
The system actually gave a spree directly!

Needless to say, there are 100% predator armor in it!

Jiang Fan was not in a hurry, he first looked at the Wilderness Survival Guide!

Wilderness Survival Guide:...In fact, this is rich in protein, six times that of beef! listen! Crunch and crisp! Chicken flavor!

Remarks: By learning this skill, you will survive in the wild without any disadvantages!


Just as the mantra of Bei Ye, Jiang Fan chose to study without hesitation!

Followed by the R93 tactical sniper rifle!

This big gun is slightly different from Isabel's hand. The barrel is ten centimeters longer!

Looks even more fierce!

R93 Tactical Sniper Rifle: Silver Class!

Level requirements: level seven!

Attack power: None!

Note: The weapon itself does not have any offensive power, but it can fire any bullets! And give it speeding motion!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly. This is indeed a good weapon, and it is also a silver-level firearm. Once you have the right bullets, plus your heavy weapon proficiency and circular ballistics, the power is bound to be extremely amazing!

But on the other hand, without bullets, this thing hasn't worked well without a brick!

Forget it, put it away first!

Putting away the sniper rifle, Jiang Fan finally looked at the Dark Predator Gift Pack with great interest!

But at this moment, the system prompt sounded again!

"Ding! You have items being received, please wait..."


Jiang Fan was startled slightly.

And the next moment, he was stunned!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving the unanimous gratitude from Isabel and Royce-the dark iron-blooded spacecraft (small)!"

Damn it? !

Jiang Fan jumped directly!

Isabel and the others actually gave themselves that spaceship!

In other words, I have a spaceship!

Without saying anything, Jiang Fan took out the spaceship first!


A muffled sound!

A two-story spaceship full of wild style has appeared!

And with the appearance of the spacecraft, the system space has also suddenly increased!

Jiang Fan had never thought about getting such a thing before, so he didn't even look at it at all, and only now did he find that this thing is so exciting!

The whole spacecraft is black, with a shape like a bird, and the diameter of the two engine ports at the back are more than two meters!

In addition to the main console, there is a lounge in the spacecraft!

Although the overall area is not large, it is easy to be crowded with a dozen people!

Dark Jagged Spaceship (Small): Flying props!

Level requirements: None!

Skill requirements: spaceship proficient!

Maximum speed: Mach 4.5!

Weapon load: None!

Special attributes: can be invisible and perform short-distance space jumps!

Note: If the spacecraft appears in any world with a predator, it is certain that it will be detonated remotely by the opponent!

Want to detonate, how can it be so easy!

Jiang Fan smiled coldly, then looked at the spaceship again with excitement!

Although this thing has no offensive power, its appearance is already so handsome!

The point is, you can also be invisible and jump in space!

Wouldn't it be possible to go on vacation to Mars and the moon in the future?

It's cool to think about it!

And nothing else, the speed of Mach 4.5 in itself is exaggerated!

You know, Mach refers to double the speed of sound, Mach 4.5 is 4.5 times the speed of sound!

And if the speed of the spacecraft is converted into data, it is 5500 kilometers per hour!

Fully six times that of a normal civil aviation airliner!

Faster than a fighter!

Whether it's killing or running away, it's absolutely amazing!

Jiang Fan laughed excitedly!

It took a long time to take off the ship and look at the Dark Predator Gift Pack!

As Jiang Fan opened the gift package, a sweet reminder sounded directly!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 12,000 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the predator central control computer!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the armor of the first generation predator!"

Finally got it!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

Then he touched the silver armor!

The original predator armor (one of the silver suits): made of alien metal, indestructible! It is the strongest defensive equipment of the predator!

Note: This equipment can perfectly integrate the rest of the iron-blood suit and increase all effects including suit attributes by 20%!

Set attributes:? ? ?

Jiang Fan gently stroked this armor, and his heart was full of flavours for a while!

A few months have passed since I got my first silver suit from my first job transfer mission!

And now, his own strength is even more different than before!

It can be said that the experience of getting the iron blood suit is the experience of growing up all the way!

Calm down a bit, Jiang Fan lined up the rest of the iron-blood suit!

The first generation predator mask (one of the silver suits): made of alien metal, indestructible! The most important equipment of the predator!

Remarks: This equipment comes with infrared detection, automatic translation, combat effectiveness detection, automatic oxygen supply, and anti-virus!

Additional ability: change the appearance and form according to the host's wishes!

Set attributes:? ? ?

The First Generation Predator Wrist Knife (one of the silver suits): made of alien metal, unmatched sharpness! It is the predator's first weapon in melee combat!

Note: This equipment is extremely sharp and can be ejected!

Set attributes:? ? ?

The first generation predator stealth device (one of the silver suits): Created by Alien Technology, it not only achieves the perfect stealth effect, but also shields the energy response!

Remarks: This equipment loses its effect when exposed to water, and needs to cooperate with the iron armor to take effect!

Set attributes:? ? ?

The first generation predator ion cannon (one of the silver suits): built by alien technology, extremely destructive!

Note: This equipment is divided into handheld and shoulder-mounted!

Handheld state: fire rate of two seconds per shot!

Shoulder load status: fire rate 0.5 seconds/shot!

Tip: The shoulder load status needs to be combined with the iron blood armor to take effect!

Set attributes:? ? ?

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Fan clicked his finger. The next moment, all the equipment flashed, and they were all set on Jiang Fan!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's whole body was covered by armor that exuded silver light, and his body was full of silver light!

It's just different from the predator, this armor is worn on Jiang Fan, not only does not have any bloat, but like the armor of Iron Man, it is full of flexibility and power!

Especially the sharp wrist swords with both hands and the ion cannon on the shoulders gave him a fierce smell!

Jagged suit attributes:

1. Ion shield: After activation, an energy force field will be generated. During the existence of this force field, you can be immune to any energy attack! But if the host receives a lethal attack, the shield will disappear after resisting it once! This function is refreshed every 24 hours!

2. Killing Flywheel: The host will get four Killing Flywheels! This weapon can be used for face-to-face or single-kill according to the host's wishes! When using a face-to-face attack, the flywheel will automatically hunt down any creature within 500 meters of the host, but the attack power is silver! When the host chooses a single kill, the attack power will break through the silver level!

3. Energy increase: When the host is equipped with the suit, its own attack power is not affected by the suit, and the suit will increase the host's full attributes by 30%!

Jiang Fan stared at the suit blankly, and then directly spit out two words——


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