As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone's complexion changed!

"My lord, it's okay to build a power, but based on us, isn't it a bit too thin?"

The leader of one of the small forces asked with a guilty conscience.

But Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

"Whether it is the Sword of Thorns, the Key of Solomon, or even other large organizations, they all start with a little bit of savings. When they were just founded, they might not have the potential like ours!"

Everyone's heart beats!

And Jiang Fan has continued to speak!

"Everyone, although our strength at the moment is still weak, don't forget that we have an advantage that no one can match!"

"There are even our people in the Illumination Council. Just ask who in the world can do this!"

"With the **** of these hidden sons among the big forces, our development is bound to be smooth sailing!"

Everyone was refreshed!

Jiang Fan is right. Since ancient times, the Illumination Council has been a piece of iron bucket, and no one has ever developed their own forces within the Illumination Council!

From this point alone, Jiang Fan is already unprecedented!

But it's not over yet!

Jiang Fan's words continue!

"More importantly, you guys, new forces, you are all mainstays!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone's eyes flashed!

That's right!

As far as this new force is concerned, these people are all genuine old people in the organization!

And with the continuous growth of this power, their identities will inevitably rise, and they will no longer be the little people to choose!

For several major forces, using Adolf as an example, becoming the top executive of this organization must be a certainty, far better than being a Marquis in Solomon's Key!

And the most important thing is the leader Jiang Fan!

Just looking at his previous actions, coupled with the fact that he killed the Night Demon unscathed today, this kind of strength layout, ambitions, and future growth space... With such a leader, the future is simply boundless!

The big powers look at things very thoroughly, and although these small powers are not smart, they are not stupid!

The crowd looked at each other, and then Ye Xun, Ponce and others all knelt on the ground!

"I am waiting to follow the adults to the death!"

"Hahaha, good!"

Jiang Fan laughed!

"My lord, since we want to create a new force, we must have a name. What should we call this organization?"

Keira Hasegawa asked curiously.

"The name is not important, just call Tianxuan!"


The crowd looked dumbfounded!

It's so easy for the adults to be named!

Does this mean that you are the chosen one?

Really domineering!

There are a total of fifteen small forces present, and the leaders of four of them are half-step grandmasters, and all the others are level twelve or higher!

Jiang Fan directly divided them into fifteen teams in order, and the leader of each team was the captain!

According to their regular operations area, they are divided into four areas, each with a half-step master as the area leader.

The on-line of these regional leaders is in charge of Kirara Hasegawa, Adolf, Adelaide and No.2.

From now on, these teams have only one purpose, to secretly expand their strength!

As for Pei Qing and others, they have special identities. Jiang Fan didn't want to take risks on them, but just let them win over masters in secret when they had the opportunity.

After setting up everything, Jiang Fan directly activated the Master of Hundreds who hadn't used it for a long time!

The teacher of a hundred generations: To be a teacher, you must first correct yourself before you can teach and educate others. This is the foundation of the teacher's ethics!

Remarks: Use this skill, you will become a moral role model and make people admire!

In an instant, everyone was filled with an unstoppable admiration for Jiang Fan!

And Jiang Fan has already spoken with eloquence!

"You guys, you were all so-called little people before, but today is different. The establishment of Tianxuan means that the counterattack of all our little people has begun!"

"Although we are still ugly caterpillars, we have the five major forces as internal responses, and our potential is endless! As long as we silently absorb the nutrients of the five major forces, in the future, we will inevitably break out of cocoons and become butterflies and stand on top of the world!"

"At that time, we have to make the world tremble for us, and we have to make the so-called big people all kneel before us and bow their knees!"

"Everyone, think about it! At that time, each of us will be the creator of the new world order!"

"Every word of ours can be taken from any force!"

"We are the rulers of this world, and we are the uncrowned king of this world!"

Everyone's blood spurted, and even the excited body was trembling!

They have completely indulged in the future world described by Jiang Fan, and they can't help themselves!

"My lord, what you said is true?"

The number two people who knew Jiang Fan too much, all looked at Jiang Fan surreptitiously.

"Nonsense, who will do with you if you don't draw pie these days? I am much worse than voters who understand Wang Huyou!"

Jiang Fan calmly compared a **** to the number two!

And the crowd was already looking at Jiang Fan with red eyes!

"My lord! I, I am so touched!"

"That kind of sight is so desirable!"

"Too excited! Following your lord, my future is not a dream!"

"Seisei! Let us create a better future!"

"Down with the big forces and stand up as the master!"

"Down with the big forces and stand up as the master!"


The crowd waved their arms, excited!

"Look, it's that simple to confuse people!"

Jiang Fan smiled at the number two, and then waved his hand solemnly!

The voices of the crowd faded, and Jiang Fan continued to speak.

"Everyone, the future is bright, but the ups and downs have always existed!"

"But for us, the storm is just a baptism, and the fire is a rebirth!"

"Tell me, do you fear the storm and fire in order to reach the top of the world?"

"Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid!!"

The crowd became more excited, and they all howled desperately!

"Okay! You are not afraid, and I am not afraid! I assure you that when the storm and fire come, I, Jiang Fan, will definitely be in front of you!"

"grown ups!"

"My lord! Uuuuu..."

"So moved!"

"Oh my God, we, we actually followed such a responsible leader!"

"I don't even dare to dream! It's 10,000 times better than the nonsense who understands Wang!"

Among the crowd, a few women directly shed tears of excitement!

And Jiang Fan immediately smiled!

"Of course, there are storms and fires along the way, as well as mellow wine and honey. Today, we don't want fires, just cherish it!"

"All the teams will be ordered to meet at the gate of the Pyramid in eight hours. During this time, whatever you find, it's all yours!"


Everyone was taken aback, and then overjoyed!

"Long live your lord!"

The crowd screamed in excitement and scattered!

And Kirara Hasegawa and others, who were not enveloped by Jiang Fan's master of the century, were already stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

That's awesome!

Suddenly, all these people were bewitched!

Just looking at the excited expressions of these people, you know that as long as Jiang Fan's strength gets stronger, then these people will definitely become more and more committed to Jiang Fan!

Seeing a ghost, who did he learn this trick from?

It is more terrifying than his strength!

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