God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1147: Abraham the sword hand

"It seems to be called Ra... Kara, it seems to be Clark!"

Alyssa was thinking about it for a long time, and then she said with some uncertainty!


I don’t know if God has Jiang Fan called this, but Superman seems to be by this name!

"Haha, this name is really funny, is that blood superhuman?"

Jiang Fan laughed!

Alisha laughed too!

But Jiang Fan suddenly spoke at this time!

"So where did these **** blood come from?"

"Oh, it's said to be from a castle on the sea—"

Alissa suddenly covered her mouth!

Then he looked at Jiang Fan with horror!

All Jiang Fan's questions are all gradual, and the ultimate goal is to know the answer!

"My lord! I can't talk about this, this question!"

Alisha looked panicked!

"Don't worry, I'm just asking casually, if today, you know and I know!"

As Jiang Fan said, he suddenly took out a small pendant and placed it in Alisha's palm!

Although the pendant is not big, it is inlaid with a full-thumb-sized alexandrite, which exudes a dreamlike brilliance under the light of the light!

As soon as she saw this thing, Alyssa's eyes widened!

"Well, this seems to be the ‘green world’ that appeared at the auction last year?"


Jiang Fan smiled!

This thing was obtained by cutting leeks the last time I came to Everbright City!

At that time, the leader of the underground force was almost crying!

"Ms. Alisha, we Chinese people always like to make friends. Today's conversation is just a small chat between friends. Are you right?"

Alisha looked at the pendant in her hand, a long time later, she suddenly hung it directly on her neck, and then smiled sweetly at Jiang Fan!

"You are right. In the Sword of Thorns, you are the lord second only to Lord Isaac. What I know, based on your status, must have known a long time ago!"

"Haha, Miss Alyssa is so smart! So..."

Before Jiang Fan had finished speaking, Alyssa had already spoken in a low voice with interest!

"My lord, I haven't been to that old castle, but according to the sister's return time, its location must be on the Pacific Ocean!"

"That old castle is extremely large. Although it doesn't have the defensive power of the headquarters, the wall is 30 meters high!"

"And that old castle obviously has invisible technology, no matter from a high altitude or from a distance, you can't find its location!"

"Sisters who didn't get the goods in the past only mentioned these, and they just couldn't get in again when they got to the gate!"

Alisha said quickly!

"If I can't get in, how do I pick up the goods?"

"There is an old man in a cloak standing there all year round at the door. When she got there, the old man handed it over to her. There was no communication during the whole process!"

Alisha said!

Jiang Fan nodded!

"Alyssa, Fiona is a very good friend of mine. If you have any trouble in the future, you can go to her directly!"

Alisha's eyes lit up!

Jiang Fan not only gave her such amazing benefits, but also prepared her for the future!

"My lord, after that..."

"We are friends, of course we must keep in touch in the future!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

Alyssa is even more happy!

Jiang Fan's meaning is very clear. From today onwards, she is already Jiang Fan's person!

Following such a promising lord, in the future, he will surely rise too!

Jiang Fan picked up the wine glass, touched Alyssa lightly, and then drank it all before standing up suddenly!

"Huh? Your lord, do you want to leave?"

Alisha was startled!

But Jiang Fan just smiled!

"Well, he should be here too. After all, this is my friend's bar. If it breaks, it won't be good!"

After saying this, Jiang Fan has already strode outside!

Alyssa looked blank, she didn't know what Jiang Fan meant!

He should be here too? who is he?

But Alyssa immediately followed Jiang Fan out!

It's just that she just walked to the door, and saw Jiang Fan, among the exclaims of the crowd, already carrying a three-foot long front, and walking to the center of the highway!

Vehicles roared on the road at this moment, but Jiang Fan seemed to be walking in his courtyard, his pace was full of ease!

"grown ups!"

Just after Alisha's exclaiming, Jiang Fan had already hooked the corner of a Chevrolet SUV approaching, and then the sword suddenly picked!

next moment!


A dazzling silver sword aura suddenly burst out of the sky!

That fast-driving SUV almost didn't hold on for an instant, it was suddenly divided into two by the brilliant sword energy!


The car suddenly exploded into two **** of sparks!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

"Oh my God!"

"One sword slashed a high-speed car!"

"This is Huaxia Swordsmanship? It's too exaggerated!"

The crowd exclaimed!

Just the next moment!


Accompanied by a roar, a figure suddenly sprang out of the flame!

The man looked old, but his body was extremely strong!

It was Liander's subordinate, Abraham!

However, as soon as he landed, he saw Jiang Fan already looking at him mockingly!

"Abraham, the hand holding the sword, um, not bad for me, it really is you!"

"You, do you know I'm coming?"

Abraham was taken aback!

"It's nothing strange, I left so swaggeringly, how could that idiot Liander not be able to see unless he is blind?"

"You... did you deliberately lead me out?"

Abraham just felt cold all over for a moment!


How could this kid know he was coming!

But the fact is that he actually calculated the time of his arrival so accurately, and even cut his car with a single sword!

"You, what do you want?"

I don't know why, this old man who has reached the peak of level fourteen suddenly felt a trace of fear in his heart!

"Not very good, since you want to test me, of course I can't let you back down!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, his right hand suddenly rose!

The next moment, a tornado stood up on the ground and directly covered Abraham in!

Just as soon as the tornado appeared, Abraham, who was surrounded by groups, felt relieved!

The adults are right, this kid's ability is indeed only twelve levels!

"Hey hey! I freaked out! It turned out to be just illusory!"

Abraham gave a grinning smile, suddenly shouted, and a punch was about to explode the tornado!

But just as soon as his arm was raised!


Jiang Fan was already as fast as lightning, and suddenly rushed into the tornado!

"Hahaha! Boy, you actually want to fight me close! It's so stupid!"

Abraham laughed loudly, and the punch he was planning to smash the tornado suddenly blasted towards Jiang Fan!

But what shocked him was that Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand, and with only one hand, he firmly grasped his fist!

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