Lord Lianshan has also fallen out of blood mold!

I just met Jiang Fan!

The time limit for the uselessness has not passed yet, and it has been directly hit by the pan of All-Solution!

Suddenly, in his originally wimpy mood, there was a great fear again!

The two add up directly to have explosive consequences!

"Oh! Oh oh oh..."

"Help! Help!"

"This monster! This demon!"

"Who can help me!"


Lord Lianshan was so heartbroken that he cried!

And a group of disciples of the Foundry Sect were suddenly surprised to find that they were able to move!

It is the time limit of the Jagged Instructor has disappeared!

The first thing a group of surprised caster disciples did was to close their eyes and cover their ears!

Their grandparents and uncles were hammered into this way, and their feeling of running away completely disappeared!

It broke the jar completely!

This shame is too great, and there is no face to live!

For a while, Jiang Fan loves something wrong!

do not care!

Nothing to love!

The screams of Lord Lianshan continued!

"Uuuuu...you don't fight!"

"I, I swear! I swear by blood!"

"I will be loyal to you in the future!"

"Please, let me go!"

The cry of Lord Lianshan was called a desolation, and he bit his fingers without hesitation, and directly swore a blood oath!

No one could have imagined that Jiang Fan was able to subdue a grandmaster so easily!

Once Lian Shanjun is done, the rest of the people will naturally follow suit and make a **** oath together!

Only then did Jiang Fan look at Jin Dao Ren coldly!

This guy looks pale at the moment, and his eyes are dull!

He hasn't said a word ever since Lord Lianshan became persuaded in a second!

Seeing Jiang Fan looking over, Jin Daoren suddenly showed a miserable smile, and suddenly he slapped his backhand and wanted to take a picture of his own heavenly spirit!

As the head of the school, others can survive, but he can't!

If he also becomes Jiang Fan's slave, no matter how high his future achievements are, he will have no face to meet his ancestors!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan spoke just as soon as his palm was raised!

"Don't rush to death, I want to make a deal with you!"

"Deal? Ha ha, ha ha ha ha! Jiang Fan, our entire sect is now yours. What deal are you going to do with me?"

Jin Dao Ren smiled sadly.

But Jiang Fan didn't show any sympathy at all, just sneered at him.

"Golden Daoist, you'd better figure it out. This matter today is entirely your caster's own fault!"

"If you hadn't been too greedy, and attacked the Jinglingzong, you wouldn't end up here!"

"I'll give you a chance now, a chance for you to lift the blood oath of the heart demon!"

"Relieve the Heart Demon Blood Oath?!"

Everyone's heart beats.

Jin Dao Ren exclaimed even more!

The biggest problem with the Casting Sect now is that all of them have become Jiang Fan's slaves!

But if the blood oath is lifted, Caster Zong will suddenly have another look!

Still the first-rate sect before!

"You, what do you want us to do?"

Jin Dao Ren forced his excitement and asked.

"Very simple! One year! Within one year, I want you to contribute 20,000 ordinary flying swords to me every month!"

"As long as you can do it, in one year, I will lift your heart and blood oath!"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly.


Everyone was stunned!

Jin Dao Ren's eyes widened unbelievably!

Twenty thousand flying swords a month, indeed a lot!

But what does the caster sect do?

That's the refiner!

With 20,000 handles a month, they can definitely do it!

Even Jin Daoist suspected that he had heard it wrong, and looked at Jiang Fan with a surprised look: "That's it, that's it?"

"Yes! That's it!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

"Okay! But how do I know what you are saying is true?"

"I, Jiang Fan, swear that if the Casting Sect can fulfill the conditions, I will definitely lift their heart and blood oath in a year! If I break this oath, the sky will strike thunder!

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, Jin Daoist felt that the whole person was alive!

A group of disciples of the Foundry Sect who were originally heartbroken are overjoyed!

"But what if we didn't finish it?"

A disciple asked suddenly.

"That's simple. If a month is not completed, add another month on the basis of one year! You guys, you have to work hard! The more you practice, the faster your freedom!"

After Jiang Fan said this, he suddenly seemed to think of something, and pointed at the corpses of the disciples of the Foundry Sect.

"Oh, by the way, these few people are not dead, but you better stop the bleeding quickly, otherwise it will be easy to hang up after a while!"


A group of people immediately looked at the fallen disciples, only to find that these people had just cut their shoulders and fell into a coma due to blood loss.

Not dead at all!

Everyone was stunned, staring at Jiang Fan blankly!

Thinking back at this moment, it is clear that they have been looking for something!

First go to attack Jing Lingzong.

Then he took Jiang Fan back to the Foundry Sect, trying to force him to surrender the source of the western monster's corpse.

In the end, Taizu Shishu even tried to kill him!

But how did Jiang Fan do it?

Obviously he was full of killing intent here, but Jiang Fan only demanded their belongings, besides beating them violently, not even a single person was killed!

Even the blood oath of the heart demon gave them a chance to cancel!

Comparing the two, everyone suddenly felt guilty for no reason!

Even Jin Dao people are no exception!

But this good impression lasted less than three seconds!

"Hehe, everyone, I am a reasonable person. Since there are so many things, then I should also talk about your attack on the Jing Lingzong this time, and you have to kill me!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke slowly with a smile on his face.


Everyone was taken aback!

But the next moment, Jiang Fan was grinning!

"Hand over all your storage bracelets to Lao Tzu!"


Seeing Jiang Fan's departure, a group of people from the Casting Sect were spitting fire!

"This beast!"

"Damn, I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"Too ruthless, dig the ground three feet!"

"It's over, now apart from the materials, and those few treasures of town faction, we are now completely bachelors!"

"What the **** is this guy?"


And unlike the anger of a group of disciples, the brothers and sisters of Jin Daoren were speechless, with wry smiles all over their faces.

This somersault is big!

Several people sighed and all looked at Lord Lianshan.

"Uncle Shi, next, look at..."

Lord Lianshan has recovered from the torture of the props at this moment, but it is a pity that the effect of invincible destruction of the pan is permanent!

Even though he has completely recovered now and has changed back to that extremely powerful grandmaster, but the fear of Jiang Fan has been deeply engraved in his mind!

Of course, along with it, there is the picture that made him feel ashamed!

He lived nearly two hundred years old, and it was the first time that he was cleaned up like this!

This shame is almost making him autistic!

So when he heard a few questions from Jin Dao people, he just flicked his sleeves!

"You are the principals, don't ask me about this! I'm going to practice swords!"

After saying this, Lord Lianshan jumped into the air with a green face and went straight to the volcano.

The remaining Golden Daoists looked at each other, and suddenly sighed again!

for a long time.

"What are you doing in a daze? Don't hurry up to practice swords!"

Jin Dao Ren finally shouted angrily!

"It is said to the outside that our Foundry Sect was closed for a year, and no one will see during this period!"

But at this moment, outside the gate of the Casting Sect, Jiang Fan looked happy!

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