God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1325: Excited hypertension

No wonder Isaac was so shocked!

The relationship between Solomon's Key and the Sword of Thorns is almost the same as that of the Light Council and the Dark Council!

Don't stop dying, say light!

To use a line from an idol drama, that is, "Even if there is only one man left in the world, I will not love you!"

However, are these two beings actually aligned?

This news is simply better than Snow White kicking the prince away and marrying the seven dwarfs directly!

Except for AV, no one dares to shoot like this!

"It's just an alliance, why are you so surprised?"

Jiang Fan's tone is still plain!

"you you……"

Isaac didn't know what to say!

Always calm as he is, there is a feeling of confusion in the brain at this moment!

He hesitated for a long time, and then he couldn't believe it.

"You, how did you do it?"

"Secret! By the way, let me tell you by the way, the rest of the forces have been leveled out. If there is no accident, I will be able to send you the Deep Sea Magic Bottle at the latest the day after tomorrow!"


Isaac's mood just fell silent, and suddenly it seemed to be broken by Pikachu, and the whole person almost didn't jump up!

"Jiang Fan, you, don't make a joke!"

"When did I make a joke? Anyway, I got good news! I'm busy here, I'm hanging up!"

Jiang Fan hung up after speaking!

Listening to the busy tone over there, Isaac seemed to be petrified!

Jiang Fan is the talent he personally recruited into the Sword of Thorns, and he thinks he absolutely knows Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan will never lie about such a major event!

But precisely because of this, he was even more shocked!

Not only did it form an alliance with Solomon's Key, but also levelled the rest of the forces!

This, this, this is too much of an exaggeration!

Is this kid a monster?

Do not!

I knew he was a monster, but now I know that this guy is completely beyond the scope of a monster!

For a while, Isaac only felt a little dizzy in his head!

"Fiona, me, I seem to have high blood pressure. Here, get me a cup of coffee!"

Isaac barely spoke!


for a long time!

"My lord, you...high blood pressure?"

Fiona's face is full of weird questions!


Isaac was startled, and then he shook his head vigorously!

At his level, if he still has high blood pressure, his strength is almost all on the turtle!

This is obviously the shocked blood pressure is too high!


Isaac took a few breaths, and finally stabilized his mind!

And Fiona finally spoke cautiously.

"My lord, what did Lord Jiang Fan say? When will you come back?"

"He is not coming back!"

"What?! This, how can this work! Even Lord Field was wounded like this. If he was still there, I'm afraid he wouldn't know how to die!"

"He won't die. The Key of Solomon has already formed an alliance with him. In addition, he said, the rest of the forces have been balanced by him!"


Fiona didn't scream, but she shook her whole body, and she hit a pair of decorative shields behind her!

The extremely strong shield made of pure steel was directly squashed by her!

But Fiona couldn't take care of the shield at all, and looked at Isaac in disbelief!

"This, how is this possible?!"

"I don't want to believe it, but according to this little guy's consistent style, this must be the case!"

Isaac sighed!

"This this……"

Fiona's eyes widened!

She finally knew why Isaac not only screamed a groundhog just now, but even thought she had high blood pressure!

This is simply a task that makes them unable to imagine how to accomplish it!

What's more, Jiang Fan is only level 13!

At this moment, Fiona obviously didn't know that Jiang Fan had reached level fourteen!

But even if I know, is there a difference between level 13 and level 14 in the environment on the island at this moment?

"He, how did he do it?"

"It's not important anymore, it's urgent, send someone to help him right away!"

Isaac spoke directly!

"Okay! But who to send?"

"Doesn't Master Joshua always yell at boredom? Just let him go!"

Isaac pondered for a long time, then suddenly spoke slowly!

"Master Joshua?"

Fiona was stunned!

"My lord, Master Joshua is—"

"Before getting the Deep Sea Bottle, Jiang Fan would never come back anyway! In this case, I must not let him make any mistakes!"

Isaac's eyes narrowed!

"Go, notify Master Joshua, but tell him that if Jiang Fan has the slightest accident, I will let him retire early!"

Fiona trembled!

Isaac has always respected Joshua, but now that he says such words, it is obvious that he cares more about Jiang Fan than anything else!


Fiona cleverly didn't choose to ask the reason, she just agreed and left quickly!

"Huh! This little guy, don't play too big..."

Seeing Fiona's departure, Isaac finally couldn't help sighing!

And at this moment, Jiang Fan, who was chanted by Isaac, has come to a nightclub in the east of the city silently!

However, Jiang Fan didn't walk through the main entrance when he came here. Instead, he moved straight up to the third floor and got in directly through a half-empty window!

This is the toilet on the third floor of the nightclub.

Jiang Fan left the bathroom and immediately turned left into a private room!

At this moment, in the private room, except for the four major forces of the Citi National Super Team, they are all present!

Solomon's key is Pampas is Adolf, the dragon group is Lin Guodong and Pei Qing, the Bright Council is Sharman and Adelaide, and the last Igaryu is, but it is Hasegawa Keira and Kameda Kazuo!

It's just that the forces of the Quartet are distinct, occupying the four corners of the room!

These four forces are very interesting. The Key of Solomon and the Council of Light cannot deal with them, and the Dragon Group and Igaryu are also not dealt with!

I don't know if this arrangement was intentional by Jiang Fan.

In other words, the explanations of Jiang Fan, No. 2 and others still have reservations!

Seeing Jiang Fan coming in, everyone stood up at the same time!

The look in Jiang Fan's eyes was full of emotions!

It was this person who barely even showed his face, and put the Dark Council to death!

And also took advantage of the situation and reached an alliance with their teams!

Such a role can't help but they don't pay attention to it!

"Everyone, don't be so nervous, sit down!"

As Jiang Fan said, he sat down directly beside Pampas!

Pampas trembled, and snorted coldly, resisting the urge to shoot!

As soon as I saw the sword of thorns, I couldn't help but do it, which had almost become the instinct of both forces.

The others looked at each other and finally all sat down.

"Everyone, the Bermuda Islands are the home of the Night Demon. Our every move is likely to be seen by the Night Demon, so in order to prevent surveillance, I chose the location here. Don't blame everyone!"

As Jiang Fan said, he owed his body to the Bright Council first.

For the Bright Council, this kind of local representative itself is a kind of depravity!

But Sharman just nodded, his eyes full of curiosity when he looked at Jiang Fan.

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