God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1243: If you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach a thousand miles

At this moment, at the door of the hotel, many of the hotel service staff who had been on vacation, who had learned the internal news, had already waited at the door early!

If Jiang Fan was just a top Internet celebrity before, now it is definitely the real top stream in the entertainment industry!

Many people who were not cold to Jiang Fan before, have all been completely seized by the long end of "Yi Jian Wu Shuang"!

Seeing Jiang Fan's arrival, a group of fans were suddenly excited!

"Takeaway Star!"

"It's really him!"

"Great! The first time I met idols so close!"

"Hush! Idol is secretly holding a small fan meeting this time, so don't let others notice!"

"Understood! Take turns to watch idols at that time!"

"Ok, deal!"

A group of fans made up their minds, but looked at Jiang Fan with hot eyes, but did not make a loud noise!

But even if only being watched by that fiery gaze, Jiang Fan felt that he was about to burn!

Waved to the crowd, Jiang Fan immediately entered the hotel and went straight to the North Hall!

At this moment, Cao Le, who was waiting at the door, screamed and opened the door!

"Idol is coming!"

Originally, a group of students in the North Hall were eating right now. As soon as they heard Cao Le's shout, they had finished sorting in an instant, and they all sat down on the seats in front of the small stage honestly!

It is completely invisible that they swept across the huge dining table just like locusts!

As Jiang Fan walked in, a group of students suddenly stood up, all screaming in excitement!

"Takeaway Star!"

"Really are!"

"The mask is the best proof!"

"Idol! I love you!"

"Jiang Fan is too serious!"

Jiang Fan smiled and waved his hand at the students. What made him even more satisfied was that Class 6 had also arrived!

In any case, this group of bear children in Class 3 can let the enemy come over regardless of the previous complaints. This tolerance is enough to make him gratified!

"Hello everyone!"

Jiang Fan walked onto the small stage, sat in a chair, and waved directly at the students.

"Good idol!"

The students spoke in unison!

"Idol, I didn't expect you to come!"

"How did Jiang Fan invite you?"

"The last time I was on the crew, it was amazing. I didn't expect that this time he would let you take the initiative to hold a meeting!"

"Idol, what is the relationship between you and Jiang Fan?"

Asked a group of students rushingly.

"My teacher Jiang Fan and I are good friends. He said that your grades have improved a lot this time, so he specifically begged me to come and meet you."

Jiang Fan explained with a smile, but he immediately spoke curiously.

"Your teacher only said that you have made great progress. Then, how big is it?"

Upon hearing Jiang Fan's question, all students in Class 6 had a smirk, but a group of students in Class 3 turned red.

According to their standards, it is indeed a huge improvement!

But in fact, it's the countdown!

In Jiang Fanmian, this matter is proud enough, but in front of idols, what a shame!

"Ahem, me, we have improved five places!"

After all it was the study committee member, Murong Cui let out a dry cough, and finally spoke.

"That's amazing progress! We must continue to work hard!"

Jiang Fan encouraged.

His original intention was to let the students know their shame and be brave, so he asked this sentence!


Sanban suddenly brightened his eyes and nodded vigorously!

At this moment, a student in Class 6 sneered.

"If you improve by five places, it means that the first from the bottom becomes the sixth from the bottom!"

As soon as he uttered his words, all three classes flushed and glared!

Even Meng Kun and many of the classmates in Class 6 had trouble looking, so they gave that classmate a fierce look!

The third class let them come over regardless of the predecessors, this is enough righteousness!

When this student said this, he was simply crossing the river to demolish the bridge!

It's just that in front of idols, no one did it, let alone scolding.

It was Jiang Fan who suddenly smiled.

"Progress is progress! You can't reach thousands of miles if you don't accumulate steps, it's as if I started from delivering food and I've been sitting here today, and I've come out step by step.

"Everyone in Class 6 has a different starting point, so in your thinking, there is no difference from the bottom to the sixth, but for Class 3, this is a qualitative leap!"

"And I also agree with this kind of overflight, and I believe that their progress will become greater and greater, and it will never stop!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, the students in Class 3 suddenly looked excited, and squeezed their fists tightly!

It is their pride to be recognized by idols!

For idols, we must do better next time for exams!

Especially Wei Fuling's eyes were red with excitement!

It's worth noting that I've been tricked by that **** Jiang Fan several times. I can see idols and hear the true care of idols. It's worth everything!

And the student in Class 6 knew that he had said the wrong thing, and suddenly bowed his head in shame.

"Okay! Today I am your friend. You can ask any questions, and even if you have any requirements, I can try my best to satisfy you!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


"Idol, I want to hear you play the guzheng!"

"Idol, I want to sign!"

"Idol, I heard that you have an armour, isn't it true?"


Jiang Fan answered one by one, and even took the time to play the guzheng and piano. A group of students were mesmerized, and the atmosphere was at a climax!

But at this moment!

"Slot! Why don't you let me book a hotel?"

Outside the hall door, a rough voice suddenly sounded!

"Sir, it's not that you are not allowed to see. The layout of the North Hall and the South Hall are all the same. If you want to see, you only need to look at the South Hall. There is a private party in the North Hall. You..."

"Go to your code! I care about your private parties! I tell you, even if your boss comes, I will watch it today!"

With the screams of several waiters, the door of the North Hall was kicked open!

Immediately afterwards, a big man with an inch-headed face and a sturdy face had already rushed in directly with a few of his men!

Just seeing the sight of the hall, the big man sneered directly!

"Slot! Isn't it just a group of little cocky classmates? What the **** told Lao Tzu it was a private gathering of big people! What the **** thought Lao Tzu was scared?"

The big man said, but suddenly he glanced at Jiang Fan, then quickly raised his thumb to a man next to him, and then walked into the hall with an arrogant expression, looking around like no one else!

Everyone was stunned!

Looked at the big guy blankly!

However, Class 3 reacted quickly!

"Who are you!"

"Get out now!"

"Where's the security? Come on!"

A group of students spoke angrily!

If it weren't for the takeaway star to be here, and for fear of leaving a bad impression on idol, this group of violent bear kids would have rushed forward!

And several waiters hurriedly stopped the big man.

"Sir! Please don't do this!"

"Sir, please go out quickly!"

"If you still don't cooperate, we really have to call the security guard!"

However, facing the glares of the crowd, the big man just sneered!

"Security? Do you dare to stop Laozi?"

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