God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1311: This guy is not a Virgin

"We have a survivor from the last battle of the ruins inside us. With him as a guide, it should not be difficult to find what you need!"


Like Solomon's key reaction before, everyone's complexion changed!

Even the old woman suddenly opened her eyes!

"Don't be surprised! In addition, we can conclude a magic contract, and you don't have to worry about us stabbing a knife from behind!"

"You know, what we have to face in the end is the Night Demon! In front of that guy, nothing is more important than being able to safely hand over the back to an ally!"

"Of course, in addition to the above two points, you don't have to worry about the group being destroyed!"

The 13th suddenly smiled!

"You, what did you say? Tuan Mie?"

"Not bad! Just like over there!"

While talking on the 13th, suddenly pointed at the distance!


Ampton Hotel rooftop!

"Everyone, the reason why everyone came here is obviously for the same purpose, and that is to enter that ruin to get some benefits!"

"And I summon everyone today to enable you to get what you want!"

Upon hearing Jiang Fan's words, the crowd was startled, and they looked at each other with surprise.

for a long time.

Ponce finally plucked up the courage to stand up.

"Sir, I don't know what to call you?"

"Call me day!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.


The crowd was taken aback.

But Ponce nodded.

"Mr. Baizhou, I have no intention of doubting you, but what do you mean by letting us get what we want?"

"It means it literally!"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly.

"Everyone here, shouldn't each of you be here for the first time?"

"Even many people may not even know the existence of that ruin before they came!"

"You just heard some legends and thought it was a paradise full of treasures, so you couldn't wait to rush over."

"But in fact, you don't even know where that place is!"

"What I said is wrong?"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, many people's faces blushed!

What Jiang Fan said is right, that's the truth!

On this island, with the exception of the seven major forces, people from these secondary forces don't even know the exact coordinates of the ruins!

But immediately another person stood up!

This man has yellow skin and black hair, thick eyebrows and big eyes. He is actually a Chinese!

"Mr. Day, I am the seventh seat of the'Shadow Alliance', Ye Xun! I agree with you very much, but please forgive me for offending. Even if we don’t know where the ruins are, we only need to follow the seven forces, not the same can be found There?"

As soon as Ye Xun's voice fell, several of his men suddenly turned pale!

So openly sing the opposite of that perverted murderer, isn't this looking for death?

The others looked at Ye Xun with pity on their faces!

Just wait for Jiang Fan to get angry!

But contrary to everyone's expectations, Jiang Fan didn't even seem to be stunned, but instead chuckled softly.

"I like people who have the courage to ask questions, but your idea is so naive!"

"You know that there are treasures in the ruins, so don't the seven powers know?"

"Do you think they will look at you and take advantage of them?"

Everyone was shocked!

But after reacting, they all felt chills!

Not to mention other people, think from another perspective, even if someone is following one's **** for profit, oneself will have to kill them!

Not to mention the seven forces!

Among these seven forces, not to mention the shameless Dark Council, even the best-tempered Huaxia Dragon Group, which really offends them, it is definitely a more terrifying existence!

Seeing the crowd's faces in horror, Jiang Fan suddenly patted his head!

"Oh! I almost forgot, there is actually another possibility!"

really! How could they be so unlucky!

The crowd was shocked!

However, Jiang Fan's next words made their scalp numb!

"If it were me, I would definitely let you go hunting for treasures wantonly! Then wait until you come out to **** you directly, this will save time and effort!"

Jiang Fan's tone is extremely gloomy!


The sound of air-conditioning suddenly sounded!

Everyone turned pale!

The latter possibility is even more terrifying than the former!

The seven powers, but all have masters!

When I thought of the baby I had brought out, I was picked off the peach, and it felt like death is better than life!

What's more, once the treasure changes ownership, the other party will definitely kill people in order to prevent the leakage of this thing!

This is all about making clothes for others!

"First day...No, Lord Dayu, according to what you said, don't we have no chance at all?"

Ted spoke tremblingly.

"Good question! This is another reason why I called everyone here today! Regarding the ruins, the information I have is more detailed than the seven forces!"


"Actually, his information is more detailed than the seven forces?"

"This, how is this possible?!"

"Is this guy kidding me?"

The crowd clamored!

And the three Archibald frowned!

Who is the other party?

How can you master such confidential information?

The three looked at each other, and Archibald suddenly spoke.

"Bai Shi, you said you have the information. Regardless of whether this is true or not, if you tell us about it, shouldn't you always send us the information? What do you want?"

As soon as Archibald spoke, the scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Jiang Fan cautiously!

But beyond everyone's expectations!

"I do not want anything!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


Everyone was completely stunned!

I need nothing?

Give it away?

This, is this kid's brain okay?

Or is he attributed to the Virgin?

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan stupidly!

There was silence on the court!

"You, are you serious?"

Archibald looked on his face as if there was a problem with his ears!

"of course!"

Jiang Fan shook his right hand, and a thick pile of paper appeared in his hand!

Then he just flicked his wrist, and the paper that had been sorted out suddenly flew out of thin air and landed on the desktop of all the forces!

Ponce picked up the information and glanced at it, then suddenly exclaimed!

"It's true! Two of them are exactly the same as the news we bought at a high price!"

And the leader of the other force also spoke in a shocked tone!

"Yes! This is indeed true!"


"Is it really given to us?"

"And this information is too detailed!"

"It's as if someone once entered the ruins and wrote down the details!"

Everyone's eyes widened in shock!

And the three Archibald are already dumbfounded!

According to their age, the conspiracy they have experienced is enough to produce a book!

But it was the first time they encountered such a weird thing like today!

For a while, they couldn't tell whether this was a trap or Jiang Fan was really the Virgin!

"Day! You, it is absolutely impossible for you to give us the information so easily! What on earth are you going to do?"

Dun Techa suddenly spoke with a gloomy expression!

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