful intellectual beauty in front of him, Tang Yao smiled and said, “Teacher Gu, it’s been a long time since I saw you!”

Gu Li smiled faintly, and said: “Yes! But I have heard about you in the Juntian Martial Arts Training Camp for geniuses. Tang Yao, you can look forward to the future. Don’t waste your talent. Come here this time. , Is it to fulfill the promise?”

Tang Yao shook his head and said, “I have never forgotten what I promised Teacher Gu. But I have just been promoted to the general and I haven’t fully controlled Ascension’s strength. I can’t do fine work like configuring genetic medicine.”

“If I go to help Teacher Gu hit the students now, I’m afraid it will be choking, and it will be easy to overturn. Wait a minute, maybe another month, it will be almost the same.”

Gu Li nodded, and then asked: “Then you came to see me this time, is there something else?”

Tang Yao nodded, talked to Gu Li about Yuan Xi’s transfer, and asked her for help.

At this time, Gu Li was officially promoted to Level 7 Pharmacist.

In the entire Ningcheng Research Institute, Gu Li’s pharmacist rank can be ranked in the top three, and he is also the youngest 7th-level pharmacist.

It wouldn’t be a problem if Gu Li was not indifferent to fame and fortune, and worked hard to become the dean of the School of Pharmacy.

Therefore, accepting a student is not a problem for Gu Li at all.

Moreover, Yuan Xi was able to enter the pharmacy major of the Capital War Palace, indicating that he still has some talent in pharmacy.

Accepting such a student does not violate the institution’s system.

Gu Li doesn’t have to be too troublesome, that is, it is a matter of one sentence.

As Gu Li, she naturally knew Tang Yao’s performance in the genius training camp at Juntian Martial Arts Center during this period.

Coupled with Gu Li’s good sense to Tang Yao, she agreed to help.

Gu Li nodded and said, “No problem, I’ll say hello to the college. When someone arrives, you just come to me directly.”

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Thank you Teacher Gu!”

With that, Tang Yao stretched out his right hand.

Gu Li said, “You are polite, when you take control of your own strength, don’t forget our agreement.”

With that, Gu Li stretched out her hand and shook Tang Yao.

After sensing it, Tang Yao’s heart moved.

Gu Li has indeed been promoted to Level 7 Pharmacist, this speed is really fast!

Tang Yao’s heart moved, and immediately activated the copy ability.

After copying Gu Li’s level 7 medicinal material identification skills and level 7 gene allocation skills, Tang Yao’s medicinal material identification skills and gene allocation skills were upgraded to level 8.

As long as the skills of identifying medicinal materials and genetic configuration are upgraded to the first level, Tang Yao’s primary alchemy will be supplemented.

After a few more conversations, Gu Li still had classes, and Tang Yao left and went home.

After arriving home, Tang Yao sent a message to Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui.

Subsequently, Tang Yao took out his battle clothes and continued to refine.

At 11:30 noon, Tang Yao refined 80% of his battle clothes and restored all the Mental Energy he had consumed.

After lunch, Tang Yao took a deep breath.


Tang Yao’s heart moved, and he began to mobilize Mental Energy.

Tang Yao’s Mental Energy blended into the unrefined part of the black sphere, and began to infiltrate, cover and refine.

An hour later, the black ball was finally completely refined by Tang Yao.

At the moment when the refining was completed, Tang Yao’s heart was shocked.

A Ruoyoruowu connection suddenly appeared, connecting Tang Yao with the black ball on the belt.

Tang Yao smiled and finished refining.

It’s done!

Tang Yao stood up and tied the belt around own waist.

Later, Tang Yao thought.

In an instant, the black ball inlaid on the belt was like a liquid, quickly covering Tang Yao’s whole body, including his head.

Although his head was wrapped up, Tang Yao’s five senses were not affected in the slightest.

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