God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1220: The old tree blooms with ten births

Jiang Fan was also a hundred secrets. He didn't expect to pit the Zhou family at the same time, but also gave them a chance to run out!

As the saying goes, a wise man must have a mistake when he thinks about it, Jiang Fan is not omniscient and omnipotent, and his opponent is not a fool!

But even if Jiang Fan thought of this, he wouldn't care at all!

Last time the Zhou family came too suddenly, and Jiang Fan was caught off guard. Now, all of Luocheng Jiang Fan's mobile phones have a complete list of Zhou family characters!

As long as those from the Zhou family show up in Los Angeles, Los Angeles has its own set of response systems according to their strengths!

As for Jiang Fan, he is riding a car right now, heading straight to Blue Eagle!

I haven't seen the group of bear children for several days, and I don't know if they adhere to the teachings they love, so I have to check it out.

The point is, this week is the midterm exam, and today is the last day!

I promised them that once these bear kids can get out of the bottom five of the grade, I will give them a takeaway star fan meeting!

Soon, Jiang Fan has come to Lanying.

It's just that I just entered the teaching building!

"Aha! Jiang Fan!!!"

Hearing this like an old tree blooming, a mother with ten births, full of excitement, Jiang Fan knew who it was!


Looking back, Ma Desheng was pointing at himself with excitement and shaking, and roared loudly with joy!

"Jiang Fan! You didn't go to work for a few days, it was a violation of school discipline and school rules to the limit! I, Ma De, was promoted to the teaching director of Blue Eagle Justice, and now I solemnly declare to you..."

It's a pity that he hasn't finished speaking, Jiang Fan has already pulled out his phone and quickly opened a photo!

"Huh? Director Ma, look at this picture on my phone, isn't it interesting?"

In the photo, Ma Desheng's trousers were stripped off by a few sturdy men, his face was full of tears, his nose was full of shame, and he was a little bit dark at the same time!

This is exactly the picture of him winning the lottery and being tortured by the group of kidnappers!


Ma Desheng's last word was directly held between his teeth!

He looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

"You, you still have it!"

"Of course, how could I delete your heroic posture of Director Ma so easily? Hehehe!"

"You, you bastard! Delete now! Otherwise I will fire you now!"

Ma Desheng was so angry!

The point is, this photo is too shameful!

What's the dark coolness on that face?

Did you have this expression at the beginning?

Too abnormal!

"It's impossible to delete it. I'm still going to be a family heirloom! Director Ma, I'm going upstairs to see the students, goodbye!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand and swayed upstairs!

"Jiang Fan! You! Wait for me! I must drive you out of Lan Ying!"

Behind him, Ma Desheng's helpless scream is almost the same as the classic lines of Big Big Wolf!

Jiang Fan quickly went upstairs, and immediately saw that in the third class, all the students were answering questions quickly!

Especially Murongcui and Wei Fuling, they were so fast that they finished answering the questions very quickly, and they were so bored that they fell asleep on the table!

Jiang Fan nodded in satisfaction.

Yes, it seems that this midterm exam is stable!

Turning back to the office, Yang Jianye was invigilating in another examination room at the moment, but Hu Guang and Wu Tao were both there.

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, Hu Guang looked happy.

"Teacher Jiang, where have you been these days? Why did you come?"

"If something is going on, ask for leave for two days."

Jiang Fan smiled and suddenly looked at Wu Tao.

"Teacher Wu, have you found that person?"

What Jiang Fan asked was that the two worshippers of the Jiang family were killed with a single punch!

"Not yet, Huaxia is too big, and that person's identity doesn't seem to be entered into the system, so it's a bit difficult to find."

Wu Tao chuckled.

"Don't worry, you will be able to find it sooner or later... Landlord Douhui?"

"Okay! Come on!"

A few people simply played cards in the office.

One afternoon passed quickly!

Accompanied by the last subject ringing!

The exam is over!

And a series of footsteps have been ringing continuously!

next moment!


The door of the office was pushed open, and a group of bear kids from Class 3 all rushed in!

"Jiang Fan!"

"Just now I heard Fatty Ma called Chun below, and you really are back!"

"When will the fan meeting of Takeaway Star start?"

"Don't want to fool you!"

A group of students gossiping!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, once the results are up to the standard, I will definitely satisfy you!"

"Okay! Whatever you say!"

"The grades come out and wait to hit you in the face!"

"If you can't find a takeaway star, you will have a big deal!"

"At that time, you will definitely let you cry, father and mother!"

A group of bear kids threatened it, and then they left with arrogance!

Jiang Fan shook his head. It was a young man after all. This courage of persevering and courage to challenge himself was truly epic!

After leaving the Blue Eagle, Jiang Fan put on the takeaway clothes again, put on a mask, and was about to run a few orders to upgrade the bike, at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

"Little plum, high-spirited, wants to learn from the sword fairy to climb into the sky."

"Three rods in the sun do not awaken, and every day I am happy in my dreams."

"Lu Dongbin, riding in the wind, slaying the group of demons with a dragon sword on his shoulders;"

"Compassion, saving the suffering and preaching the wonderful way, has been marked by the name of eternal life."

"Han Xiangzi, pin Yuxiao, and throw it away from the family with aspiring to learn and cultivate;"

"Snow embraces the blue pass and it is difficult to ride a horse. Zeng Du Wen Gong went to Jiuxiao."

"Uncle Cao Guo, love Xiaoyao, not Ronghua unloading brocade robe;"

"Everything in the world is good practice, holding Yunyang immortal board in hand."


The system actually sang a limerick!

Just when Jiang Fan looked dumbfounded!

"Ding! Please give Li Xiaoyao a hot mala Tang!"

Li Xiaoyao? !

Legend of Sword and Fairy! !

Jiang Fan was immediately excited!

The games of the fairy sword series are classics among the classics!

Especially the first one!

It's just that Ling'er and the Lord of the Moon Worshipping die together, the sad ending is really the eternal pain in his heart, and even all men!

Zhao Ling'er is too young to be an adult according to the current standards. Of course Jiang Fan will not have any other thoughts. The reason why he is excited is that he finally has a chance to rewrite the ending!

Needless to say, leave you~~!

Jiang Fan is driving fast!

Soon rushed to a Yang Guofu Mala Tang shop!

"Boss! A standard mala soup! More! More spicy! Take it away!"


The boss skillfully started to take out the dishes, but the group of young people in the shop all looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!

"This person is a bit familiar!"

"Yes! That mask is too familiar..."

"Takeaway Star! It's the Takeaway Star!"

"Oh my God! It's really him!"

The crowd is all excited!

Directly facing Jiang Fan, he rushed up!

"Takeaway Star! Idol! Unexpectedly I could meet you!"

"Please take a photo!"

"Go! Fit your sister's picture! Idol! Seek fit!"

"Use your pedaling speed to ravage me!"

"Come on! The takeaway star has appeared!"


The entire Mala Tang shop was in turmoil for a while!

Jiang Fan was sweating profusely!

The enthusiasm of this fan is really scarier than the master!

Fortunately, Mala Tang will soon come out!

Jiang Fan quickly took a photo with a few fans, and then ran away with a takeaway!

He rushed into a nearby alley, Jiang Fan hurriedly screamed!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! About to enter-"The Legend of Sword and Fairy"!

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