God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 135: Popular network-wide platform paralyzed

Although she only got a profile of Takeaway Star, as long as she is exposed, Bai Xiaoyu, absolutely, will become the number one entertainment in Los Angeles!

However, looking at this perfect profile, Bai Xiaoyu was a little bit reluctant!

She just wants to keep this secret by herself!

However, at this moment, her mobile phone rang suddenly!

Bai Xiaoyu frowned when she saw this number!

"Jin Yan?"

"Hehe! Reporter Bai, after guarding the takeaway star for so long, what's the result?"

Opposite, there was a joking female voice immediately!

It is precisely, the second-ranked reporter of Los Angeles TV station, biting Bai Xiaoyu's Jin Yan!

"Humph! What does it have to do with you!"

"Yeah? It's a good tone! On my side, I have coordinated with the superstar Fan Jigan. Now, I'm on my way to interview!"


Fan Jiqian, but now the hottest traffic niche! To be able to interview him, then, is a great thing!

"Hehe, are you surprised? I forgot to tell you, this is me, but an interview!"

Bai Xiaoyu's eyes narrowed slightly!

damn it! Jin Yan, unexpectedly, also got an interview with Fan Jiqian!

"Reporter Bai, why don't you speak anymore?"

"Huh! You thought you would win if you could interview Fan Jigan? I still got a photo of Takeaway Star!"

"Cut! There are some photos of Takeaway Stars! What's to be proud of!"

"Are you deaf? I'm not talking about those back figures, but the real pictures of Takeaway Star!"


Jin Yan was shocked! However, she immediately dismissed it!

"Then I will wait and see! Haha, Reporter Bai, don't make an oolong!"

Hang up the phone!

Bai Xiaoyu gritted his teeth angrily!

"Bitch! Don't think that an interview with Fan Jiqian can run over me! Back to work, I have to work overtime tonight!"

And in an interview car, a coquettish female reporter was sneering triumphantly!

She is Jin Yan!

"Huh! Bai Xiaoyu, this time, you dare to be crazy with me! Photos of Takeaway Star, haha! Can you still have that ability? What a joke!"

"Sister Yan, here we are!"

Driver, stop the car!


The place where Jin Yan interviewed was the hotel where Fan Jiqian stayed!

With a group of assistants, Jin Yan, soon came to Fan Jigan's room!

This is a presidential suite, inside, very luxurious!

A handsome and very feminine man, at this moment, is wiping lipstick on the sofa!

"Mr. Fan!"

When Jin Yan saw this man, she was excited!

So handsome!

Fan Jigan smiled slightly and stretched out Lanhua and pointed to the opposite chair!

"Miss Jin, please sit down!"

This time, Fan Jigan will be filming in Los Angeles, and this reporter will interview himself, just to use this to promote the new movie!

The two of them will soon enter the interview session!

However, within five minutes of the interview, the agent interrupted the interview!

"Sorry, we only have these five minutes!"


Jin Yan's face is dumbfounded!

five minutes?

My old lady was engaged in such a big battle, and the photographer alone brought three of them. You actually gave me five minutes?

The agent looks arrogant!

"Reporter Jin, five minutes is a lot, you know, we Fanfan, but a single Weibo can be reposted to hundreds of millions of people!"

"You can get five minutes, this is the benefit that Fan Fan gives you!"

Jin Yan nodded repeatedly!

"Yes! I am too greedy! Then Mr. Fan, you, take a good rest!"

Seeing Jin Yan and the others leave, Fan Jiqian pouted suddenly!

"Huh! What a bad reporter, asking those useless questions!"

The agent hurriedly comforted!

"It doesn't matter, anyway, we just find a media to release the news about your filming!"

"As long as there is news, you will be in the headlines!"

"After all, the fans we buy, but the most in China!"

Fan Jiqian nodded vigorously, and read the skin care magazine again!

Anyway, he is used to making headlines!

However, no one knows that the news about Jiang Fan is already, ready to go!

At ten in the morning, it started with a news titled "Monstrous flames, I'm just going smoothly-the takeaway star sacrifices himself to save people!"!

The network is boiling in an instant!

The Internet is overwhelmingly full of posts about Jiang Fan!

"Takeaway Star Fire Field to save people!"

"Unsung hero, takeaway star!"

"Falling down on the fourth floor, he was unscathed! The takeaway star, who is he!"

For the people who are paying attention to the takeaway stars, these news are shocking enough, but it was just early today!

Suddenly a terrible post appeared online!

"The takeaway star Lushan really shows up, slamming all kinds of traffic niches!"

The moment a group of melon-eating people clicked in, collectively petrified!

I saw that in the black-and-white background photo, Jiang Fan held the child tightly, and his hair was blown away by the impact of the explosion, but it made him even more fearless!

That stern look, full of mocking eyes at fate, in an instant, completely captured the hearts of countless girls!

"So handsome!"

"Simply, handsome break through the sky!"

"Damn the title party! Is this a sling? It's just rubbing the **** on the ground!"

"I'm going to die! I just want to ovulate for him just by looking at it!"

"No! I must marry him! The side face is so handsome, my deity, that's absolutely suffocating!"

"Especially, sacrifice one's life to save others, this kind of quality, those who flow niche, can not catch up with a horse!"

The entire network is boiling!

Countless posts, likes, and reposts have continuously exploded on major platforms!

A lot of software is completely paralyzed!

In particular, the Los Angeles Daily newspaper, which was first published by the Los Angeles TV station, and the company's door were surrounded by countless fans!

If the armed police hadn't come to maintain order, I'm afraid that the building would have to be demolished by these excited fans!

Different from the usual news, this news, unexpectedly, is getting more and more intense!

Even, countless marketing accounts behind began to follow suit!

"Beautiful Royal Sister-a story that I and the takeaway star have to tell!"

"That night, he walked into my room-the entanglement between the takeaway star and the best young woman!"

"Dad loves me again-Jingxian! Takeaway star bastard!"

"The wife fights against thirty-six juniors-the powerful harem of the takeaway star!"

"Secrets! The takeaway star is actually an outer space creature!"

"120 per hour! On whether the takeaway star broke the limit of the human body!"

As long as the words "star of takeaway" are included, it becomes a cornucopia!

Even countless online stores have begun to launch a variety of takeaway stars of the same style!

Everything is covered!

And at this moment, in the hotel!

Fan Jiqian was painting his nails, and the manager suddenly rushed in!

"Fanfan! It's not good! Your news is flooded!"


Fan Jiqian stood up suddenly, grabbed the tablet computer in the hands of the agent!

I saw that the whole screen was actually a real man with a handsome side face!

Compared with him, he is simply a sissy!

Although, I am a sissy gun, but I dare to dominate the headlines that belong to me. This is simply unbearable!

Fan Jigan continued to look around and found out that the top ten were actually news about this man!

Own, this popular niche with unlimited traffic, has not even entered the top 20!

"Asshole! Ask the navy what is going on!"

Fan Jiqian was furious!

"This... they said, myself, have to pay for the conscience! This time, the money has been returned!"

The agent looks helpless!


Fan Ji trembled dryly, even the false eyelashes fell off!

"Check me out, who is this **** who dares to dominate the screen!"

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