God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1094: Laozi can't change his name

It's a pity that Jiang Fan ignored him at all. Seeing this guy returned to the altar again, he rushed up again!


Hehe, what I fear most is fire!

The fire immunity from the ghost rider world is no joke!

Flame Immunity (Intermediate): Flame is my best friend!

Note: By absorbing this item, you will be permanently immune to all fire damage below the gold level!

Not to mention that Aini at this moment is just a projection of hell, even if his body comes, the flame is of no use to him!


Seeing Jiang Fan came up again, Aini's eyes were fierce, and the three heads howled at the same time, they actually rushed up at Jiang Fan!

The two sides fought hand in hand, raining dense fists smashed at the other side at the same time!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The fourteenth-level peak and even higher combat power was absolutely terrifyingly powerful, and the two fists slammed into one place, and the entire altar that was shocked began to tremble violently!

However, in terms of strength, Aini obviously has the upper hand!

Jiang Fan only shot two points, and eight points were defending!

However, even so, Aini was shocked and shivered!

This human being, this human being at only level twelve, is actually so powerful!

Is the world so uncomfortable now?


Suddenly, Aini's eyes were fierce, her fists suddenly turned into claws, and Jiang Fan's two fists were firmly grasped!

Then, his left and right heads suddenly stretched out, and they bit directly at Jiang Fan's shoulders!


Stupid humans, the way the demons fight is not as simple as yours!

This time, I will bite off your shoulder first!

However, the ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny!

Seeing that his two heads were about to bite Jiang Fan, at this moment!

"Puff puff!"

Two heads suddenly stretched out on both sides of Jiang Fan's shoulders!


Aini was taken aback, her hair stood up!

The whole body suddenly stiffened!

Can humans grow three heads? Did you come to the wrong place? This is not the world at all?

But the next moment, on the other two heads of Jiang Fan, the eyes that were originally closed suddenly opened slightly!

In an instant, an extremely powerful mental shock hit Aini's head directly!


Aini screamed suddenly!

But Jiang Fan's attack has just begun!

"I wanted to see how the **** demon fights differently, but now it seems that there is no need to continue testing!"

Just as the mental shock was released, Jiang Fan's ribs unexpectedly stretched out four more arms!

"To Lao Tzu, burst!"

In an instant, Jiang Fan's four fists carried all the power and blasted out!


An extremely terrifying explosion suddenly resounded through the entire mountainside space!

Aini almost didn't even have time to scream, and it was completely blown into pieces of meat!

one strike!

Just a full blow with three heads and six arms, this demon who finally came to the world exploded directly!

Curtis and others only saw the scalp tingling!

It's so cruel!

The master is simply a demon hunter!

Forget the otherworldly demons that were summoned before to sell money, and now even the **** demons have been exploded!

A born demon nemesis!

And as Aini was blown up, a phantom finally emerged from the pieces of meat!

At this moment, Aini has completely turned into a legendary appearance!

He is more than five meters tall, and his body is covered with sticky flames. Although he still looks like a three-headed man, except for the handsome man with a five-pointed star painted on his forehead in the middle, there is actually one on the left and right. Snake head and a cat head!

And on his left hand, he actually held a blood-red fire jade!

This is the true face of Aini!

And just after he appeared, the black vortex in the sky had formed again!

"Human! You are strong, I remember you!"

Staring at Jiang Fan fiercely, Aini gritted his teeth!

After all, he is just a projection now, without his physical support, he no longer has any means of attack! Can only be a slapstick!


"Remember I have a bird, you don't know who I am!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Then you dare to tell me your name?"

Aini's eyes are even more vicious!

"What's not to dare!"

Jiang Fan smiled proudly!

But Curtis's complexion changed drastically!

"Master! Can't say it!"

"My lord! Hell demons have some kind of curse!"

"Let them know your name, they will definitely harm you!"

Kristen screamed anxiously!

However, Jiang Fan didn't change his face!

"Curse? Curse me if there is a species!"

"You are a weak and explosive rookie devil, listen carefully, can I change my name and sit still, I'm just—"

"The four great families of China, the three generations of the Zhou family, the grandnephew of Zhou Yuanwang, the paternal grandson of the Zhou family, the grandson of Zhou Yuande, the nephew of Zhou Yantang, Zhou Yanxu, Zhou Yanqi..., the most valuable peerless genius of the Zhou family ancestor-Zhou Ning!!!"

Jiang Fan threw out all the Zhou family members who could remember in one go!

Curtis were all dumbfounded!


I should have thought of it long ago!

With the master's shameless and cautious character, how could he stupidly declare his family!

This is so much for the Zhou family!

They bet that Jiang Fan definitely exploded all Zhou's family members that he could remember!

The Curtiss were completely shocked by Jiang Fan's shamelessness!

But Aini trembled all over!

"Okay, okay! The Chinese Zhou Family! Zhou Ning, I remember you! I want your whole family to be in the fire of hell, and you can never live beyond!"

"Don't brag! Curse if there is a kind, and be as ruthless as you are. I am waiting for you as rubbish!"

"You! You bastard!!!"

Aini is almost mad!

But Curtis and the others turned their eyes and suddenly spoke!

"Master Zhou Ning! You are calm!"

"Yes! How can you tell him all the details of our Zhou family!"

"If this devil comes true, our Zhou family will be in trouble!"

"Although this devil is indeed rubbish, not shit, you can't even handle a single move, but he is also a devil after all!"

"That's right! Although this kind of junk can't hurt our Zhou family, if you hurt your nails or something, you can't do it!"

A few people were discouraging them in name, but this hatred was even stronger than Jiang Fan!

"You, you guys!!!"

Aini seems to have committed a goat's madness, and her angry mouth is sprayed with foam!

Too Nima bullied the devil!

I have lived for tens of thousands of years, and he has never suffered such humiliation!

"You, you lowly humans of the Zhou family, Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is going to fight!"

Aini suddenly roared, and the next moment, the fire jade phantom in his hand suddenly "cocked", and three deep cracks appeared!

In the next moment, a flame that was as scarlet as blood and with a strong **** smell, unexpectedly crossed the space, and suddenly sprayed out from the fire jade ghost!

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