God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1174: The cry is worse than the screaming chicken

The battle was completely incandescent in an instant!

Brandon, Carter and Green play against Zhou Yanlu and Zhou Yanshang!

The remaining fourteenth-level peaks were in a scuffle under the leadership of Adelaide and Zhou Yantang!

The George family and the Illuminating Council have a total of three fourteenth-level peaks, while the Zhou family has a total of six!

As for the fourteenth level comparison, aside from the three who died just now, there are eleven in Jiang Fan's side and seven in Zhou's family!

Such a group of top-notch characters fought together, and the mountains were shaking!

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"




On the battlefield, roars and screams continued to sound!

However, in the face of such a situation, Jiang Fan is still not enough!

With a move of his figure, he has come to a group of fourteenth-level battlefield!

"Jiang Fan!!!"

When the Zhou family saw Jiang Fan, they were immediately excited!

One of them ran at him suddenly and rushed over!

Jiang Fan clicked the corner of his mouth and rushed directly to Aisen!

"Master Aisen! Help!"

Seeing Jiang Fan rushing forward, Aisen hesitated for a moment, then rushed towards the master!

Elder Brandon said that this kid has to be taken back to the family headquarters for trial, and he cannot die for the time being!

However, the moment Jiang Fan passed him, his right hand flicked slightly!

Another secret method of tapping acupuncture points!

Ai Sen was stiff, and Zhou's fourteenth level had already slammed his chest with a palm!


Aisen suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood with visceral fragments, and died of breathlessness!


Taylor screamed suddenly!

Brandon looked back during his busy schedule, and suddenly became angry!

After the battle, it was their George family who died first!

"Damn! Don't keep your hands! Kill! Kill me all the Zhou family!"

Brandon roared, and the grudge that blasted Zhou Yanlu suddenly became even more fierce!

And Carter also made a full shot with a brutal expression!

For a time, Zhou Yanlu was almost on the left and right!

And the people of the George family began to take action even more mercilessly!



With a scream, one of Zhou's fourteenth level was directly blown by Taylor!

Two more screams followed!

The Zhou family and the George family's fourteenth level, went so far as to die!

By now, the two sides have completely cut their eyes!

Even if someone called it to stop, it couldn't stop at all!

Zhou Yuande's heart was bleeding while fighting!

That's it!

Completely finished!

The more lives, the greater the hatred!

By now, there is no mortal foe that can't be solved at all!


It must be withdrawn, and the failure of the two and a half-step masters of the Zhou family is complete. If they do not withdraw, everyone will die!

George family! Bright Council!

Oh shit! You wait for me!

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuande was ready to retreat!

But at this moment!

"Zhou Yuande! Your Zhou family is crazy! It's fine if you don't admit your mistakes, and now you want to kill us! Are we really bullies!"

This voice is so familiar!

As soon as Zhou Yuande turned around, he saw Jiang Fan running away in embarrassment under Zhou Yantang's pursuit!

Zhou Yantang hated Jiang Fan to death. Seeing Jiang Fan appeared on the battlefield just now, he immediately gave up his opponent and directly chased him!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan is too slippery, no matter how he catches up, he just can't catch it!

"Jiang Fan!"

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, Zhou Yuande couldn't take care of almost anything!

It's this little beast!

Not only were they struggling with the Zhou family, but now they have become enemies with the Guangming Council!

Kill him, you must kill him!

Zhou Yuande was angrily attacked and threw the thought of retreating directly out of the clouds, instead chasing Jiang Fan with Zhou Yantang!

It's just that the two of them didn't pay attention at all, Jiang Fan had taken them with them, and gradually left the battlefield!

On the battlefield, the Zhou family suddenly lost two fourteenth-level peaks, and the situation has become four-on-three!

And at this moment!


A scream suddenly sounded!

Surprisingly, it was Adelaide who tried to exchange injuries and directly killed the Zhou family's fourteenth-level pinnacle!


The three fourteenth-level peaks of the Zhou family were furious, and they shot with all their strength in an instant, fighting for a serious injury, directly blasting Abby of the George family into the sky!

Jiang Fan looked at it as he ran, and his eyes narrowed when he laughed!


Killed well!

Work harder!

You are all good!

"Stop! Jiang Fan! Stop for me!"

"Little beast, even if everyone is here today, I will kill you!"

Zhou Yuande and his sons desperately chased Jiang Fan, the cry was even worse than the screaming chicken!

However, Jiang Fan just made a comparison with the middle finger!

Run faster!

Soon, the three of them had arrived a few miles away!

At this moment, Jiang Fan stopped abruptly!

Zhou Yuande and his son were overjoyed!

"Haha! Jiang Fan, you can't run anymore!"


The two of them were trembling with excitement, and they were about to shoot!

But at this moment!


A terrible scream suddenly came from the battlefield far away!

Upon hearing this sound, Zhou Yuande and the two immediately trembled. The excited brains seemed to have directly detonated a can of liquid nitrogen!

Almost every cell is freezing cold!

This voice is from Zhou Yanlu!

Zhou Yanlu, the half-step master of the Zhou family, was actually killed!

"Wow~~ It's a beautiful tune!"

Jiang Fan looked at the two Zhou Yuande with a smile!

"Two, half-step masters of your Zhou family, but there is only one left! Three to one. Guess how long he can hold on?"

"You, you little beast! It's all you! All this is your game!"

Zhou Yuande gritted his teeth and stared at Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan nodded happily!

"That's right! It's the game I set up, I just want you Zhou family and George's family, and the Light Council to form a vengeance! So what? You come to kill me!"

"you you!"

Zhou Yuande trembled all over!

Zhou Yantang is a step forward, he must make a move!

But Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Two, you have seen my speed, kill me, you can't do it in a short time!"

"And once it takes too long, Brandon and Green and the others clean up the battlefield, you will die!"

"If I were you, I would definitely take advantage of this opportunity to leave the battlefield and turn around and run away!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, the expressions of the two of them all changed!

Jiang Fan was right. The Zhou family's entire army was annihilated as a foregone conclusion!

Now continue to delay, their father and son, there is only one dead end!

"Jiang Fan! I will definitely kill you! Definitely!"

Zhou Yuande stared at Jiang Fan fiercely!

"Please, don't always say some unrealistic dreams, get out of here!"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"You! You wait!"

Zhou Yuande glared at Jiang Fan last, then turned around and ran!

Zhou Yantang hesitated for a moment, and immediately followed Zhou Yuande away!

Seeing the two disappeared, Jiang Fan glanced calmly at a tall building in the east, and then rushed back to the battlefield again!

Zhou Yuande must not die now!

This old guy is stupid and greedy, and the key is still in a high position. Only if someone like him is an opponent will Jiang Fan feel relieved!

Otherwise, get rid of him, if there is a brainy person in the upper rank, wouldn't it be troublesome for yourself?

Moreover, only if he is alive can the Bright Council have reason to continue to trouble Zhou's family!

Let him go back now and continue to shirk responsibility with Zhou Yuanwang's old foolishly. Let's talk nonsense!

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