God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1073: Next time I go to Beijing

Wei Qifeng was completely stunned!

I just feel cold all over!

Jiang Fan is right, Zhou's family doesn't need to be true or false, they just need to vent!

It is even more necessary to show strength and prove to everyone the strength of the Zhou family!

And the Wei family, who has been beaten and silent, is undoubtedly the best piece of cartilage!

"Patriarch Wei, you have already wasted two opportunities, and again and again, and again and again, and again and again, and again and again, and again and again, although I am a generous person, but I will not be merciful indefinitely, this time, if you think about it, let's talk about it!"


Apart from the heavy breathing, Wei Qifeng was just silent!

for a long time!

"Jiang Fan, my biggest mistake is to underestimate you!"

"I promise you! I will do it with the Zhou family, but I will never reach the level of endless death!"

"You should know that if I did that, many people in the Wei family would never let me go!"

Wei Qifeng is a voice, he has completely recovered his calm!

"Of course! I just need you to get tense with Zhou's family! Your daughter is my student after all, I will never watch my student's home ruined! Don't worry, do it, trust me, the harder you fight , The Zhou family will be more honest!"

"Where is Fuling? When did you release her?"

Wei Qifeng asked hurriedly!

Jiang Fan was silent. After a long time, he spoke slowly!

"When I go to the capital next time!"

Although there was a phone call, Jiang Fan's tone still made Wei Qifeng feel a chill that penetrated his bones!

The next time Jiang Fan comes to the capital, I am afraid that the sky will change!

"Patriarch Wei, I look forward to your performance!"

Hang up the phone!


The atmosphere of Jiangzhai is indescribably depressing!

Everyone sat in the living room, silent!

Since the incident last night, almost everyone is in this state!

Until, that familiar voice sounded!

"Oh? Why are you all downcast?"

With this laugh, Jiang Fan has already strode into the living room!


"the host!"

"grown ups!"

"Foster father!"

All of them stood up suddenly, with joy in their eyes!

Almost for an instant, the lifeless Jiang Zhai was alive!

Fiona, who followed Jiang Fan, looked shocked!

It's just a simple show, the Jiangzhai, whose morale had been depressed to the extreme, was actually rejuvenated!

This is the first time Fiona has seen such a leader and such a strong core cohesion!

The point is that there are still two powerful sword-holding hands that should belong to the organization!

How long have they been here? He was completely subdued by Jiang Fan!

Simply speaking from this point, Lord Isaac was once again killed by a spike!

"What are you doing so excited? Sit down! Pharaoh, hurry up to arrange a meal and entertain Miss Fiona!"

Jiang Fan smiled and made a please gesture to Fiona directly!

Everyone was startled, and then they saw Fiona!

It's just that the others are slightly startled, while the expressions of No. 2 and No. 13 have changed!

Fiona has always been a special existence in the Sword of Thorns. Her strength may not be as good as some lords, but there is no doubt about her high status!

Why is she here too?

"Miss Fiona, sit down for a while, Wang Yi, this is a distinguished guest, you have to serve me!"


"Uncle Zhong, accompany me to the old mansion for a look! And Curtis, take a fart! Master, I'm back, you still don't follow up and wait!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Soon, Jiang Fan drove Zhongshu and Curtis and left Jiang's house!

It's just that Jiang Fan's face went gloomy as soon as a few people left here!

"Uncle Zhong, the Jiang family is out of a ghost!"

Uncle Zhong's face was equally gloomy, but his expression was not unexpected!

Only Curtis was stunned and looked at the two dumbly!

"Inner ghost?!"

"Hmm! The inner ghost!"

Jiang Fan nodded!

"Los Angeles was already under my control. This time I went to Goryeo, and it was a secret to cross the sea, and I used Zhong Qing to confuse the Zhou family's sight. They should never show up at this time!"

"However, they just appeared!"

"Moreover, it appeared so suddenly and so quickly that the Yu family didn't even react!"

"The only explanation is that someone within us betrayed me!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, Curtis fell out of cold sweat and screamed directly in his throat!

"Master! It's not me!!"

Jiang Fan was smirked directly!

"Curtis, do I really want to sell you! Use your skeletal head to think about it, if I doubt you, would I call you and the loyal uncle alone?"


Curtis was stunned, and suddenly looked overjoyed!

"Ah! My wise and martial master! Your love for me really makes me—"

"Stop talking nonsense! There is something else calling you out, shut up now!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

And Uncle Zhong finally spoke at this time!

"Master, who do you suspect?"

"There are too few clues, I can't guess it! Is anyone abnormal during the time I am away?"


Uncle Zhong said directly without thinking about it!

Obviously, he has analyzed this problem before!

"Curtis, Wang Yi, and Yue Jianhan won't talk about it, they are all born to death with you!"

"As for the loyalty of the Douglas brothers and sisters, of course, there is no doubt. The remaining 2 and 13 are not your confidants, but they are still tied to the Jiang family's chariot!"

"The point is, they are all the people of the Sword of Thorns that you said. It hurts you. It's no good for them!"

"It's impossible for Yuguangzi and the others. With such a huge benefit, if something happens to you, their loss is simply immeasurable!"

"As for Long Yan, this person..."

Before Uncle Zhong had finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already spoken directly!

"It will never be him!"

"If it weren't for him, then there would be only Bao Dabao!"

Uncle Zhong speaks slowly!

"will not!"

Jiang Fan shook his head!

"As for the Bao family, I asked myself that what they did was not leaking. Moreover, the Bao family said it was just taking the blame. I just contributed to it! And the wealth and status he has now is not an exaggeration to say that he is in Xiangzhou! , I can hardly think of the reason why he would betray me!"

"Young master, people's hearts, but not just benefit can be calculated!"

Uncle Zhong said softly and meaningfully!

Jiang Fan was startled, and then suddenly sighed with excitement!

Uncle Zhong was right, but he really didn't want it to be Bao Dabao!

"Don't make any publicity about this in advance, Uncle Zhong, leave it to you to investigate the ghost! Now let's talk about the second thing!"

"That Fiona is a high-level strategist of the Sword of Thorns. This time she came here to take me to Mexico to handle a task!"

"Mexico?! Well, isn't that just—"

Curtis came straight to the spirit!

But Uncle Zhong's expression changed!

"Master, you still have to go?"

"Well, but don't worry this time, there are Yu and Wei families in the Zhou family. There is no chance to shoot like this in a short time! There are 2nd and 13th, even if some small characters come over, it is definitely not. Their opponent!"

"Okay, okay, then you must be careful!"

Uncle Zhong looked helpless!

"Don't worry, there should be no danger this time, but the benefits will be beyond imagination!"

Jiang Fan smiled, and finally looked at Curtis who was excited!

"You go with me. Also, call brother and sister Douglas!"

"Praise you! My kind master! But when shall we go?"

"As soon as possible, it will change after a while, and leave after dinner!"

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