After noon, Jiang Fan had returned to Los Angeles.

But just after getting off the plane, Wang Yi called.

"Master, Miss Yin is here!"

Miss Yin?

Yin Binghua?

Jiang Fan was immediately excited!

"Take a good treat, I'll be there soon!"

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan immediately rushed home and couldn't wait!

The last time he went to Gaoli, Jiang Fan himself was to obtain "Mu Tianzi Biography Fragment".

It's a pity that the thing was snatched away by a half-step master who suddenly appeared!

Fortunately, Jiang Fan noticed Professor Zhong who had introduced this item at the auction, so when she and Yin Binghua were separated from Goryeo, she specifically asked her to go to Professor Zhong to ask about the "Mu Tianzi's Fragmented Scroll".

Now that Yin Binghua came over, there was obviously a clue!

In fact, Jiang Fan himself was not interested in this ancient artifact. What he was interested in was that there might be clues to repairing snakes!

Snake repair!

This thing is much better than the God of Darkness!

Not to mention how much blood can earn, selling the corpse to the cultivation world is definitely the rhythm of getting rich overnight!

Jiang Fan hurried back to Jiang's house in a hurry, and suddenly saw Yin Binghua in a long skirt raising one knee, holding a cup of fine tea.

And Wang Yi was looking pleased and hesitated to ask warmly beside him.

"Boss Yin, come here, Pengxun is shining!"

Jiang Fan laughed and walked over quickly.

"Come less, who doesn't know that you won't get up early. If I said that I didn't get the news of "Mu Tianzi Biography Fragment", would you still be so enthusiastic?"

Yin Binghua gave Jiang Fan a straight look.

"Where do I speak? Am I that kind of person? Who doesn't know that I am a friend of mine, who treats money like dung..."

"Okay, your remarks deceive the mindless people, but to be honest, I did not get the news of "Mu Tianzi Biography Fragmented Scroll"."

"Don't get it?"

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, but his face immediately sank.

"What happened?"

Yin Binghua put down the tea cup, and then slowly spoke.

"After I separated from you, I went to find Professor Zhong, but unfortunately, he had already left Korea at that time. Then I checked his itinerary and found out that he had gone to Dongying."

"Dong Ying?"

Jiang Fan frowned, and suddenly remembered what Li Emi told him when he was staying at Li Emi's house in Korea.

At that time, Jiang Fan happened to see a video of Li Enmei interviewing Professor Zhong.

Li Eun-mi told Jiang Fan that Professor Zhong came to travel because his son was working in Korea. Now it seems that this old man is getting bored with Korea. Did he go to Dongyinglang?

I rely on!

uncle! Can't you just find a place to stay honestly?

And Yin Binghua nodded.

"Yes, Dongying! But I don't have much help over there, so I searched for a few days and found nothing."

But when he heard Yin Binghua's words, Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes.

"There are many gangs in Dongying. It shouldn't be difficult to find someone with a few tricks, don't you have any scruples?"

Yin Binghua was stunned. Although he knew that Jiang Fan was an evildoer, he still couldn't help but exclaimed for his brain again.

"Yes, Jiang Fan, my identity... is very special, so many times..."

"It's okay, I understand you!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

Yin Binghua was taken aback again!

Judging from Jiang Fan's performance, he must be determined to win the "Mu Tianzi Biography Fragmented Scroll", but he has missed one after another, so he actually understands it!

Could it be...

This kid is interesting to himself?

No no no!

This is absolutely impossible!

What's that?

Yin Binghua looked confused.

It's a pity that she didn't know that all of this was because Jiang Fan had known her identity a long time ago!

"It's good for you to understand, but although I can't help you with Professor Zhong's line, I have some news about the guy who snatched the "Mu Tianzi Biography Fragment" at the auction."

"Have you found out his identity?"

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

"Forget it, I'll help you chase over there. As for Dongying, it's up to you."

"Okay, thanks a lot!"

"You're welcome, just don't forget our bet!"

As Yin Binghua said, she stood up directly.

"Are you leaving?"

Jiang Fan asked.

"Well, it's not too late, wait for my news."

Yin Binghua said, she has already left Jiangzhai.

"Master, what shall we do? Do you want to send someone to Dongying to find Professor Zhong?"

Wang Yi asked.

"No, I have to leave after three days. Even if I find Professor Zhong during this period, it's useless. Everything, wait until I come back!"

Jiang Fan shook his head.

"Are you going to go to that ruin?"

Wang Yi asked in a low voice.

"Yes, the ruins will be opened in four days. I have to go there one day in advance to prepare."

"Okay! Master, you can rest assured to go!"

"Bah! Why don't I feel relieved to go? I said I want to hang up!"

"Hehehe, then I wish you a lot of money and kill the Quartet!"

"That is inevitable! Hehehe..."

Jiang Fan has a lot of weird smiles here, but on the other side of the ocean, there is a dead silence among the George family!

At this moment, although it is late at night in Citi, all the powerful figures in the George family are all staring at the big screen!

Above, there is a photo of Kauai, which is the place where the three parties negotiated at that time!

Only at this moment, the place has completely become a ruin!

And until then did they know that Brandon and Carter had already been killed!

And the cause of all this is in the ordinary recorder on the big conference table!

This thing was specially handed to them by the Council of Light in order to let the George family die clearly!

Inside, it is the recording of the battle of Goryeo!

for a long time.

"Jiang Fan!!!"

The Great Elder Hayes suddenly squeezed these two words out between his teeth!

Since the Illumination Council sent this recording, it is already clear that this matter will never be so simple to stop!

Unless the George family can pay a sufficient price, a battle between the two sides is absolutely inevitable!

However, even if they wanted to let the Illuminati Council stop, the price paid was a tremor in their hearts!

And the cause of all this is because of this recording!

It is because of this recording, Jiang Fan!

People like them also know the audio that Jiang Fan listened to Brandon before!

But everyone did not expect that the complete audio would actually be like this!

It turned out that they were all tricked by Jiang Fan from start to finish!

"Elder, what should I do?"

Roy and the elders of the George family all looked at Hayes.

"Report this to the patriarch. Also, find a way to negotiate with the Illuminati Council!"

Hayes waved his hand weakly.


Hearing Hayes' words, everyone was relieved.

After all, if they were just fighting the Illuminati Council, they would not have much fear, but don’t forget that there are still a lot of powerful families in Citi, who are staring at them!

"Then, where is Jiang Fan?"

At this moment, another elder suddenly spoke!

As soon as they heard this name, everyone's face suddenly sank!

"That little beast has already hid back to Huaxia, we don't have a chance to act on him for the time being, the most important thing at the moment..."

Hayes spoke slowly!

But at this moment!

"Not necessarily! To deal with this little beast, we don't necessarily need to do it yourself!"

A voice suddenly sounded!

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