God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1307: The big plan begins

Pampas was silent.

Jiang Fan's words make sense!

No, what he said is clearly the truth!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's words are like an arm that plucks the strings, which makes Pampas suddenly feel a heartbeat!

But the two teams are allied, how can it be so simple!

"As for you, I can only promise that I won't take the lead against you, but forming an alliance is not enough!"

Pampas finally spoke.


Jiang Fan sighed, and a hint of mockery suddenly appeared in his tone.

"Mr. Pampas, I was in vain, why don't you understand? What I said just now is that you have no choice, not kidding! But apart from forming an alliance with me, you have no other way to go!"

"Speak clearly! If you don't form an alliance with me now, I won't do anything to you, but once you enter the ruins, I will immediately join forces with the Council of Light to destroy you first!"

Pampas' pupils shrank suddenly!

"you dare!"

"In this world, there is nothing I dare not do! Don't forget, like you said, we are deadly enemies!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly.

"By the way, I advise you not to contact the Super Power Team and Igaryu. If they do enter the ruins, they will definitely attack you in order to avoid a dangerous competitor and not to cause trouble with the Illumination Council!"

"Pampas, can't you see the situation clearly? You have no way to go!"

Pampas trembled all over!

The Snake Demon and others were even more panicked!

But only Adolf is more fearful than everyone else!

It's the master, really the master!

There is no need to do anything at all, just a few words can force people to be like this, except for the master, there is absolutely no second!

"You, what do you want!"

Pampas is ashamed!

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled.

"I just want to form an alliance!"


Although I asked again, but this time, Pampas's tone was completely different, and there was no more ridicule!

"Yes, forming an alliance! Of course, the previous ones are all drawbacks, you might as well listen to the next benefits!"


Everyone was taken aback again!

"Yes! Good!"

"We will form an alliance, which is unimaginable by any force. Its existence is itself a hole card!"

"And once an alliance is formed, in addition to sharing information with you, I will guarantee that the Bright Council will never take action against you!"


Pampas' eyes widened suddenly!

"You heard that right! I promise that the Council of Light will not take the initiative to attack you!"

"This, this is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible! Mr. Pampas, don't worry! What I just said is only the most basic. The next thing is the highlight!"

Everyone was stunned!

To be able to control the Illumination Council without taking action, such a method is scary enough!

However, this is only the most basic!

What is the highlight?

In an instant, everyone's minds became active!

And Jiang Fan has continued to speak!

"The purpose of our alliance is, of course, to complete the task, but beyond that, the more important thing is to make a fortune!"

"What do you mean?"

Pampas' heart moved!

"You don't need to tell me how many benefits are in that ruin, but you should know it, but in such a big place, we can never find it by ourselves!"

"But fortunately, one of my men happened to be a survivor from that time two years ago!"

"This is a secret that you don't even know inside the Sword of Thorns!"


Pampas and others suddenly exclaimed!

At the same time, the heart is beating even more!

What bothers everyone the most is the familiarity with the interior of the ruins!

With such a guide who once entered the ruins, the benefits are so great!

But it's not over yet!

Jiang Fan actually added an understatement!

"Of course, no matter you or me, the above task is just for us to bring back something, and we can complete the task. As for the other things we found, hehehe, you know!"

Jiang Fan's last sentence was almost like a bomb, completely exploding the sanity of Pampas and others!

Although no one has brought out the treasures in the ruins so far, just the few things that spread the news are enough to make people's hearts excited!

What's more, it was precisely because of the discovery of the ruins that the Night Demon went from an obscure little **** to the powerful side it is today!

If these things can be secretly obscured, then, then...

"It's okay to form an alliance, but how can I trust you?"

Pampas do not hesitate!

"Simple! Contract!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and directly threw out a magic contract!

This thing was prepared by Curtis before it came, and it was a hundred copies!

"Mr. Pampas, this is an equality agreement, how about it, don't you worry about it this time?"


Several people in Pampas were overjoyed!

Once this contract is signed, neither party can hurt the other party!

He was about to drip blood, but at this moment!

"Wait a minute!"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled.

"Mr. Pampas, I forgot to tell you that although the Council of Light will not take the initiative to attack you, you still have to promise them one condition!"

"Why are you talking now!"

Pampas' complexion changed!

But Jiang Fan spoke sincerely.

"Trust me, this condition doesn't hurt you at all, and it's very simple! That is..."

After listening to Jiang Fan's words, Pampaston hesitated.

But Adolf suddenly spoke at this moment.

"My lord, don't miss the opportunity! If those benefits are really successful, then the four dukes will definitely respect you!"


Pampas finally let out a foul breath and nodded seriously at Jiang Fan!



At this moment, the luminous council resident!

In Sharman's room!


The knock on the door suddenly sounded!

"Come in!"

Sharman put down the scripture and spoke slowly.

The door opened, and Adelaide walked in immediately!

It's just that Adelaide's complexion is flushing at this moment, full of excitement!

Sharman was taken aback, and Adelaide had already spoken!

"My lord, good news!"


At the same moment, Pampas had already brought the Snake Demon to the premises of the Dark Council!

"My lord, do you really want to contact the Dark Council?"

The snake demon was obviously a little cautious.

"Of course! Sword of Thorns, hehehe..."

Pampas smiled coldly and walked into the hotel in stride!


Jiang Fan stood in the corridor, silently looking at the resident of the Bright Council in the distance.

"Brother Fan, Dragon Group is ready!"

Long Yan walked over from behind and spoke softly.


Jiang Fan agreed and stopped speaking.

A little bit of time passed.


The blood-stained Number Two also came to Jiang Fan.

"My lord, all the small forces have been notified. According to your instructions, the solo travelers have also notified them, but because they haven't been in contact with them, I'm not sure if they will come."

"It's okay, a few trash fish, can't turn over any waves."

Jiang Fan spoke slowly.

The surrounding silence went on again.

After a long time.

"what time is it?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly.

"My lord, there are three minutes at nine o'clock."

"The thirteenth has left, right?"

"Yes, my lord, he has already arrived at Igaryu's residence!"


Jiang Fan suddenly exhaled a foul breath, and then strode towards the rooftop.

"Good show, it's finally about to begin!"

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