Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly looked in the direction of the sound.

But he found out that he was an unusually burly man!

The brawny man just sat on a sofa in the living room, smoking a cigar to himself, and feeling the breath of Jiang Fan, he smiled coldly and stood up directly!

As he got up, everyone had the feeling of seeing a brown bear stand up!

"Boy, only level fourteen, do you think you are strong?"

The strong man looked at Jiang Fan with a mocking look!

"of course!"

Jiang Fan spoke proudly!

"Hehe, the weirder it is, the less capable it is!"

The brawny man gave a weird laugh, and suddenly moved, and the next moment he was in front of Jiang Fan!

No one would have thought that the speed of such a sturdy man would be so fast!

No. 2 and the others shake their fingers, they must do it!

But Jiang Fan waved his hand calmly at this time!

The next moment, the brawny man already punched Jiang Fan and slammed past!


Jiang Fan was smashed and knocked down on the wall of the hotel!

At the same time, there was a scream!

"The third child!"

Long Yan wailed suddenly!

A stride rushed over, holding Jiang Fan in one hand!

And the two of No. 2 also reacted, rushing to Jiang Fan's side anxiously, and had a cold and warm meal!

"Bah! Boy, remember! No matter how arrogant you are, I will kill you!"

The brawny man has a proud face!

It's only a fourteenth level, and he dared to be arrogant in front of his fourteenth peak, really looking for death!

But his pride hasn't dissipated yet, Jiang Fan has secretly made a gesture!

next moment!

"Oh shit!"

No. 2 roared abruptly, and his breath suddenly broke out!


"Half-step master?!"

"There are such masters among these few people!"

"Huh! Normal strength configuration, it seems that I underestimated them before!"

"It's indeed a bit capable, but here, the half-step master is nothing!"

The crowd opened their mouths one after another, and a few eyes moved, so they didn't pay more attention!

As for the brawny, the whole person is stupid!

He never expected that the other party would have such a stubborn stubbornness!

"Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!"

The brawny man suddenly wailed!

It's a pity that No. 2 has a fierce look in her eyes, and she has already taken action!


A water arrow rose out of thin air, and suddenly penetrated the brawny man's lungs, knocking him upside down and flying, directly out of the hotel!

After doing all this, No. 2 looked around coldly, and then lifted Jiang Fan!

Soon, a few people entered the elevator and completely disappeared in front of everyone!

At this moment, in the open second floor, several people with different makeup, but the imposing people finally looked back!

"Half-step Grandmaster, it's still a water system ability, it's tricky!"

"He is the only one, it's not difficult to deal with!"

"How do you know? The others might be stronger!"

"Huh, what do you know! Monkey King is the strongest in Journey to the West! Just look at their masks and you will know that this water system supernatural player must be the strongest!"

"It makes sense, the strength of that Drifting Monk is really amazing!"

"It's Tang Seng, although he looks like a child, it always makes me feel a little dangerous!"

"Focus on both of them, and see which power they belong to!"

While several people were talking in low voices, there was another table far away from them.


A slap in the face suddenly sounded!

"Fool! You can't do this little thing well, it's useless to bring you out!"

An old man with a gloomy expression slapped the young man opposite to the ground with his backhand!

It is not difficult to see from the table of the two of them that a little bit of tea came out when the young man poured tea for him just now!

At this moment, the young man was lying on the ground in embarrassment, his half-length hair was sprinkled with tea, but he did not dare to resist at all, but quickly got up and stood next to the old man again!

The crowd frowned!

"This old man has a grumpy temper!"

"Shhh! Be quiet!"

"what happened?"

"You don't know who he is?"

"He is the Fang of Hell, Archibald!"

"What?! That old monster?!"

The crowd suddenly exclaimed!

The old man snorted coldly, glanced at the crowd faintly, and had already picked up a newspaper again and read it.

But no one noticed. Although the young man was standing next to the old man, his eyes were full of doubts and looked towards the elevator.

The voice of the sand monk just now is so familiar!

It was precisely because of hearing that voice that his hands couldn't help but tremble and spilled tea!

At this moment, Jiang Fan and others have already followed the elevator to the seventh floor!

Find the room soon!

It's just that as soon as a few people entered, Number Two spoke with a puzzled face.

"My lord, why did you let that little character just now?"


Long Yan spoke first.

"Brother Fan has the strongest control over the breath, unless the real master carefully looks at him, he will not find his true strength at all!"

"But we are different. We have just been promoted and we are not very proficient in the aura. We can only hide some small characters!"

"Although my strength is stronger than you, but my aura is only fourteenth level, it is not a concern for many people!"

"That's why Brother Fan asked you and No. 13 to pretend to be masters. There is a half-step grandmaster, and a small character like the one just now will not jump out to trouble us, and if there is an emergency, it will be good. Opportunity to adapt."

No. 2 and No. 13 suddenly realized!

Long Yan smiled and continued.

"Now I understand why Brother Fan gave you the two masks. In the learning team, Monkey King is the strongest. Let you play the strongest, both proactively, presumably enough to fool most people before entering the ruins!"


Jiang Fan suddenly looked at Long Yan curiously.

"You are an old river and lake, I am not surprised to know this, but it is rare to be willing to use your brain!"

"Ha ha……"

Long Yan laughed dryly.

Jiang Fan took a long look at him and suddenly spoke.

"I'm about to face the Night Demon, it's a good thing to cheer up, but don't do stupid things! Don't forget, you are not only carrying your own life, but also Dragon Banner!"

Long Yan's body trembled.

Jiang Fan has reached out and patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry, I promise that guy will die!"


Long Yan nodded seriously!

This time he came out, he did make up a certain determination, and even thought about facing the Night Demon again, hesitating to die together! That's why it's uncharacteristically!

But I didn't expect that Jiang Fan would have noticed it!

"Number two, ask Field in which room, let's go see him!"

Jiang Fan turned and looked at Number Two.

Number Two started contacting immediately, but soon, he frowned.

"My lord, Lord Field is not in the hotel, he is in a house in the west of the city!"

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, but his expression suddenly became serious!

"That dust is really amazing!"

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