God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 139: Do you deserve me to write?

Preface to the Collection of Orchid Pavilion (Gold Grade): Pianruo Jinghong, graceful as a dragon, Rong Yao Qiuju, Huamao Chunsong! It seems as if the moon is covered by the light clouds, and the snow flutters like the breeze!

Note: This is a rare treasure presented to you by "Book Saint" Wang Xizhi! So far, this is the last one!

The last one?

Jiang Fan was a little puzzled, but he put it away carefully!

Master of Calligraphy: Learn this skill and you will become a master of calligraphy! All kinds of calligraphy come at your fingertips!




In an instant, countless calligraphy knowledge immediately appeared in Jiang Fan's mind!

Jiang Fan finally looked at the last "three points into the wood"!

This thing is in the shape of a wooden board with four small writing brushes that read "three points into the wood"!

Iriki Sanfen: Do you want to know the origin of this allusion? Baidu Bar Boy!

Jiang Fan is a bit square!

The system is still leather!

Legend has it that the emperor at that time had to go to the northern suburbs to make sacrifices, and asked Wang Xizhi to write the congratulatory message on a wooden board, and then send workers to carve it. Unexpectedly! Wang Xizhi's ink marks went deep into the wood, and the engraver cut the wood to a depth of three minutes before reaching the bottom. People admire the power of Wang Xizhi's brushwork! This is the origin of the three points of the wood!

Remarks: This product is a one-time item. After use, your next attack will produce a 100% ignoring defense effect!

Jiang Fan gasped!

Ignore defense!

What is this concept?

For example, if you encounter the Hulk, you can hack him to death with a kitchen knife!

However, this thing shouldn't be so overbearing, right?

Jiang Fan took a closer look!

Sure enough, I saw there was a line of small characters on this item——

Please note! This product is only effective for people of Black Iron rank and below! Above the black iron level, the effect is greatly reduced!

The concept of this black iron rank is actually similar to Jiang Fan's current strength. The strength limit of a black iron rank character is basically Jiang Fan's most extreme strength before reaching the fifth rank!

Putting away the props, Jiang Fan took another look at the experience!

Very good, one more mission, you can upgrade!

When the time comes, the job change will start! There is also a silver prize draw! Think about it, it's all exciting!

"Return to reality!"


Reappearing on the street, Jiang Fan, looking at the time, hurriedly returned to Blue Eagle!

Only at this moment, the atmosphere in the office is extremely unfriendly!

Chen Ling, with a calm face, with a frosty temperament, at this moment, she is even more slaughter!

Even Jiang Fan felt that his scalp was numb!

Yes, you didn't come to yourself, right?

It must be Yang Jianye and Hu Guang, how did these two idiots offend her!

"Ms. Chen, are you feeling unwell? Or, should I buy a cup of milk tea?"

Jiang Fan has a sincere look on his face!

Yang Jianye and Hu Guang looked at Jiang Fan incredible!

Teacher Jiang, are you looking for death?

Teacher Chen gave birth to your anger!

Go idiot! It's going to die!

Sure enough, I saw Chen Ling, and the corners of his mouth gradually aroused, looking at Jiang Fan with a smile!

This bastard! Actually, dare to talk coldly!

Chen Ling almost gritted her teeth and said, "Thank you, Teacher Jiang!"

That's it!

Poor Teacher Jiang, he doesn't even know why he died!

Too wrong!

Only at this moment!

"Hey! Are you teachers all right? Come and help!"

I saw that a male teacher wearing a Tang suit with shawl and hair was looking at Jiang Fan with a proud face!

Chen Ling, who was on the verge of an explosion, immediately narrowed her eyes when she heard the male teacher's words!


Murderous burst!

The male teacher almost got scared to pee!

"Well, Teacher Chen, you, calm down!"

Hu Guangzhuang courageously persuade!

Yang Jianye smiled and looked at the male teacher: "Teacher Cai, are you okay?"

Cai Xiaojing gave a dry cough, and his attitude was quite restrained!

"Haha, there are a few tables missing in the calligraphy room, I want you to help!"

"Oh, alright!"

Yang Jianye hurriedly agreed, and at the same time, he pulled Jiang Fan!

Teacher Jiang, let's go!

Otherwise, the mother who will definitely be beaten by Teacher Chen will not be recognized for a while!

Jiang Fan only thought that Yang Jianye would let himself help, and followed Yang Jianye out of the office based on the principle of helping others!

The calligraphy room of the second grade group is on the third floor, but you need to lift the table on the first floor!

There were three tables in total, Jiang Fan, Yang Jianye, and Hu Guang, one for each, and soon they lifted the table to the third floor!

However, the table was very heavy, Jiang Fan didn't feel it, but Yang Jianye and Hu Guang were out of breath!

At this moment, the calligraphy room is full of students, and there are two other calligraphy teachers. Seeing a few people raise the table, these people suddenly look dissatisfied!

"Why is it so slow! Delayed our class!"

"is not that right!"

"Is that physical strength for those who still teach physical education?"

"Forget it, the sports team is useless!"

Even Cai Xiaojing is dissatisfied!

"Hey! It's not easy to do a little work like this? Isn't your sports team too idle? What a delay! Hurry up!"

Yang Jianye and Hu Guang's faces sank!

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Teacher Cai! We didn't have the obligation to help you. If we don't say thank you, we shouldn't talk coldly, right?"

Cai Xiaojing smiled disdainfully!

"It is your honor to let you help! Usually, you are not allowed to enter the calligraphy room at all!"

"It is a blessing for you illiterate group to be able to come in and be influenced by the fragrance of books!"

"This is my greatest thanks to you!"


Hu Guang and Yang Jianye's faces flushed with anger!

It was a pleasure to help others, but Cai Xiaojing's words were too much!

"Teacher Cai, it's too much to say that? As a teacher, you are not afraid of spoiling students?"

Cai Xiaojing looked impatient!

"What's too much? Don't do it forever! Smelly sweaty, go quickly! Don't make our calligraphy room smelly!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

"Are you going to die?"

Cai Xiaojing was looked at by Jiang Fan's indifferent eyes, only to feel that his heart was cold, and he almost sat down!

Yang Jianye and Hu Guang hurriedly grabbed Jiang Fan!

"Teacher Jiang, forget it!"

"Yes! Don't be familiar with him, let's go!"

Jiang Fan gave Cai Xiaojing a vicious look, then turned and left!

However, as soon as he was about to go out, Cai Xiaojing took a mouthful of disdain!

"Cut! What the hell! Nothing but hands-on! As expected, they are all illiterate idiots!"

Jiang Fan stopped abruptly!

Huo Ran looked back!

The hearts of Yang Jianye and Hu Guang almost jumped out of fright!

Cai Xiaojing, this idiot, isn't this looking for death?

Teacher Jiang, but never used to anyone else's habit!

"Ms. Jiang, don't be impulsive!"

"Don't do it! It will kill him!"

"Don't worry, I'm afraid of getting my hands dirty when hitting such a bitch!"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"You! What did you say?"

Cai Xiaojing is angry!

"I said you are a slut! If you can write a few calligraphy, you can treat yourself as a cultural person, right? Frog at the bottom of the well!"

Cai Xiaojing was smirked directly!

He is the entire Lan Ying, the best teacher of calligraphy!

Still, a visiting professor at the University of Los Angeles!

A calligraphy, called "Little Caijing"! There are countless people in Los Angeles!

Today, unexpectedly, someone dares to say that he is a frog in the bottom of the well in front of his own face?

"Your name is Jiang Fan, right? Hehe, okay, say I am a frog at the bottom of the well, well, write a few words for me to see!"

"Let me write? Do you deserve it?"

Jiang Fan's eyes are full of contempt!


Cai Xiaojing is furious!

"Teacher Cai, forget it, just this kind of waste, what words would you write?"

"Yes! This kind of person, I don't even know how to hold a pen!"

"Let them go, we have to go to class!"

Several calligraphy teachers looked at Jiang Fan with sarcasm!

"No! I have to make others think that Cai Xiaojing is the one who is afraid of him!

"Jiang Fan, don't you want to improve the grades of Class 3? As long as you can write the words that I can convince today, I will directly use the privilege of the art class tutor to give your class extra points!"

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