God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1105: I can't believe you

The sword of thorns slaughtered the Iron Palm tribe!

The white lighthouse of the Iron Palm tribe went to take revenge, but in the end it fell into the hands of Justin!

In order to pit Augustus, I changed hands and took advantage of Justin. Instead, I cooperated!

And because of the cooperation with Justin, it attracted the attention of the Sword of Thorns!

Finally became the lord of the sword of thorns!

And because of the task of the Sword of Thorns, he came to the Horse Tribe by coincidence!

Not only brought back the news of the death of White Lighthouse, but also learned that the tomb is actually fake!

Among them, as long as there is a problem in any one link, there will be no contact between yourself and the other parties!

Suddenly, Jiang Fan wanted to laugh a little!

The rest of them were not as relaxed as he was, and they only felt that there really seemed to be a pair of big hands in the sky, controlling the direction of fate!

"So, where is the real tomb of the Dark God?"

Curtis finally broke the silence!

It is now very clear that White Lighthouse thought Justin was the person of the Sword of Thorns, so he gave out such a false news that his purpose was to make the Sword of Thorns unlucky!

"In a primitive jungle one hundred miles east of the Tulum City site, there is a clearing covered with rubble, and the tomb of the Dark God is just below it!"

Ononkana speaks slowly!

Jiang Fan sighed for the inaudible!


The real tomb of the God of Darkness should indeed be there!

Because the story of Quetzalcoatl and the Three Evil Gods took place in Tulun city thousands of years ago!

Li Lingzhi fainted!

I never thought I would have such a day!

Fortunately, this lesson came in time!

Breathing out a foul breath, Jiang Fan began to talk about the process of getting acquainted with Justin!

Then, this looked at Aonangana with a sincere expression!

"Ongana, trust me, I am really not hostile to you!"

The reason why he had to exhaust his words to explain, of course, is not only for the friendship of Onongana, but more importantly, the long wind!

The key is that this kind of misunderstanding that can be clearly resolved with words is not explained in the idiot idol drama!

"Yeah, Chief, Jiang Fan is really a good person! If it weren't for him, Baima would have been killed today!"

Jin Waterlily also hurriedly spoke!

Ounangana hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded!

But at this moment!

"Ononkanah, there is one more thing, I have to be honest with you, I am the man of the Sword of Thorns!"

"What?! You—"

However, before Aonunga had finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already spoken quickly!

"I was forced to join! Tell me who slaughtered the Iron Palm tribe, I will definitely help you kill him!"

To clarify the misunderstanding, the next step is to favor favors!

Baili Changfeng, since you believe in cause and effect so much, I don't believe in you!

Jiang Fan's ambition, as always, is like wild grass growing wildly, it is endless!

Aonangana thought that Jiang Fan was going to attack them just now, how could he think that the reversal came so quickly, the whole person was messed up!


It took a long time before he spoke dubiously!


Jiang Fan's answer was only plain and plain!

However, the more people who understand him, the clearer the things Jiang Fan really promised have always been so plain!

Instead, let him swear to the heavens, it is absolutely foolish!

"That man, his name is Victor, Randall Victor!"

Aonangana didn't know why, looking at Jiang Fan's eyes, trust was involuntarily created!

But when Jiang Fan heard that it wasn't Isaac's name, Jiang Fan felt relieved for no reason!


Jiang Fan stretched out his arm toward Aonangana!

Aonangana hesitated for a moment, and finally firmly grasped Jiang Fan's arm!


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

"Well, this Victor will not mention it for the time being, as a friend, I will help you solve your immediate troubles first!"

"The trouble in front of you?"

"Yes! Anthony and his boss, Popovich!"


Upon hearing Jiang Fan's words, Aonangana was stunned!

"Jiang Fan! Don't be impulsive!"

"You said before, if you moved them, you moved the Council of Light!"

"Yes! The Council of Light will never let you go!"

"Jiang Fan! Listen to me, I swear in the name of my ancestors, I absolutely believe in your friendship! But you must never go to them!"

Aonangana and Golden Waterlily are both anxious, desperately blocking!

But Curtis didn't even know Jiang Fan's plan!

Jiang Fan had already told him briefly about the relationship between Oonangana and Baili Changfeng!

And as soon as he heard the news, Curtis knew what Jiang Fan was going to do!

This is what the master wants to make the horse tribe owe him endless favor!

And where did this favor go in the end?

Poor Tianding, you shouldn’t let the master touch your temper!


Curtis went out loudly and waved his hand!

"The Council of Illumination is a fart! The judge who died in the hands of the master is already full!"


The two suddenly widened their eyes!

Killed a bunch of judges?

Jiang Fan, what is his identity?

The two looked at Jiang Fan several times with shocked faces!

Suddenly, the complexion of the golden water lily changed suddenly, and he looked at Jiang Fan almost inconceivably!

"You, are you that Jiang Fan?!"


Ononkana hasn't reacted yet!

"That's it, Jiang Fan, who kidnapped the Li family and his son in Korea Hancheng, caused Alstom to blew himself up and demanded a ransom of 100 billion yuan!"


Onongana was completely shocked!

"It's you, making the entire Hancheng chaotic. After seventeen fourteenth-level peaks and a dozen fourteenth-level pursuits, not only did nothing happen, but in the end, they indirectly killed ten ten. The pinnacle of level 4, Jiang Fan?!"

Aonangana couldn't believe her eyes!

"This is not an indirect killing, but a direct... Yes! I am the Jiang Fan!"

"Oh my God! It's really you!"


Both of them were stunned!

After all, Jiang Fan's great achievements are really amazing!

In an instant, the eyes of the two looking at Jiang Fan were almost all worship!

On the other hand, Aonangana completely believed in Jiang Fan!

After all, what reason is there for such a character who is even more powerful than his obscure teacher?

Poor Ononkana didn't know yet, if the obscure teacher in his mouth knew what he was thinking, he would have to shoot him to death!

"Well, not so exaggerated, everyone calm down!"

Jiang Fan was bragging here, and at this moment, the door of the room was opened again!

The excited white horse ran in directly!

"Chief! The portrait is back!"

Aonangana took the portrait and opened it directly to Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan! This is the person the teacher chased down!"

Jiang Fan glanced at the portrait at random!

He didn't expect to know the person in the portrait at all, he was just curious!

After all, the enemy of Baili Changfeng, he might not be able to reach that level now!

But at this glance, Jiang Fan's hands trembled, and his pupils shrank to the extreme in an instant!

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