God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1231: Respect and bottom line

"Mr. Jiang, that, I heard that you invited the takeaway star to have a fan meeting?"

Meng Kun asked cautiously.


Jiang Fan nodded.

"Then, can you let our classmates go too?"

Meng Kun asked cautiously.

"Sorry Meng Kun, I can't promise you about this!"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan vetoed it!

Meng Kun was taken aback, and immediately reacted!

"Ah! I see, don't worry, we can double the fare!"

"No! It's not because of the money."

Jiang Fan explained with a smile.

"I have an agreement with Class 3, if they leave the bottom five, this is my reward for them."

"Meng Kun, you have to know that this takeaway star fan meeting is now a private reward for Class 3!"

"But you are a teacher! You speak, they will definitely listen!"

Meng Kun is a little anxious!

But Jiang Fan frowned and spoke solemnly!

"Yes, I am indeed a teacher! But I am just a teacher!"

"I can teach them to be human, but I can't force them!"

"For the private rewards of students, I am not qualified to promise something for them!"

"This is not only my respect for them, but also the bottom line between people!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, Meng Kun was stunned!

Jiang Fan's words are like thunderous ears!

No wonder!

It's no wonder that even a guy like Class Three, even though he is dismissive of Jiang Fan on the surface, but once he is mentioned, every student's eyes will show an inexplicable look of admiration!

This is the teacher!

"It seems that you already understand what I mean, so you shouldn't find me in this matter! Go find the little guys in Class 3! As long as they agree, of course you can go!"

Jiang Fan smiled and patted Meng Kun on the shoulder.

"Yes! Teacher Jiang, I will talk to Class 3 in person!"

As Meng Kun said, he glanced at Jiang Fan gratefully, and then immediately called a few classmates and rushed directly to Class 3!

Jiang Fan smiled, and simply took out the takeaway clothes and continued to run the order to upgrade the bike!

I always run out recently, so I have to hurry up and do business!

As Jiang Fan set off again, the entire Internet celebrity street boiled directly!

Originally, Jiang Fan hadn't appeared during this time, so only three or two people on Net Red Street were still here.

But yesterday I heard that Jiang Fan reappeared, and the place was suddenly overcrowded again!

"Look! It's a takeaway star!"

"Idol! You haven't shown up for a long time, we all want you to die!"

"The takeaway star, Yijian Wushuang, has swept tens of billions of boxes at the box office in a week, and the momentum is unabated. Do you have anything to say about it?"

"Idol! My girlfriend cheated seven people but she said she still loves me, should I forgive her?"


Facing the enthusiastic fans, Jiang Fan just waved his hand and left quickly!

Soon, the whole morning has passed!

Jiang Fan bought a pancake and finished eating fruit, and was about to pack a yellow braised chicken to send to Uncle Zhong——

Uncle Zhong has been supervising the reconstruction of the Jiang family's old house, and sometimes he can't even take care of food!

But at this moment!


There was a scream in the distance!

Along with it, there was a low roar from an animal!

Then the panicked voices of the crowd sounded!

"Oh my God! Hurry up and save him!"

"What's the matter, where did this dog run from?"

"No! Too fierce! Where is the dog owner!"

"Call the police! Otherwise, this person has to be killed!"

Jiang Fan's expression moved, and his feet moved immediately before rushing over!

On a small square in front, a fierce and horrifying pit bull was biting a man's thigh!

No matter how the man struggled and screamed, the fierce dog remained indifferent, and even became even more irritable because of the blood flowing from the man's legs!

The crowd around was unarmed, they didn't dare to step forward at all!

Pitbull is known as the world's first bulldog. It is the offspring of the mating of Stafford and Bulldog. It is a kind of fierce dog breed with powerful lethality bred for the purpose of fighting dogs!

And he has the endurance that can be released continuously for 120 minutes, the bite force of 80 kilograms per square centimeter, and a pair of tough skin without painful sensory nerves!

Coupled with the well-developed muscles, the strength of this dog is no longer even under certain powerful cats!

There has even been a record of a pit dog killed a Tibetan mastiff within 15 minutes!

Seeing that the man's struggle was getting weaker and weaker at this moment, the crowd was completely panicked. There were a few young people eager to save others, but just as they rushed over, the pitbull suddenly raised his head, his mouth full of blood and grinning suddenly roared. , And a few young people rushed in the opposite direction!


Although the Pitbull is only half a meter tall, its impact is surprisingly great!

One of the young people was hit by this thing directly!

The Pitbull had already grinned, and bit directly at the young man's neck!

That's it!

The young people are frightened!

I never thought that saving people would not be possible, but instead took myself in!

At first sight, the big mouth of the Pitbull and the neck of the young man are already close at hand, and many people have even closed their eyes!

But at this moment!


A crisp sound!

A big hand actually pinched the pitbull's neck directly, and lifted the sturdy beast in one hand!

It is Jiang Fan!

The crowd was stunned!

"Fuck! This little brother is so fierce!"

"It's so handsome! I even caught this beast in one hand!"

"It's an almighty takeaway!"

"Awesome little brother! I'll show you my heart!"

The crowd was overjoyed, and immediately went to see the man who had been bitten by the dog before.

The young man who was knocked down also got up and looked at Jiang Fan with gratitude.

"Little brother, thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

And several courageous, and finally gradually surrounded Jiang Fan!


At this moment, the pitbull suddenly let out a roar!

The crowd retreated desperately in fright!

But the Pitbull had suddenly turned his head, and bit directly on Jiang Fan's arm with one bite!


"Little brother!"

The crowd exclaimed!

But the next moment!


A crisp sound!

Jiang Fan was unscathed, but the two sharp canine teeth of the pitbull suddenly shattered!

The crowd was all dumbfounded!

I can't believe my eyes!

Is this a person?

That flesh is harder than alloy!

And even though the teeth were broken, this pitbull was undiminished and still biting Jiang Fan like crazy!

"Naughty animal! Looking for death!"

Jiang Fan's face suddenly sank!

He tore off the beast directly, and then raised his hands and clasped its upper and lower jaws directly!

The crowd was stunned!

"What is this little brother doing?"

"Could it be that you want to rip off this brut's mouth?"

"This, how is this possible!"

And the slow-reacting Pitbull finally felt the fear at this moment, not only the fierce light in his eyes disappeared completely, but also the sound of pleading!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan's expression was already ruthless, and he suddenly broke off!


The Pitbull’s upper and lower jaws suddenly burst into a crisp sound!

In the next moment, this beast was already dead!

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