God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1214: The strongest insecticide

Seeing that Jiang Fan was so terrifying, A didn't even dare to run away!

Just trembling all over!

And Quan Xinyi finally ran over at this time, looking at A with an angry expression!

"A! Give my mother back to me!"

A suddenly startled!

"your mom?"


"Haha, hahaha! Boy, your mother is dead a long time ago, how can I pay you back?"

A suddenly laughed mockingly!

At the same time, a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes!

"Hehehe, I finally understand! Because of this body, you don't dare to hurt me at all!"

"As long as Quan Xinyi still has a little hope, you will absolutely not dare to touch me!"

He seemed to see through the minds of Jiang Fan and the others, and suddenly his body stopped shaking, his legs stopped trembling, and his whole body became vigorous!

He even stood up leisurely and looked directly at Jiang Fan triumphantly!

"Boy! I admit, you are really tough! But what?"

"Do you dare to hit me?"

"Do you dare to kill me?"

"You dare nothing!"

"Because now, my body is Izumi Shinichi's mother!"

"You are against me, he will stop you himself!"

"Hahaha! It's so cool! This kind of makes you hate it, but it can't hurt me at all, it's really cool!"

A is very proud and proud!


Quan Xin breathed fire with a glance!

However, A is right!

I didn't dare to hurt him at all!

Even if he lets himself kill, he can't get that hand!

Mom... I'm sorry...

Quan Xinyi looked desperate!

But at this moment!

"Is the forcing finished? This is your last word?"

Jiang Fan, who had been silent, suddenly spoke!

Everyone was stunned!

"Big brother, what are you talking about?"

Izumi Shinichi barely spoke.

A trembled all over, faintly feeling bad!

"You, what do you want to do?"

"It's not obvious! Of course it will kill you!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"You, don't forget! Killing me is equivalent to killing his mother!"

A yelled in a hurry!

Quan Xinyi is about to stop Jiang Fan!

He knows that the other party is no longer his own mother, but he can't help it, he can no longer bear the disappearance of his mother for the second time!

Only at this moment!

"You think too much! It will only be you who die!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had already taken out the takeaway!

Then just open the lid!

Ai Ye Chicken Soup!

Suddenly, an extremely rich fragrance was suddenly emitted!

However, as soon as they smelled this smell, the faces of A and Xiaoyou all changed!

There was a kind of fear in his eyes!

The effect of mugwort leaves, although it mainly treats warm palace and meridian cold, but there is another effect, that is, insect repellent!

But after the reincarnation of the world, the effect of food delivery will be infinitely magnified!

The takeaway order that Quan Shinichi needs is to bring his mother back to life!

Then this chicken soup is not for him to drink at all, but for his mother!

This chicken soup is the most powerful parasite insecticide ever!

"This, what is this..."

A trembled all over, with a look of fear!

He has a hunch that once he comes into contact with this thing, he will probably be more terrifying than death!

It's better to die!

So he was about to transform and commit suicide directly!

But it's too late!

Jiang Fan grabbed his neck and poured the chicken soup directly into his mouth!

"no, do not want!"


"Tons, tons, tons, tons~~~"

A large pot of chicken soup directly into the belly!

next moment!


A suddenly let out a terrible scream!

That scream is more cruel than all the torture!

In just half a minute, A's breath has completely disappeared!

The whole person is even more like petrification, directly anchored!

for a long time!


The mucus that wrapped Shinichi's mother's head dried up and shattered!

Shinichi's mother had already opened her eyes blankly!

"Hey? Shinichi? Why are you here?"

"mom, Mom, Mom?!"

Izumi Shinichi looked at his mother incredulously!

"This kid, I'm not your mother, is it someone else's? Ah! I bought you celery, we will eat it today..."


Quan Xin couldn't control it again, and she hugged her mother in tears!


Mom is back!

Izumi Shinichi's mother looked blank, but in the end she smiled lovingly.

Jiang Fan took a step back calmly and waved his hand to the small right who was looking at him!

"Jiang Fan...thank you..."

Xiaoyou said softly with a grateful look!

Jiang Fan saved Xinyi's mother, which is equivalent to saving three of them!

"You're welcome! Take care of them! Goodbye!"


White light flashed, Jiang Fan had disappeared without a trace!

Reappearing, Jiang Fan has returned to the system space.

Just when he came back, Jiang Fan sighed.

This time the order also reminded him of his mother.

The biological mother!

It's a pity that the Iwillbeback item was used to save Xia Fanxing, and he didn't know when he would return to the time and space that really belonged to him.

Mom and Dad, just wait a little longer!

Okay, look at the reward!

Jiang Fan resumed his state, and immediately looked at the prompt that sounded before!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 1366 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the gratitude of Izumi Shinichi and Xiaoyou-cell repair solution!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing A! Successfully extracted-body alienation!"

Alienation of limbs?

Jiang Fan suddenly became interested and looked directly at this ability!

Limb Alienation: This is a very cool ability to just hear the name!

Remarks: After learning this skill, the host will change the body shape at will, and the changed body attack power is equal to the host's own strength!

Damn it!

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up suddenly!

Good stuff!

The limbs of the parasitic beasts have been alienated, and even Xiaoyou can change into a key to open the lock at will!

Although he has an extremely powerful king of thieves, he still needs tools sometimes!

And this skill doesn't talk about fighting, it's the ability to use this hand to open thousands of households, then...

Ahem, he is a gentleman!

How is it possible to use this ability to open other people's safes at will?

But if it is the enemy, then there is no burden!



The white light is coming down!

At the next moment, Jiang Fan's heart moved, and his right hand has directly turned into a sharp and fierce long sword!

The blade was extremely white, but it glowed with a unique metal luster!

Jiang Fan waved at once, and suddenly cut a ripple from the air!

And then, as Jiang Fan changed his mind, the next moment, the long sword had turned into five three-meter-long tentacles!

The tip of the tentacles is extremely sharp!


It can turn into a tentacled monster, and the future life of couples will be much happier!

Satisfied, Jiang Fan looked at the cell repair solution again!

This thing is contained in a small glass tube, glowing with a sparkling color.

However, as soon as he saw the introduction, Jiang Fan suddenly showed a smile that was more excited than getting a physical alienation!

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