"Ding! The reincarnation of the Ten Thousand Realms is on! About to enter-"Ghost in Disguise"!"

Geek in disguise? !

It turned out to be this world!

The geek in disguise is telling that Stanley, a bank clerk, does his duty and leads the same ordinary life as all honest people. Once, Stanley fell in love with the blonde beauty Tina, but Tina was sent by the gang leader Dorian to investigate the terrain before he robbed the bank.

And that night, Stanley accidentally got a strange mask.

After putting on the mask, Stanley became extremely powerful and agile.

So he started to tease the people who bullied him on weekdays, and took away the huge sum of money Dorian had gotten, and danced with Tina in the nightclub.

Knowing the power of the mask, Dorian and the female reporter Peggy took the mask away and prepared to rule the underground power of the entire city, while Stanley was imprisoned.

In the end, Stanley regained the mask with his own wisdom, and finally got married with Tina's lover.

In this world, everything revolves around that mysterious mask!

And even an ordinary person can become a Superman after wearing a mask!

Jiang Fan thought about the world related to masks for a long time, but never thought that it was this!


In the next moment, Jiang Fan has appeared in a small alley!

The surrounding area is full of waste paper and trash, it doesn't look like a serious alley!

Jiang Fan is about to locate Stanley, at this moment!


A dog bark suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan looked down, and it turned out to be a Jack Russel terrier!

This kind of dog is native to Great Britain and is not common in China, and in this world, it seems that Stanley's puppy named Milo is of this breed!

Jiang Fan's expression moved, and he hugged the puppy directly.

The puppy yelled at Jiang Fan, then suddenly raised his paw and pointed at the opposite wall!

Jiang Fan looked over there and saw that there was actually a small window lined with iron fences on the wall!

A little bit at Jiang Fan's feet, the whole has already floated out of thin air!

Although he is not yet a master, with his terrifying true energy content, there is no problem floating in the air for a short time!

Seeing a big living person floating out of thin air, the puppy was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan with wide eyes, the whole dog is not good!

Can people fly?

This is unreasonable!

With his figure floating, Jiang Fan finally saw the scene behind the small window!

It turned out to be a cell there!

And a man was angry and snarled at a Citi police officer outside through the cell door!

"Bastard! Don't you always say that you are fighting criminals?"

"But in the alley opposite just now, Tina was kidnapped by two bad guys, but you are indifferent!"

"Why don't you save people!"

"Is that how you protect us?"

This man is the protagonist Stanley!

And seeing his current situation, Jiang Fan already knew when he came!

At this moment, it was when Dorian and Peggy, a female reporter, lied to Stanley's mask, and then used him as a scapegoat and sent it to the police!

The place where Stanley is being held at this moment is the temporary cell behind the police station!

When the fat policeman on the opposite heard Stanley's words, he just yawned lazily, picked up the doughnut on the table and took a bite, and then said unhurriedly:

"Of course we will fight criminals! But no one calls the police at all!"

"I have reported! I am calling the police now!"

Stanley shouted angrily!

"You? That won't work, whoever is kidnapped will call the police! You can let the kidnapped woman call the police herself!"

The fat policeman took another bite of the donut!

Stanley was stunned!

"Are you **** stupid! How can you call the police if you are kidnapped!"

"That's her problem! Well, this doughnut is really delicious..."

"You stupid pig!"

Stanley was so angry!

The whole person is even more desperate!

Tina was taken away by Dorian's people, and you don't have to ask what the consequences are!

That's it!

If I knew this, I should have killed Dorian from the beginning!

And that **** female reporter Peggy!

This stinky woman is so shameless to deceive her trust!

As a result, not only did I lose the mask, but even Tina couldn't protect it!

That's it!

Everything is over!

In the future, I can only spend the rest of my life in this cell!

Stanley took a step back and sat down on the ground!

But at this moment!

"Mr. Stanley, your takeaway is here!"

A voice full of magnetism suddenly sounded!

When Stanley turned his head, he saw Jiang Fan who was smiling outside the window!

"Outside, takeaway?!"

Stanley was stunned!

And Jiang Fan has directly brought out that plate of cold seaweed shreds!

In an instant, a strong smell of garlic rushed into the entire cell along the small window!

The donuts in the hands of the fat police officer suddenly no longer fragrant!


Stanley and Fatty Officer swallowed at the same time!

"Hey! Takeaway! This is the police station! There is obviously a problem with your takeaway! Now, as a Citigroup policeman, I warn you to hand over the takeaway right away!"

The fat police officer threw the donuts into the trash can and screamed at Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan and Stanley were all startled!

But Jiang Fan laughed immediately!

"Are you sure you want me to hand it over?"

"Of course! Right now! Right away!"

The fat police officer's saliva flowed down like a waterfall!

"as you wish!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, raised a finger and tapped it gently against the wall!

next moment!


A loud noise!

The whole wall exploded into dust in an instant!

And Jiang Fan has already passed through the dust and walked into the cell with a smile!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan with a dazed expression!

Just moving your fingers, the walls of the cell disappeared!

Is this, this guy, the devil?

But Jiang Fan kept walking and had already reached the prison door!

Then it was another tap!


The prison door built with the iron fence of the thickness of the wrist was directly exploded into iron slag!


The fat police officer was scared silly!

That's solid steel!

This kid was knocked out when he moved his fingers!

Are his fingers made of nuclear bombs?

And Jiang Fan has already arrived in front of Fatty Police Officer!

Pass the plate of seaweed silk directly!

"Do you still want it?"

"Yes! No, no, no!"

The fat police officer was in a cold sweat, and his crotch was even wet!

Too, too scary!

This monster!

"Help, help!!!"

The fat man let out a miserable cry and ran away!

"Bah! Rubbish!"

Jiang Fan looked contemptuous, and then handed the kelp silk directly to Stanley!

Although the dust and iron filings are all over the sky at the moment, the kelp silk is actually spotless!

"Mr. Stanley, your cold seaweed shreds!"


Stanley looked at the plate of kelp shreds, smelled the tempting taste, and his mind was blank. He couldn't control his actions at all, and he took it and ate it!

"It's so cool! It's so cool!"

"It's a perfect combination of garlic and kelp!"

"Refresh and go to the fire! My mood has become calmer!"

"It's delicious! It's delicious!"

Stanley quickly ate a plate of kelp shreds!

There is not even a bit of minced garlic left!

"It's delicious! Brother, thank you! I don't know your name yet!"

"My name is Jiang Fan!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

But at this moment!

"Where is that jailbreaker?"

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