And as the night demon continued to move on the light and shadow, soon, all the people who entered the pyramid had all become points of light and emerged!

"This, this is..."

Beauty cat looked shocked!

Before, the Night Demon took them straight ahead and came to this room. She didn't know what it was because of, but now she understood that this room was actually the monitoring room of the entire pyramid!

However, this pyramid is obviously all built of stone, how can there be such a high-tech thing?

And the same face of violent unbelievable!

Seeing the expressions of the two, the night demon smiled.

"Is it incredible? In fact, the ancients...oh, it should be said that it was the power of human beings in that era, which is much more exaggerated than it is now!"

"You mean, this thing is left over from prehistoric humans?"

Beauty Cat hurriedly asked.

But the night demon just smiled, and then looked at the people in the pyramid in a daze.

The crowd was divided into two parts, one of which was clearly just entering the pyramid.

And another large spot of light is ramming at the bottom of the pyramid!

Looking at the actions of these people, it is obvious that they all know the underlying situation well!

After just such a short time, three people actually broke into one of the rooms below!

The others also rushed along the way of the remaining rooms as if trying to find out.

"It seems that those who have just entered the Pyramid should be the small forces, and those who run rampant must be the people of the six major forces who have a certain understanding of the Pyramid!"

The polymath slowly spoke.

"It must be so! Those small forces don't understand the pyramid at all, so you have to be careful!"

"My lord, it's better to let me take action and get rid of those small forces first!"

The beauty cat and the violent all opened their mouths in excitement!

But Night Demon frowned slowly.

He always feels that there is something wrong with this picture.

"grown ups……"

The violent will continue to speak!

But Night Demon suddenly raised his hand!

Everyone suddenly closed their mouths at the same time!

for a long time!

The night demon suddenly laughed!

"Renata, the lord of the sword of thorns, is he called Shiriu?"

"Yes, my lord!"

Renata was visibly startled, wondering why the night demon would ask this question.

"Has the identity of that person been found?"

"Sorry, sir, because I didn't think he was a threat before, so I haven't checked it yet."

"Really? I seem to be careless!"

The Night Demon sighed softly!

"My lord... what do you mean?"

Everyone was taken aback!

"Renata, do you remember that you said before that the sword of thorns sent the information about the ruins to those little forces?"


"Hehe, smart, really smart! You concealed everything from me!"

The Night Demon sighed again!

Renata became more puzzled!

"My lord, they used the information to form an alliance with the small forces, but they failed. This, in no way, is not smart? And those small forces have just entered the ruins now?"

Renata looked puzzled!


"The group of people who just came in are not the small forces, but the people from the six major forces!"

Ye Mo sneered coldly!


Everyone was stunned!

"My lord, how do you see it?"

"The number is wrong!"

The Night Demon pointed at the scattered light spots!

"Six forces, it is absolutely impossible to have so many people!"

As soon as Ye Mo's words were spoken, everyone was taken aback!

The authorities are fans, they just watch the movements of these people, but forget the most basic thing, that is the number of people!

The Night Demon couldn't help but chuckle!

"When I looked at the information on the Bermuda Islands before, I always felt that something was wrong. Field of the Sword of Thorns was gone, so their follow-up manpower should definitely be stronger. How can they be so stupid to give the information to those small forces? Now it seems that they are using those guys!"

"Moreover, the information he gave is not just a little bit, but he gave all the information! He wants to use those guys to open the way for him, and he is giving me a problem!"

"But my lord, even if he takes advantage of these small forces, it's useless, right? Don't forget, the opponent of the Sword of Thorns is not only us, other big forces are also his competitors!"

The polymath said.

"Indeed, but what if several other big forces united with him?"

The night demon smiled at the polymath!


"This is impossible!"

"No force can do it!"

"Yes, let alone others, Solomon's Key and the Council of Light are dead enemies! They are absolutely impossible to unite!"

Everyone spoke one after another!

"No, you are wrong! It can still be done! The Key of Solomon and the Council of Light are deadly enemies, but their purpose is the same, that is, to take away the things in the ruins!"

"When there are task indicators, kill us first, then complete the task, and then start each other's hands. This is the best choice!"

"The guy in the day, I'm afraid he will use this point to convince the two forces!"

"As long as the two are willing to reconcile, then the grievances of the other forces will naturally be nothing!"

"I was still wondering why the Key of Solomon joined the Council of Light to kill the Council of Darkness. Now it seems that this is probably the way the Key of Solomon expressed its attitude to the Council of Light!"

"Behind all this, that string of invisible threads, I am afraid it is held in the hands of the Lord of Thorns Sword!"

As soon as Ye Mo's voice fell, everyone's complexion changed!

And the hand of the Night Demon had gently touched the Pyramid of Light and Shadow!

"All this, everything that makes me puzzled, only in this way can I explain it!"

"And now, this group of small forces is like a group of nasty flies, and the six major forces are a hungry wolf hiding in the dark. If I want to kill the flies first, then the hungry wolf will follow and eat. Get rid of my hand that hit the flies!"

"And if I concentrate on dealing with hungry wolves, leaving aside the outcome, I'm afraid I will lose the flies in the end!"

"Hehe, Bai, really smart guy!"

The night demon looked at the light and shadow with a gloomy and terrible expression!

He has never seen such an opponent before!

But everyone else looked at the Night Demon in astonishment!

Is this new guy from the Sword of Thorns so powerful?

Before entering the ruins, he had already achieved this point?

Who the **** is that guy?

But they immediately refreshed!

"The Sword of Thorns is indeed powerful, but it's better than an adult!"

"Yes, he painstakingly arranged, but he didn't expect to be seen through by an adult!"

"Since the adults have seen through the other party's plan, there must be a countermeasure!"

"It's ridiculous that Shirui's guy has done it for nothing, but it's just useless work!"

"Hehe, such a simple game, it's a joke that you want adults to fall into the trap!"

Everyone looked mocking!


"You are wrong, I just stand from the perspective of God and can see everything that happens in the pyramid, otherwise I would never know that there is such a terrible guy hidden in it!"

The night demon shook his head with a solemn expression.

"And the most important thing is that even though I can see through it, it just turned his tricks into scheming!"

"What you just said is correct. This round is indeed simple! But it is also because of its simplicity that he is not afraid of being seen through by us, because this round is simply impossible to crack!"

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