As soon as Jiang Fan retreated, everyone seemed to have received a signal, and their expressions suddenly condensed!

But Willis, who had just rushed into the door, suddenly exclaimed!



A loud noise!

Accompanied by the horrible sound of this fight, inside the gate, an extremely familiar aura filled with tyranny and power has suddenly risen!

It's violent!

Rage is behind that door!

Everyone's complexion sank!

But Jiang Fan hooked his mouth!

"finally come!"

The voice just fell!

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless explosions suddenly sounded from the top of the hall!

Immediately afterwards, countless flying dust has fallen down like a sandstorm!

In the hall, smoke filled the hall for a moment!

And among the seven gates, under the leadership of the Loremaster, Beauty Cat, and Renata, countless nightmare assassins have already rushed out in an instant!

For the nightmare assassins, such a smoky scene is an obstacle to others, but it will make them feel like a fish in water!

Moreover, when the incident happened suddenly, the following major forces that have fallen into the siege will definitely not react!

It's just that these talents rushed halfway!


A violent wind suddenly rose out of thin air, and swept away the smoke and dust all over the room in an instant!

It's Jiang Fan's wind power ability!

Jiang Fan was actually prepared!

The smell just now, it was he who turned on the super-sensitive smell!

And at the moment when these assassins were slightly stunned, all the five major forces moved!

Diana and Jiaojiao quickly retreated into the corridor when they came. As non-combatants, Jiang Fan told them their plans after the battle started!

The others were already laughing wildly, and suddenly rushed towards the group of nightmare assassins!

And countless attacks also exploded!

In an instant, the whole hall was filled with blood!

No one thought that there was no communication, no greeting, and the battle had just begun, and he would directly enter the superb team!

The three polymaths were stunned!

They couldn't figure out why the originally planned sneak attack turned into a tough one!

However, it is not the time to think about this problem at all. The beauty cat and Renata have joined the battlefield directly!

And with a wave of the polymath's staff, he began to recite a long spell!

Only he was talking half way!

"Holy Light!"

Francis's stern shout suddenly sounded!

In the next moment, a pure white holy light suddenly fell from the sky, directly blasting up at the polymath!

But the polymath just lifted his staff!


A light blue light curtain suddenly appeared above his head, directly blocking the holy light!


A loud noise!

The Holy Light suddenly exploded!

But the long spell of the polymath was finally interrupted!

Francis condensed his eyes and beckoned!

"Martin! Go and kill the wizard with me!"


Martin, a brawny man with a bald head tattoo, split the body of a nightmare assassin with a sword, then laughed wildly, and rushed up to the polymath!

On the other side, Beauty Cat and Renata have already rushed into the hall!

It's just that Renata rushed towards Igaryu, and the beauty cat only appeared behind the snake demon just a little bit!

The Snake Demon gave a gloomy smile, and his entire upper body suddenly turned around as if it had no bones!

At the same time, a puff of green smoke has suddenly sprayed out towards the beauty cat!

However, his body trembled abruptly as soon as the smoke came out!

The beauty cat had already smiled and appeared behind Guo Yu ten meters away!

Without seeing what the beauty cat did, a white light flashed on Guo Yu's body!

In the next moment, a jade pendant worn on his waist was suddenly exploded!

That is a jade pendant for body protection!

Guo Yu is also a cultivator!

It's just that the jade pendant of the bodyguard exploded, which can only show that he has received a fatal blow just now!

Guo Yu's complexion changed drastically!

Suddenly throw a small steel ring!

The steel ring rose as soon as it saw the wind, and instantly turned into a hoop and put it on the beauty cat!

At the same time, Guo Yu shouted!

"Be careful all! This woman's attack is super fast!"

Accompanied by his roar, the snake demon who had been standing still trembled!

next moment!


A large swath of blood spurted out of the snake demon's chest, and the whole person fell to the sky!

It turned out that Beauty Cat had already killed him just now!

The crowd trembled!

The battle had just begun, and someone died on his side!

But the beauty cat smiled, and she broke away from the shroud of the iron ring in an instant, and a little bit under her feet, she was behind the magician Ingram!

At this moment!


A handful of three-rowed army thorns seemed to be born out of nothing, unexpectedly appeared in front of the beauty cat!

"Damn it!"

The beauty cat's complexion changed, and her body appeared ten meters away in an instant!

Then he stared at a young Chinese man!

This person is Pei Qing!

The two looked at each other, then suddenly raised their feet, and rushed towards each other in an instant!

On the other side, Renata has already played against Kira Hasegawa!

It's just that the battle between the two is really weird!

They all looked at each other motionlessly!

A nightmare assassin seemed to have taken advantage of the opportunity, and suddenly rushed towards Hasegawa Keira from the air!

However, at a distance of two meters from Kirra Hasegawa, his entire body seemed to be bound by an invisible chain. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't even move half of his fingers!

Then, he let out a miserable cry, and his whole body was dehydrated and shrivelled quickly!

In less than three seconds, the assassin had turned into a corpse, and suddenly fell from Renata and Keira Hasegawa!

But still in the air, his body trembled violently, as if it had become a puppet!

At the same time, there are countless dense holes in the body!

The Nightmare Assassins and the people from the five major forces who originally wanted to come to join in the fun are all sweating coldly. Without a word, they just moved on to the battlefield!

The attacks of these two women are really weird!

They have completely cut off their intention to join the battle!

In the current situation, Francis and Martin pin down the polymath.

Pei Qing confronted the beauty cat.

Kirara Hasegawa and Renata are inextricably separated.

As for the unlucky Willis, obviously relying on his own power and a few black-robed men, he is carrying a violent toss!

And the rest are not easy!

The strength of the nightmare assassin group is beyond everyone's imagination!

Dozens of assassins, all of them are masters above level 13!

A few have even reached level fourteen!

And the seven captains with eye tattoos on their right hands have reached the level of a half-step master!

But unexpectedly, Todoloya and his maid Nina actually contained a captain separately!

Adelaide and the magician Ingram's cooperation also contained one!

Surprisingly, Kazuo Kameda is also fighting with a captain class!

The most surprising thing is Fang Tong!

He actually controlled the three Nightmare Captains firmly by his own power!

And it seems to be quite comfortable!

As for the others, they are all fighting with the nightmare assassins!

However, in the center of this fierce battlefield, there was a man sitting on the steps of the altar, frowning, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him!

Among all the people, the only one who dared to be so calm and ignored this battlefield was Jiang Fan!

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